AI questions... SDK programming


Jun 16, 2006
Peoria, AZ
OK I have two questions about the SDK and AI programming.

First... I know there are several classes that handle a lot of the AI stuff. Is this all? I am a mod developer who is looking to start understanding how to change the AI behaves/works and suggests so I need to know where to start.


I have made some new improvements that do not increase commerce or food or anything of the sort so the AI does not currently know that they can help him. (Two new kinds of improvements that will help him for military reasons). I know how I will help the AI evaluate whether the improvement will help him.

What I don't know is where is the code that changes the value the AI places on the improvement. Example:

if the AI sees that the an improvement is helpful, it highlights it blue for the human player. WHERE is the code for this? I want to be able to recommend a build for the human AND the AI!
Blake at Apolyton is the best source of knowlage about the AI, read his thread HEREand look at his AI codes in the 2.08 patch
Thanks for the pointer! I will check it out. Meanwhile I am open to any other suggestions.
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