Flaming Pig

Aug 7, 2006
I remember a game I used to play before Civ II came out called Legions. One of the units were flaming pigs.

Hoping the ASPCA will ignore this, here is a unit I have been toying around with and was hoping some of the experts could help with some animation/finishing it. (looks at White Rabbit)


Anyway, the unit is still a work in progress, I hope to get some animations for it, as well as getting the fire to act right.

The Romans use the flaming pig by covering pigs in phosphorus and lighting them up. Then they would send them into the enemy lines, thus weaking the enemy. (in Civ terms Collateral Damage?)

My goal was to give it a 2 or 3 Strength, and give it the "new found" Kamikaze Promotion and the Ability to do Collateral Damage.

Like I said its a work in progress, any help with animations/finishing it oradvice will be greatly appreciated. For now I was using the Panther animation, but the pig (being a resource) just "slides" into the target. Gotta figure out how to get the legs to run.


Using AA's Pig, and using the Bear's animation, I made a fully animated Flaming Pig.

I made a pretty crappy button as well which is in the Zip.

Looks good now, already in my MOD, thx.;)
Actually, sending herds of pigs into the enemy set afire was used to thwart War Elephants, not necessarily foot soldiers, although being quite familiar with horses myself I can just imagine they effect they'd have on cavalry.

A good horse with a good rider won't spook at anything, but throughout history it's a fact that even in a veteran cavalry unit, not everyone is a superb rider nor is ever horse a champion.

Elephants, however, will go berserk over small animals running around their feet. Especially if they are screaming in pain because...they are on fire. It would make the elephants break, turn, and run, usually right into their own lines.

This is a silly unit, but it put a smile on my face. If anything I'd make it very effective against elephants and reasonably effective vs. mounted, but with no effect vs. foot.
That's exactly right. Would be interesting to mod in a chance of your own elephants going berserk and attacking your own troops - and increase the odds if flaming pigs are thrown at them, heh!
lol nice unit!
wadda bout the killer rabbit of AAARRGGHHH... from monty python and the holy grail.... heh heh...
Just give the unit a 100% bonus when attacking Elephants.
thread necromancy? alot...

Thread necromancy or not.... you know a lot of the mods and graphic packs I see on here just don't work for me at all... but to be honest.. I really like the idea of this unit in my mod as a Roman only unit.. I would love to see some work done on it.
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