[WARLORDS] Amra's Modpack v2


the Lion
Mar 13, 2006
Amra's Modpack v2.10 (Final for Warlords)
All civilizations in this modpack have animated leaderheads and 2 Unique Units.
A version for Beyond The Sword can be found HERE.
For an earlier Civ4 v1.61 (non-Warlords) modpack, visit HERE


Preview new leaders and Civilizations

Additional Screenshots & Info -- Frequently Asked Questions

- 40 New civs (64 total in game) with Animated Leaderheads
- Ethnically Diverse Units & 2 Unique Units for all civs
- Enhanced Advisors & other popular interface changes
- First contact dialogue, DiploMusic & Full pedia entries
- New Resources, Techs, Wonders, Buildings & Improvements
- More Religions, Favorite Religions & Inquisitors
- More Great People with GP mod art & quotes
- More Promotions including Air Units

My goal with this modpack (besides having fun) is to provide a free expansion pack with more of everything including Civs, Leaders, Units, Buildings, Wonders, Resources, Techs, Religions, Mod Components and Popular Interface/Graphical changes that enhance/extend the gameplay and visual style of Civilization IV. I enjoyed creating this modpack and hope others will will have fun playing it.


12/15/2007 - File has been re-uploaded to AtomicGamer. Be aware, however, that it is still only for Warlords version 2.08 and NOT version 2.13

I AM CURRENTLY WORKING ON A VERSION FOR BTS. - Ever so slowly, but I am working on it.

Also, I am sorry but I will no longer be supporting this version as I do not play Warlords any more and am concentrating my free time on the move to BtS.

In the meantime, if you are looking for a similar modpack for BtS v3.13, I would suggest Marnzmod. Give it a try.

Main download version 2.10a (188MB 7-Zip archive): DOWNLOAD LINK
7-Zip utility can be found HERE.

Optional Patches
Please note that the Ranged Bombardment patch & the 15 Resources patch are currently exclusive of each other. That is, you should NOT install both, only one or the other. If you would like both of them combined, then please let me know & I will do so upon request. Thanks... Amra

Dale's Ranged Bombardment Add-on - Extract to your \Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods folder. By request, this will add Dale's Ranged Bombardment to Amra's Modpack v210. If you think you may not like it then backup your Amra v210 folder first as it will overwrite some files & there is no option to uninstall it. This is NOT compatible with prior savegames and should NOT be installed with the 15 Resources patch below.

15 Resources patch - Extract to your \Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods folder. By request, this small patch reinstates the 5 new resources (Olives, Potato, Hemp, Pearls and Rubber) as well as the unit resource requirements that were removed in v210. This is NOT compatible with prior savegames and should NOT be installed with the Ranged Bombardment patch above.

Amra 24 Player Scenario Maps - Extract to your \Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\PublicMaps folder. (Only necessary if using the 24 player DLL) When starting a game, select "Single Player" then "Play a Scenario" and look for the maps starting with "Amra". Note that this patch does not include a Earth1000AD map, I couldn't get that one to start up for some reason.

Rhye's 24 Player Earth Map - Extract to your \Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\PublicMaps folder. (Only necessary if using the 24 player DLL). Full credit to Rhye.

Note that the 24 player maps will not include any of the new resources (which means you will not be able to build some buildings such as the Munition Factory, Brewery or Tavern). They have not been edited to that extent yet. If you edit one or all and would like it posted here, then please let me know & thank you.

Other Recommended Downloads
Blue Marble Mod - Nicer terrain graphics even on older computers using their low-res option
CIV Gold - No interface or gameplay changes but a LOT more quality civs (soon to be double what I have) in one tidy package. All with animated leaderheads.
Fall from Heaven II - A very well done fantasy mod (you probably already know that)
Just Another Mod Chooser - A handy little utility for easily switching between mods

Extract this file to your Warlords "Mods" folder within the Warlords game directory. For example, C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\MODS. It should create a folder called "Amra v210" that will include all of the modpack files. In game, click on "Advanced" and then "Load a Mod" to play.

If you want this mod to load automatically every time you play Civ4 Warlords then edit the "CivilizationIV.ini" file in your "\My Documents\My Games\Warlords" directory. Search for "Mod = 0" and change it to "Mod = Mods\Amra v210".

Please note that Multiplayer requires all players to have the same version of this mod installed and loaded when playing. I do not play on multiplayer, however, so this is largely untested in that respect.

Note that the modpack includes a 24 player DLL file. It can be found in the "Amra v210\Assets" folder. To use it just backup the other DLL in that folder and then rename the 24Players DLL.

