[MODCOMP] Civics Free Specialists Mod


Jan 16, 2006
Civics Free Specialists Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Update: 08/20/10

Version: v0.3w
Patch Compatibility: Beyond the Sword
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3BtS

Version: v0.2w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.2w

Version: v0.1
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.1

This mod copies the free specialist count tag from the buildings schema and
adds it to the civics schema. This allows civics to provide free specialists
in cities. For instance the Theocracy civic can now give two priests when it
is set:
Spoiler :


-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use this mod component in your mod I have tried to make things
as easy as possible for you. In the XML files I have added
<!-- Civics Free Specialists Start --> and
<!-- Civics Free Specialists End --> in all of the places where changes were
made, in the SDK files I have added // < Civics Free Specialists Start > and
// < Civics Free Specialists End > in all of the places where changes were

-----Version Information-----


- Updated to be compatible with Beyond the Sword v3.19 patch

Spoiler :


- Updated to be compatible with Warlords v2.0.8.0 patch.


- Setup the Civics Free Specialists Mod infrastructure

- Copied the <FreeSpecialistCounts> tag from the building schema to the civics

- As an example of how to use the tag theocracy now gives two free priests in
each city when it is set.

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier - Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- Aussie_Lurker -For the idea for this mod
Ha, ha. You beat me to it TheLopez :) :D. Now to pick it apart in hopes of discovering where mine was screwing up ;).

Well, the feature that is there is to allow a civic to allow players to assign more citizens as specialists. This mod gives a free specialist like a building can. So for instance the great library gives 2 free scientists that do not require the reassigning of two population points.
Well, FreeSpecialists are a key component of my Ideology Civics (and will also be important in my future Ideology System), which is why I was working on my own version of this very tag. Kudos to TheLopez for figuring out how to get it to work properly.

Aussie, I think we're on the same track with Ideologies...

Lets chat....
Updated Warlords version to be compatible with the v2.0.8.0 patch.
Updated to be compatible with Beyond the Sword v3.19
Have you tested it on the BTS version ? Cause after i merged the SDK and XML and got it to load the text displays correctly but the civ doesnt recive the free specialist type. All the merging was correctly done so im a bit confused.
Also in the GameInfoSchema you forgot to mark down the changes, not much of a problem though but I thought you might want to know.

EDIT: I just tested it and it works which means something has went wrong im my merging, I`ll have to see what it is.
Have you tested it on the BTS version ? Cause after i merged the SDK and XML and got it to load the text displays correctly but the civ doesnt recive the free specialist type. All the merging was correctly done so im a bit confused.
Also in the GameInfoSchema you forgot to mark down the changes, not much of a problem though but I thought you might want to know.

EDIT: I just tested it and it works which means something has went wrong im my merging, I`ll have to see what it is.

Castor_Troy - I alway test my work. I didn't add any change notes in the GameInfoSchema because when I do it fails to run. Oh well.
Do it like this:

	<!-- BBAI start: effectively modify cost for all techs from an era. -->
	<ElementType name="iTechCostModifier" content="textOnly" dt:type="int"/>
	<!-- BBAI end -->
Do it like this:

	<!-- BBAI start: effectively modify cost for all techs from an era. -->
	<ElementType name="iTechCostModifier" content="textOnly" dt:type="int"/>
	<!-- BBAI end -->

Huh??? Wrong thread maybe?
I think Cybah is reffering to how to comment the changes into the gameinfoschema.
Hey TheLopez, been trying this mod out & I did notice an odd quirk. The FreeSpecialist Function doesn't seem to work in Despotism (&, I assume, all other 1st tier Civics), but *does* work in Monarchy (&, I'm assuming, in all the other 2nd-5th tier civics too). Might be something worth looking into in future versions of the Mod :)!

Hey TheLopez, been trying this mod out & I did notice an odd quirk. The FreeSpecialist Function doesn't seem to work in Despotism (&, I assume, all other 1st tier Civics), but *does* work in Monarchy (&, I'm assuming, in all the other 2nd-5th tier civics too). Might be something worth looking into in future versions of the Mod :)!


Yeah, I noticed this too...
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