Python/SDK Question...


Jan 24, 2007
I have been asked to write a mod for a scenario, and since this is my first go at the SDK, and for that matter C++, I am a little lost and seeking direction...
...I have in the past written several small apps in C#, I breeze through XML, and have done Python before in my old Linux days many years ago.
What I am trying to do is to add a custom attribute, most suitably an Int to every terrain square on the map, and am not sure of the best route to take.
Adding an XML tag to the schema and XML file was my first clumsy aproach, but after giving this some serious consideration, I decided that this way was to problemtatic for the simple thing I was trying to do, since every square on the map will start with an Int value of 2 when the game commences anyhow, I was looking for a better way of doing it.
Thanks in advance for anyone who has a good way of doing this, looking forward to hearing what the community at large has to say.
Got my response via PM, and a good place to start with (CvPlot), so ty, I'll bbl...
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