For best results and more control over this mod's new features, use the Custom Game option when starting a game.

This is not necessarily an exact recreation of recorded history right down to the last painstaking detail, as evidenced by some of the civs and units. I have, however, tried my best to portray each of the new civs and rulers as accurately as possible but I am limited by the 3D models available. Many of the reskinned leaderheads have swapped animations in an effort to set them apart from the retail leaderheads.

A lot of the mod components included in this modpack are configurable by an ini file located in the modpack's main directory. Tweaking them should be self explanatory. However, if you need help please review the included readme files or check the modmaker’s Civfanatics forum thread.

New with v2.10: You can now view the FAQ, Mod Component Info, and more from within the Sevopedia. Look for Amra in the Game Concepts menu or from the Sevopedia index.


- Minimum city range (distance required between cities) increased from 2 to 3
- 5 additional religions, each with a new tech to research
- 15 new techs (some are required by buildings and units)
- Tech trading has been moved from Alphabet to Guilds
- Religious Victory condition
- Upgrade costs reduced
- Ironclad moves 3 (not 2)
- Transport now has cargo capacity of 5 (instead of 4)
- Chinook can travel over water
- Gunships can travel over Coastal water but not Oceans
- Barbarians allowed to build Pikemen and Triremes
- Animal/Barbarian maximum XP values increased (50/100, was 5/10)
- Animals no longer disappear when Barbarians appear
- Maximum experience on upgrade changed from 10 to 16 allowing the unit to keep an extra promotion
- Aggressive trait gives the Combat promotion to melee, gun, recon, archer and mounted units (was melee and gun)
- Chopping down a Jungle now produces hammers (third of forest production)
- Scouts/Explorers can build forts and explore Ancient Temples
- Artillery can upgrade to Mobile Artillery

DESCRIPTION/LIST OF MODS INCLUDED (Visit the links below for more info)
- 40 new civs with animated leaderheads
- Hundreds of new units including 2nd UU for ALL civs and Ethnically Diverse Units
- More Great People with GP mod art and quotes
- 11 new Wonders, 10 new resources and 5 new Religions
- First contact dialogue, Diplomacy Music and more city names
- Full pedia entries (In English when translation not available)
- New flags, misc unit skins and roads by various modders
- New techs and Improvements
- 5-man formations by anhu for Melee units
- Actual Quotes v3.51b by Willowmound
- Additional Color Values by SimCutie
- AIAutoPlay v1.4 by jdog5000
- Air Forces Mod v0.2w by TheLopez
- Attitude Icons by Porges
- Bad Ronald's Custom Colors and Flags v3.0 (Flags only)
- Better Ship Scale v1.0 by Elhoim
- Civ4lerts by Dr Elmer Jiggle (Updated to Warlords by jray)
- Cultural Influences mod v0.4w by TheLopez
- Customizable Domestic Advisor v0.95w by Taelis (updated by TheLopez)
- Dawn of Man mod v0.2 by TheLopez
- Dead Civ Scoreboard Mod v0.3w by TheLopez
- Defensive Combat camera fix by RogerBacon
- Enhanced Military Advisor v1.4w by SupremeOverlord and TheLopez
- Enhanced Tech Conquest v0.5w by Bhruic and TheLopez
- Ethnic Diverse Citystyles (and Palaces) v1.01 by GeoModder
- Ethnically Diverse Units v2.8 (modified) by Rabbit, White
- Exotic Foreign Advisor v0.96 by Requies, SupremeOverlord and Elhoim
- Favorite Religion v0.2w by TheLopez
- FexFx's Endurance and Marathon speeds
- Flying Mod by RogerBacon (bFlying code only)
- Great Generals From Barbarian Combat Mod v0.3w by TheLopez
- Great People Point Pooling by Impaler[WrG] (SDK Game Option)
- Great Person Mod with Renamer Mod v1.01a by Patricius and Gaurav
- Hall of Fame Win/Loss screen by Fallblau (Updated to Warlords by jray)
- Inquisition Mod v0.4.1w by TheLopez
- Insane Barbarians (as optional difficulty levels) by yakk and Quaetam
- JDynamicReligionsScreen by Jeckel
- New Era images by frenchman
- Not Just Another Game Clock Mod v0.4w by TheLopez
- Promotion and Trait Mod v0.5 by Zuul
- Raw Commerce City Display by Sevo
- Real UN Resolutions Names by Rufus T. Firefly
- Route Pillage Mod v0.3.1w by TheLopez
- Sevopedia v2.2a by Sevo, Gaurav, Progor, Vovan and Fitchn
- ShowInfo Utility by eN (Updated to Warlords by jray)
- Specialist Stacker Mod v0.8.1w by TheLopez
- TechWindow Mod v1.g by Roamty and Gaurav
- Unique Great Person mod v0.2w by Mexico
- Unit Allegiance Mod v0.4w by Snaitf and The Lopez
- Unit Statistics Mod v1.43 by Teg_Navanis
- Water Animals Mod v0.3w by TheLopez

