AH64 Apache


Unit Maker
Nov 1, 2005
I've been everywhere, man
This unit has been requested ever since we had the ability to import models into Civ4. I felt it was high time to make it for the community.

DB Download

It uses the same scale and animations as the gunship (point to gunship.kfm in your XML). This is a relatively high poly model due to the complexity of the helicopter. Please only use it if you feel you have a decent computer.

Poly Count: ~1800

It will also be featured in the newest patch for my Modern Warfare Mod.


:goodjob: Pretty much sums it up. If I didn't know any better, I'd say The best modeller in Firaxis made that.
Sorry to sound insulting but do you reckon you could add the radar dome to the top of the mast there and turn it into an AH-64D Apache Longbow please? As said the Longbow is my favorite helicopter. I absolutely love it. Please if you aren't doing too much at the moment, just a simple box type structure up the top of the aerial should be sufficient at Civ IV scale? MaxRiga can this be added in by you and then swapped out of my version of your mod when and if I get an AH-64D to replace it with... I do like your A model Snafussmith but I just love the D model of the Apache better...
I'm afraid you'll be stuck w/ this for a while. I'm busy w/ work and family stuff on top of civ4. Tack that onto the laundry list of requests and mods I'm working on/helping with, and something like this takes a back seat. I will get to it eventually, just not any time soon.
I use it in my mod, but always when I give the order to built one in a city, the game crashs to desktop. When I place the unit with the world builder, everything is fine. Any ideas what could be the problem?
It's probably an error in your XML - maybe the button. Make sure if you're using a custom button that the file path in the XML doesn't have a comma before it (a leftover from the standard code). If that's not the problem, I don't know what is. The unit works fine if added correctly.
100% the button is the crash error,

for a quick fix,

go to the artdefines file in the xml\art,

copy the button line from the vanilla helicopter art,
paste it to the added apachie art,

and try to build it in a city now,

in most cases, this fix is savegame compatible by the way.

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