Raising the max number of players


Sep 9, 2006
I have heard that there is a possibility so raise the number of players from 18 to.. let's say 20, or 22 or something like that. However, I couldn't find really useful information through searching. All I found was a thread about a "Giant Earth Map" with more than 18 players, but I would like to get the change with a standard-sized map.
So can anybody tell me, how to reach that?
Or is there perhaps no solution yet?
It's very simple to do with the Warlords SDK (just change the MAX_CIVS define), but doing it in vanilla, if possible, would require a lot more work.

Then recompile the DLL.
The "SDK" is actually the source code for the CvGameCoreDLL.dll file in the Assets folder. It contains most of the game logic, such as AI, as well as provides a bridge between Python and the game's executable.

It is written using C++. If you make any changes to the C++ code, you will have to use a compiler to convert that C++ code into the .dll file that the game's executable can read. The thread on Installing and Using the SDK provides, in detail, the steps needed to set up a "build environment" using freely available tools. The build environment consists primarily of an editor and a compiler.

The biggest difference between the C++ SDK and editing the Python code is that Python is an interpreted language, which essentially means that it's "compiled" into a computer-friendly version as each file is needed. The SDK, on the other hand, needs to be entirely reconstructed by the compiler (and the linker) before it can be used.
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