Known Issues
- Desert Windmills are animated in Civilopedia but not in game. If someone knows how to fix this, please let me know.
- Tobacco and Cotton resources from Warlords scenarios display oddly in Pedia and sometimes in game.
- Atheas & Ostenaco's eyelids don't display properly due to changing their animations.
- This modpack includes a LOT of EDUnits (Ethnically Diverse Units) that will be listed in various parts of the game as Unique Units. All civs only have 2 truly unique units and any other unit listed as such is purely in the game to offer some visual variety. No stats or abilities have been changed on any EDUnit.
Spoiler CREDITS :

This modpack initially used Rabbit's Essentials as a base. Full credit and thanks go to Rabbit, White for originally merging most of the interface mods in prior versions of this modpack and for various ideas/concepts that I am still using. Other credit goes to all those listed in this readme, including Sevo and Master Lexx for many good ideas, TheLopez for some great customizable python mods, Wyz_Sub10 for some quality civs and a lot of help and support, CivArmy s.1994 for even more civs, and LAnkou and C Roland for their previously reskinned leaderheads which gave me the idea for this mod. If you see your work in this modpack and I forgot to credit you, please accept my thanks and sincere apologies. Readme files for all mod components, when available, have been included.

- Aborigine (Wyz_sub10 and Civ Gold Team*)
- Abyssinians (CivArmy s.1994 and Sevo)
- Aesir (Amra)
- Armenia (Drtad and Levonardo)
- Assyria (Amra)
- Austria (Anima Croatorum)
- Babylon (CivArmy s.1994 and Sevo)
- Bretagne (LAnkou and Sevo)
- Bulgaria (svetg - and pataroka for helpful info)
- Byzantium (Amra)
- Canada (Wyz_sub10)
- Cherokee (CivArmy s.1994 and Sevo)
- Dutch/Netherlands (Tremo)
- Etruria (CivArmy s.1994)
- Goths (Alhwaric)
- Hittites (PW90)
- Hyboria (Amra)
- Israel (CivArmy s.1994, Keldath and Civ Gold Team*)
- Iroquois (Wyz_sub10 and Civ Gold Team*)
- Italy (Robo Magic Man and Throttle)
- Khmer (Civ Gold Team*)
- Kushans (CivArmy s.1994)
- Magyar (Anima Croatorum)
- Majapahit (Civ Gold Team*)
- Maya (Tactician Zhao)
- Minoa (Amra)
- Nubia (Civ Gold Team*)
- Picts (Amra)
- Pirates (Dogbeard)
- Poland (civ.org.pl team)
- Polynesia (Amra)
- Portugal (CivArmy s.1994 and Sevo)
- Scotland (WaxonWaxov)
- Scythia (Amra)
- Sumeria (Monkspider)
- Sweden (Wazdix)
- Thailand (Perseid)
- Tibet (Amra)
- Troy (Amra)
- Vietnam (The Q-Meister and Civ Gold Team*)

* Civ Gold Team is Sevo, Shqype and Wyz_sub10
(BIG Thank you to ALL civ creators and a special thanks to the Civ Gold Team for allowing me to include a few Civs and LH's from their mod)

