SDK/XML Mod to convert tiles and improvements to percentages


Jan 27, 2006
The idea is to set up the code so that instead of each square giving you a flat +X of each yield type when worked, instead no tile would any yields and would instead give the city a +X% bonus to Food/Production/Commerce just for having it in the radius. All your base amounts would then be gotten through specialists, including a new Farmer specialist.

This is the 2nd thing I've done, the first being the basic addition of the Farmer specialist. The way I'm attacking the problem is adding new XML tags to the TerrainInfos to handle YieldModifiers as well as YieldChanges, and then taking the parts of the SDK for things like Forges and combining them with the code for figuring out if a Jungle/Forest/Flood Plains are in radius (not touching the originals, of course, just c&ping and modifiying for new functions). Right now I'm just working on having a percent bonus to a city if it's in it's radius, as I figure that after that it should be relatively easy to adapt for basic terrain and terrain features.

I've been working on this almost non-stop for the last 11 hours, and my brain is rebelling at the thought of doing any more right now (and has been for the last 4-5 hours, I'm very stubborn, not that I have anything to show for all that wasted time). I keep forgetting which function that I'm trying to write etc, etc.

So, I thought I'd post what I have so far (I feel I'm very close to completion) in case anyone else was interested or could point out what I have to do to click everything together at this point (I'm pretty sure it's simple, but right now my brainpower is only slightly greater than that of chocolate pudding), in case by the time I come back to it I've totally lost track of/interest in what I was doing, it won't be a total loss.

All the changes I've made for this have been commented with the keyword "NoTileYield".


  • NoTileYieldSDK.ZIP
    128.8 KB · Views: 75
    5.6 KB · Views: 50
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