CyInterface().addMessage Question


Live 4ever! Or die trying
Oct 24, 2005
an Aussie in Boston
I'm looking for information about the following ...

VOID addMessage(PlayerType ePlayer,
	BOOL bForce,
	INT iLength,
	STRING szString,
	STRING szSound,
	InterfaceMessageType eType,
	STRING szIcon,
	ColorType eFlashColor,
	INT iFlashX,
	INT iFlashY,
	BOOL bShowOffScreenArrows,
	BOOL bShowOnScreenArrows)
In particular, I would like to control if the message appears in the log (yes or no) and on screen (yes or no).

The main parameters that I am unsure of are "bForce" and "InterfaceMessageType eType"
virtual void addMessage(PlayerTypes ePlayer,	//the player who gets to see the message
							bool bForce,			//if true then add to top of message queue (?)
							int iLength,			//how long the message is displayed
							CvWString szString,		//the string that appears on the screen
							LPCTSTR pszSound = NULL,//the sound that is played
							InterfaceMessageTypes eType = MESSAGE_TYPE_INFO,//see InterfaceMessageTypes 
							LPCSTR pszIcon = NULL,				//the icon to put in the arrow
							ColorTypes eFlashColor = NO_COLOR,	//the color of the message string
							int iFlashX = -1, int iFlashY = -1,	//minimap co-ords for flashing dot (?)
							bool bShowOffScreenArrows = false,  //if true then ShowOffScreenArrows
							bool bShowOnScreenArrows = false	//if true then ShowOnScreenArrows
							) = 0;

I'm guessing at a couple of these.

If you do a search for 'addMessage' in the CivGameCoreDLL files, you can find lots of examples of it being used.
Thx Pete - will have a look in the gamecore files.
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