- 5-man formations mod by anhu
- Actual Quotes v3.51b by Willowmound
- AIAutoPLay v1.4 by jdog5000 (SDK)
- Air Forces Mod v0.2w by TheLopez
- Attitude Icons by Porges
- Civ4lerts by Dr Elmer Jiggle (Updated to Warlords by jray)
- Combat XP Counter by NeverMind
- Customizable Domestic Advisor v0.95w by Taelis (updated by TheLopez)
- Dawn of Man Mod v0.2 by TheLopez
- Dead Civ Scoreboard Mod v0.3w by TheLopez
- Defensive Combat camera fix by RogerBacon (SDK)
- Enhanced Culture Conquest v1.4.1w by TheLopez
- Enhanced Military Advisor v1.4w by SupremeOverlord and TheLopez
- Enhanced Tech Conquest v0.5w by Bhruic and TheLopez
- Exotic Foreign Advisor 0.96 by Requies, SupremeOverlord and Elhoim
- Favorite Religion v0.2w by TheLopez (SDK)
- Flying Mod by RogerBacon (SDK - Flying component only)
- Great Generals From Barbarian Combat Mod v0.3w by TheLopez
- Great People Point Pooling by Impaler(WrG) (SDK Game Option)
- Great Person Mod with Renamer Mod v1.01 by Patricius, Gaurav and Amra
- Hall of Fame Win/Loss screen by Fallblau (Updated to Warlords by jray)
- Inquisition Mod v0.4.1w by TheLopez
- Insane Barbarians (as optional difficulty levels) by yakk and Quaetam
- JDynamicReligionsScreen by Jeckel
- Move Highlighter v1.1 by TGA and 12monkeys (Included, but disabled)
- Not Just Another Game Clock Mod v0.4w by TheLopez
- New Endurance and Marathon speeds (870, 1200 turns) by FexFX
- Promotion and Trait Mod v0.5 by Zuul
- Raw Commerce City Display by Sevo
- Real UN Resolutions Names by Rufus T. Firefly
- Route Pillage Mod v0.3.1w by TheLopez
- Sevopedia v2.2a by Sevo, Gaurav, Progor, Vovan and Fitchn
- ShowInfo Utility by eN (Updated to Warlords by jray)
- Specialist Stacker Mod v0.8.1w by TheLopez
- TechWindow Mod v1g by Roamty
- Unique Great Person mod v0.2w by Mexico (SDK)
- Unit Allegiance Mod v0.4w by Snaitf and The Lopez
- Unit Statistics Mod v1.43 by Teg_Navanis

- Abyssinian DiploMusic, flag and button (credit BlackGas)
- Bad Ronald's Custom Colors and Flags v3.0 (Partial - Credit Bad Ronald)
- Better Ship Scale v1.0 by Elhoim
- Bismark and Caesar improved skins by Rufus T. Firefly (with minor tweaks by Rabbit, White)
- Emperor Hirohito LH mod by Chugginator
- Ethnic Diverse Citystyles (and Palaces) v1.01 by GeoModder
- Joan of Arc v1.0 LH by bmarnz
- New road texture by patgarr
- New era images by frenchman
- Replacement flags by various talented modders including Rhyes (Thanks to all)
- SimCutie's Additional Color Values
- Various diplomacy music by Sevo and CIV Gold Team
- Various 3D LH items (clothing, etc) by Iloveplayciv
- Various new resources from Greenmod by Master Lexx
- Water Animals Mod v0.3w by TheLopez (SDK)

- Aggressive trait gives the combat promotion to melee, firearms, recon, archer and mounted units (credit Rabbit's Essentials)
- Animals can now enter cities if player controlled (Kael SDK code)
- Animals no longer disappear when Barbarians appear (Kael SDK code)
- Increased Forest growth rate and Oasis appearance (credit Greenmod by Master Lexx)
- Ironclad moves 3, not 2 (credit Rabbit's Essentials)
- Tech trading has been moved from Alphabet to Guilds (credit Rabbit's Essentials)
- Scouts and Explorers can build forts and explore ancient temples (credit Sevomod)
- Transport now has cargo capacity of 5 instead of 4 (credit Rabbit's Essentials)
- Upgrade costs reduced (credit Rabbit's Essentials)
- NATO tech (credit Modern World mod by Psyx)
- Dualism tech (credit Total Realism)

- Adam Smith's Trading Co (credit Total Realism)
- Aesir Mead-Hall UB (credit FFH2)
- Alchemist (credit ganart)
- Ancient Temple resource (credit FFH2)
- Archery Range building (credit FFH2)
- Babylonian Code of Hammurabi UB (credit Prestidigitator)
- Brewery (credit Duke van Frost)
- Bulgaria Chitalishte UB (credit FFH2)
- Canadian Microwave Station UB (credit Wyz_sub10)
- Cherokee Didanawisgi UB (credit FFH)
- Cinema (credit Total Realism mod)
- Egyptian Myth buildings (credit Sevo, hrochland and Rabbit, White)
- Goths Plunder UB (credit Dogbeard)
- Hellenism buidlings (credit Sevo and C Roland?)
- Inn (credit Rabbit, White)
- Iroquois Longhouse UB (credit kodzi)
- Leonardo's Workshop (credit Total Realism)
- Lindbergh's Flight Wonder (Spirit of St Louis) by charly1977
- Lost Civilization resource (credit FFH2)
- Mass Transit System (credit Total Realism mod)
- Mesoamerican buildings (credit hrochland, charly1977 and Total Realism)
- Natural Gas Pipeline and Plant (credit Sevo)
- Norse Paganism buildings (credit hrochland and FFH2)
- Pirate Stronghold UB (credit FFH2)
- Poland Distillery UB (credit FFH and C Roland)
- Public Bath (credit Total Realism mod)
- Scythia Stables UB (credit Ganart)
- SETI Program (credit hrochland)
- Sewer by Chamaedrys
- Sphinx Wonder (credit Rabbit, White)
- Sumeria Ziggurat UB (credit Prestidigitator)
- Tavern (credit FFH2)
- Tank Factory by Splinter13 and Asioasioasio
- TV Station (credit Total Realism mod)
- Zoroastrianism buildings (credit Total Realism)

- Aborigine UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Abyssinian Ethiopian RPG-7 UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Aegis (credit Snafusmith and C Roland)
- Aesir Einherjar UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Aesir Norse god UU (credit FFH2)
- Aesir Valkyrie UU (credit C.Roland and Ploeperpengel) Yes, I know Valkyries should be on horses and only have wings on their helmet but I do not have a 3D model available for that. If you can create a good one, I will use it. In the meantime, this is a really cool unit
- African EDUnits (12 units) by bakuel
- AntiqueSwordsman (credit SeZereth)
- Assyrian Battering Ram UU (credit ganart)
- Austrian Leopard 2 Tank UU (credit snafusmith)
- Aztec UU (Eagle Warrior) by sepamu92
- Babylonian Archer UU (credit notarzt)
- Bulgarian Bagatur UU (credit ganart)
- Bulgarian Red Beret UU (credit Mozza)
- Byzantine Dromon UU (credit Arne)
- Byzantine Tagmata UU (credit Bhiita)
- Canada Corps UU (credit GarretSidzaka and Wyz_sub10)
- Celtic Scout EDUnit by sepamu92
- Denim Modern Worker (credit Spindrift)
- EDU Barbarian Archer (credit sepamu92)
- EDU Barbarian Axeman (credit Rabbit, White)
- EDU Barbarian Longbowman (credit Rabbit, White)
- EDU Barbarian Maceman (credit bernie14)
- EDU Barbarian Pikeman (credit Rabbit, White)
- EDU Barbarian Spearman (credit Mozza)
- EDU Barbarian Swordsman (credit bernie14)
- EDU Barbarian Warrior (credit bernie14)
- EDU Axemen (4 units) by danrell
- EDU Crossbowman (4 units) by danrell
- EDU Grenadiers (4 units) by Walter Hawkwood
- EDU Horseman (2 units) by Rabbit, White
- EDU Infantry (2 units) by danrell
- EDU Longbowmen (8 units) by danrell, sepamu92 and AlazkanAssassin
- EDU Machine Gun (2 units) by bernie14
- EDU Marine (1 unit) by Mozza
- EDU Marine (5 units) and standard marine reskin by Baal_isidro
- EDU Musketmen (4 units) by sepamu92 and Chamaedrys
- EDU Oriental Worker by Walter Hawkwood
- EDU Pirates (16 units) credit StrategyOnly's Japanese Mythology mod, Kael and Dogbeard
- EDU Rifleman (2 units) by bernie14
- EDU Scouts (2 units) by sepamu92 and Chugginator
- EDU Swordsman (Egypt) by danrell
- Elephant by Chugginator
- Ethnically Diverse Units v2.8 (modified) by Rabbit, White
- Etruscan Hoplite UU (credit sepamu92)
- Exotic Animals v0.1 - partial (credit Zuul)
- Fiat CR42 EDUnit by nautil
- French Dragoon UU (credit Chamaedrys)
- Galley - new (credit Rabbit, White)
- Goth Huskarl UU (credit bernie14)
- Hidden Units mod (credit nautil)
- Hittite Infantry UU (credit ganart)
- Inquisitor unit (Christian) by Chugginator
- Iroquois Mounted Warrior UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Iroquois Mohawk Archer UU (credit C Roland)
- Israel Merkava UU (credit Sharick)
- JA-37 Viggen EDUnit by splatt
- Khmer FANK UU (credit Mozza)
- Korea Kobukson UU (credit Chamaedrys)
- Kushan Ashvaka UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Lost Units Mod - partial (credit Frontbrecher)
- Maya Nacom UU (credit Chugginator)
- Minoan Bull Warrior UU (credit sepamu92)
- Minoan Trireme UU (credit Arne)
- Native Cavalry EDUnit by GarretSidzaka
- Persian Immortal Skirmisher UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Picts Marchan UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Pirate Brigantine UU (credit danrell)
- Polish PT-91 Twardy UU (credit Snafusmith)
- Polynesian Waka UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Scythian Royal Scyth UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Second Unique Unit Mod 1.00 (credit Master Lexx)
- Ship of the Line (credit Rabbit, White)
- Stealth Bomber reskin (credit agent 009)
- Sumerian Chariot UU (credit C Roland)
- Sumerian Vulture UU (credit Cafegio)
- Swedish Landsfanor UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Thai Battle Elephant UU (credit Rabbit, White)
- Tibetan Dob Dob UU (credit SeZereth)
- Tibetan Khampa Horseman Uu (credit Mumin)
- Werewolf (credit Rabbit, White)
- Zeppelin (credit Chamaedrys)
- Zulu UU (ibutho clubman) by sepamu92

Other new units, buildings and reskins by Civfanatics modders including, but not limited to: Rabbit White, C Roland, SeZereth, Master Lexx, LAnkou, CivArmy s.1994, Zuul, nautil, Snafusmith, sharick, boneys26, bhiita, Aranor, Rufus T. Firefly, CdGGambit and ArneoKerdarun. Thanks to them AND anyone else whose work I may have used. Please see included text file for version history and more credits that I may have missed here.

Toys-R-Us, Petemcpete, The Swede, wicked1, civmatrix, ojchase, bmarnz, rebakan, TORARADICAL (for help in testing)
Teg_Navanis, TheLopez (for prior merging of SDK mods and python coding as well as quality mod components)
Rabbit, White (for a LOT of great units)
Snafusmith (for a ton of Armored and Air units from his Modern Warfare mod)

Please post comments and give me feedback, good or bad. If you find a bug, let me know so that I can try to fix it or remove the non-working component in any future versions. If you think something should be changed, let me know with a reason why or an alternative suggestion.

Thanks and Enjoy!
Additional Screenshots & Info
Here are some screenshots of some of the features of Amra's Modpack v2.10 as well as informational spreadsheets on the leaders, civs, etc.

Please note that I do not take credit for creating these components (see post#1 for proper credits), I only added them into my modpack and thought some people might want to preview them before committing to such a large download.

Leader Traits, Starting Techs, New Resources, Tech Tree, Religion Screen

Main Interface, City Screen, New City Art, Sevopedia, UnitStats

Domestic Advisor (2 images), Foreign Advisor (2 images), Military Advisor
Frequently Asked Questions :coffee:
Please read through this FAQ before posting questions on the Modpack's forum. It is very possible that someone else has already asked your question and the answer is included below.

If you are having problems seeing the user interface in modpack, please see THIS POST. Thank you rebakan for the helpful info.

1.) Why did you include the abc civilization and not the xyz civilization?

I have mostly chosen which civs are included in my modpack based upon who I think I can reskin an existing 3D model to look like. Or, as with the Aesir, Hyborians and Pirates, I wanted to include some civs that are fun and different. This is a game, after all.

2.) I don't want the abc civilization in my game. Is there an easy way to remove it?
Yes. Simply edit the "CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml" file located in Amra v208\Assets\XML\Civilizations\ with Notepad, find the civ in question and change the values for "bPlayable" and "bAIPlayable" from "1" to "0"

3.) Why do the majority of the new civs have only one leader?
One of my goals with this modpack has been to include as many new civs as possible without reskinning any particular 3D model more than once so as to keep the new leaders from looking too familiar. Obviously, I have broken this rule a few times but do not currently have any plans to add more civs (unless there is another Firaxis expansion pack).

4.) Why don't some of the new leaders look more like their real life counterparts?
I am not a computer 3D artist (or programmer for that matter) and am limited by my talent, or lack thereof, and the retail 3D models available.

5.) How can I change the name of a Leader or Civ that is displayed in game (ie: "Vittorio" to "Vittorio Emanuele II")?
With Notepad, open the "Amra_CIV4GameText_Civs.xml" file located in "Amra v208\Assets\XML\Text" folder and search (CTRL-F) for the name, as it is now, that you want to change. For instance, search for "Vittorio" and you should go right to the "TXT_KEY_LEADER" entry. From there, change the 5 entries for English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish to whatever you would like displayed in game and on the menus.

6.) What is the difference between this and CIV Gold or VISA?
CIV Gold adds many quality civs (more than double my modpack) but does not currently have any interface, gameplay, or SDK changes included. I have used various civs and LH's from them and vice versa so chances are that many of the civs will be similar. Also, the civs in my modpack all have 2 UU's versus the standard 1 UU.

VISA modpack used my v2.00 modpack as a base but has added MANY more unique units and components to where the only similarities now are the new civs and leaderheads from v2.00 of my modpack.

Both mods are well worth checking out whenever you get an opportunity.

7.) I am getting an error message or CTD (crash to desktop) when playing. What do I do?
I have tried to test this modpack as best as I can but I am only one person and not a team with a QA Dept so I apologize if this modpack causes any errors in Civ4. First, try to reload the last save game you have and continue from there. If that does not work then PM me or post on my forum the last savegame that you have prior to the crash. It would also be helpful if you can turn on all the logging options in "CivilizationIV.ini" and then zip up the contents of your Log folder for sending to me.

8.) I thought you said that this modpack includes Ethnically Diverse Units, yet I can't see them in the Pedia. Why is that and can I change it?
The Sevopedia update includes an option to hide any duplicate named units. I turn this option off while compiling and testing my modpack but then turn it back on when I am done. This allows the Pedia to show only the true unique units for each civ and I thought people might like to be surprised by the EDUnits during gameplay. However, if you want to view all units in the Sevopedia, then edit the "Sevopedia_GlobalDefines.xml" file located in Amra v208\Assets\XML\Sevopedia with Notepad and change the value for "PEDIA_HIDE_IDENTICAL" from "1" to "0"

There are a few other self-explanatory options located here for the new Sevopedia that you may or may not want to play with.

9.) Sometimes when I play I will come across two civs next to each other that have border colors very similar to the point where they blend together. Why is that and is there any way to fix it?
Not without creating problems with other civs. I have tried my best to ensure that each civ has a different primary color but unfortunately, when you have 64 total civs, it is bound to happen.

10.) A lot of the civ's flags are white or do not display properly. Or... I do not like the new flags for the retail civs by Bad Ronald and want the original flags back. How can I fix either of these two things?
In the Amra v208\Assets\XML\Art folder you will find a "CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization.xml_Firaxis_Original" file. Rename it to "CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization.xml", obviously deleting the current file first - that file is already backed up as the .xml_Amra_Default file.

This should fix any white flag problem for all but about a dozen of the new civs. I need to create new flag graphics for those and will post a seperate fix for the video card challenged users as soon as I can.

[EDIT] Apparently, there is a problem with the German replacement flag in my modpack being named the exact same as the original Firaxis German flag. Therefore, the above instructions will revert all the retail flags EXCEPT Germany. To fix this, download THIS FILE and extract to your Warlords Mods folder (exactly like the original modpack installation).

11.) I would like Tech Trading to be available with Alphabet (instead of Guilds) like in the retail game. How can I change this back?
It is a two step process.

FIRST, edit the "CIV4TechInfos.xml" file located in Amra v208\Assets\XML\Technologies with Notepad and search for "Type>TECH_GUILDS</Type". Then scroll down and change the value for "bTechTrading" from "1" to "0".

SECONDLY, search for "Type>TECH_ALPHABET</Type". Scroll down and change the value for "bTechTrading" from "0" to "1". Both parts of this procedure are important or the game may not have ANY tech trading when you are done.

12.) How do I enable the Move Highlighter mod? You said it was included but disabled.
In the Amra v208\Assets\Python folder, edit the "CvCustomEventManager.py" file with Notepad and find the two lines that include "MoveHighlighter" in them. At the beginning of each line you will see a "#" character. Simply delete the "#" from the beginning of both lines to enable the Move Highlighter.

Sorry to make you jump through those hoops. I personally preferred the Firaxis default after trying it but understand that some players may want to use it.

13.) All or some of the new leaders are only displaying in game as floating eyes and teeth. What's up with that and can it be fixed? It's just plain creepy.
This is what's known as the "Cheshire Cat" bug. I was not aware until recently that a small minority (as far as I know) of users are experiencing this problem. If you are experiencing this problem then you can help me by letting me know if it is only one or two new leaders (please tell me who), all the new leaders, or all leaders in the game including the original retail ones.

Basically, I need more information before I can post a fix. I am theorizing that as of v2.08 it is a non-shader problem with just Casimir and Sobieski as those two leaders do not have a non-shader version. None was provided by the original creator and I need to create them from scratch. I, however, do not have any method of testing this as my computer displays all the leaderheads properly. Therefore, I need your help to gather more info, prepare a fix, and test it.

14.) I see something that I created (Unit, Building, LH, etc) in your modpack but you didn't give me any credit in your readme file. Are you a no good dirty rotten scoundrel, or worse?
Now, now, let's try to refrain from any name calling. I have tried to keep very meticulous track of the credits for my modpack, but I am only human and may have missed someone or two. If I missed your name then please PM me and I will include you in the credit list when I post any patch or update. In the meantime, thank you for your hard work. It is appreciated.

15.) Can I use leaderheads, units, buildings, civs or other elements from your modpack in my own mod to be posted online?
Of course. Please try to credit the proper person (see question #14) by looking through the Readme file. You will need a utility called PakBuild to extract the art files. This can be found in the utilities section of Civfanatics.com or by googling.

16.) What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What do you mean? An African or European swallow?

17.) Has this modpack been translated into languages other than English?
No. I only speak English and do not have the knowledge or time to complete such a massive undertaking. It should still work on alternate language installations though, as I have included XML entries for other languages. They are just in English.

18.) How many hours did you spend putting this modpack together?
I have long since lost track but I would have to guess at least 600 or so hours over the last year, probably more. I have enjoyed it, however, so it has rarely seemed like actual work.

19.) It's American Football season (Sep - Jan) and you are nowhere to be found on the Civfanatics forums. Are you dead or just in a Football, Doritos and Pepsi induced vegitative state?
Probably the latter. I'm in my mid 40's and have watched the NFL for about that many years so it is my first hobby. I also play Fantasy Football and usually about mid August I start to find that I don't have enough time to split between my family, football and Civ4. And since I've enjoyed football for so long and I am contractually obligated to pay attention to my family, Civ4 tends to go on a back burner.

20.) Will there be any more updates to this modpack in the future?
I'm not really sure. As of 6-12-2007, I am taking an indefinite hiatus from Civ4 modding. I have found that I am spending way too much time on Civ4 (I bet I'm not the first person to ever say that :rolleyes:) and I need to step back and catch up on the real world. Please see THIS POST for more info.

Let me just say that If I purchase the BTS expansion and update this modpack for my own personal use, then I will be sure to post it here.

21.) Can I access this FAQ or other information on your modpack from within the game?
I'm glad you asked and yes you can. Simply open the Sevopedia and click on "Game Concepts". Near the top of the list you should see several entries regarding my modpack. All very boring and monotonous, but what the heck, you asked.
Great work, now to combine it with the 24 civs mod and get going Tomorrow, it's early in the morning where i am. Untill then, i'll be anticipating my attempt at world domination.

From the comfort of my own home of course.
Amra, did you see my post in your old thread?
Drtad said:
Amra, did you see my post in your old thread?
Yeah and that's cool. Thanks. :goodjob:

[EDIT] I plan on using Andranik.
rockinroger said:
Amra played to year 1565, no problems to report. love the tobacco and barley resources. Nice job
Man, you're fast! I just uploaded it short while ago.

Let me know if you find any problems. I'm pretty busy this week what with Fantasy Football starting up again but I will obviously try to fix any bugs as best I can.
HUUURRRRAAAYYYYYY :D Ill begin sending it to my friends to play some multiplayer right away, Thanks!
As usual, much pwnage to be had , thanks Amra
What maps can I used for this mod, so that I can have special resources like Olives, etc? Thanks.
keldath said:
may i have your blessing to begin mergin my 5uu?

and perhaps barrow some of your ub? - for my sevomod for warlords?
Sure, on both items.

strategyonly said:
Added this to your other one on my list (# 2), thx.
Love your avatar icon. :viking: How they gonna do this year?

Wyz_sub10 said:
Looks great!

As discussed, I'll be using several of your UBs for CIV Gold - Warlords. Thanks for all your work. Look forward to playing
Thanks and please use whatever you need. When you look at my xml files, you'll find that several of the UB's are actually from the scenarios.

@NickSD & Argpmait
I'm not really sure about your map questions as I haven't gotten into that. At one time, niust had made a Earth map for the vanilla version of my mod but I'm not sure if it will work with version 2. Here is the link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=173111

Maybe someone else out there knows more about civ4 maps and can help with this question.
Reguarding Maps:

I seem to answer this one a lot on other threads.
Ok since Amra uses greenmod and then extended resources and then some, most maps while they will work do not have the extended resources...

That being said there are some maps created for Sevo and Amra's resources for 1.61 you need to rename the file so that warlords can read it but other than that that should give you some maps with "Some" (If not most) of the custom resources. But like say rubber is missing from all of those and I think rubber is tied into a tech and unit so this might be a problem.
Check the Maps Forum for those

Of course, Random, Smart Map, Planet Generator ect will work fine and generate the additional resources.
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