Take-Two Announces Fiscal 2006 Financial Results


Oct 25, 2000
Take Two Interactive today announced the company's financial results for the full fiscal year which ended on October 31, 2006.

Net revenue for fiscal 2006 was $1.038 billion compared to $1.201 billion in fiscal 2005. Net loss for the year was $184.9 million or $2.60 per share compared to net profit of $35.3 million or $0.50 per share in 2005.

Take-Two blamed the downturn on a number of factors, including the game industry's transition to next-generation consoles, higher development costs for next-gen titles, and continued investment in 2K Sports. The company believes its investments into next-generation development and the sports business will have a positive impact on its current fiscal year results.

The press release mentioned that starting in fiscal 2008 (which begins Nov. 1 2007), "2K will have new content based on its Civilization franchise and other products, including both original intellectual property and third-party titles". This is most likely a Civ4 expansion pack, since it's too early for Civ5.

Thanks to Gunner for posting about it.
i can't possibly wait another sixe months for an expansion pack.... the sims woudl have cranked out 3 between the warlords release and then....

I am sure there will be a new ep before then and probably the new content will be civcity: Egypt... or civcity:Newyork
Wooot! Finally some sort of official confirmation of an expansion pack. By the release date it sounds like it's going to a be a doozer with tons of it.

On an off note thank god they don't have expansion packs like The Sims, I can just see it now The Canadian Civ expansion pack, The Belgian Civ expansion pack, etc etc.

Edit: No offense meant to Canadians or Belgians but since those Civs have not been included in Civilization I thought it would make a good example.
On an off note thank god they don't have expansion packs like The Sims, I can just see it now The Canadian Civ expansion pack, The Belgian Civ expansion pack, etc etc.
What about:
Civilization IV: Pets
This expansions allows your scouts to tame wild lions, bears and wolves.. and use them as their pets :)
How about...
Civilization IV: Seasons
Basically, it's the same as regular Civ, except your units get rained on sometimes. Plus, you can build snowmen... or real men, out of snow! :mwaha: :twitch:
At least there not like EA games who pump out Expansion Packs for The Sims every month.
I think people should be more concerned with the financial picture of 2K, and examine the games they are producing.
There is a significant movement away from PC games to console games within 2K. Now, this is an industry wide issue, but if 2K is bleeding money (check the numbers), they will start shutting down the less profitable games.
Even though Civ IV sold very well, I do not belive the Warlords expansion did.

And another thing, what can 2K offer in an expansion 3-6 months from now that has not already been altered/created by the fine designers/coders in the Civ IV community? Unless they are altering the game engine in ways that the community coders have not or cannot, I don't see much point for an expansion.
I think people should be more concerned with the financial picture of 2K, and examine the games they are producing.
There is a significant movement away from PC games to console games within 2K. Now, this is an industry wide issue, but if 2K is bleeding money (check the numbers), they will start shutting down the less profitable games.
Even though Civ IV sold very well, I do not belive the Warlords expansion did.

And another thing, what can 2K offer in an expansion 3-6 months from now that has not already been altered/created by the fine designers/coders in the Civ IV community? Unless they are altering the game engine in ways that the community coders have not or cannot, I don't see much point for an expansion.

No offense and I love the modding community... but the Civ4 modding community has been extremely, extremely weaksauce compared to what the Civ3 modding community was able to do. There still has not been one truly standout mod to come out of the Civ4 modding community. Most of the truly great work has been done by one or two major modders, people like thelopez, etc... otherwise too many people that call themselves "modders" are little more than "gameplay tweakers" or people who compile the hard work of others and call it a "new great mod!"

The best mod compilations have gone the way of the dodo, Sevomod, etc, etc.

I'd definitely like to see Firaxis bust out some rebellion, civil war, AI tweaks akin to vassal states.
No offense and I love the modding community... but the Civ4 modding community has been extremely, extremely weaksauce compared to what the Civ3 modding community was able to do. There still has not been one truly standout mod to come out of the Civ4 modding community. Most of the truly great work has been done by one or two major modders, people like thelopez, etc... otherwise too many people that call themselves "modders" are little more than "gameplay tweakers" or people who compile the hard work of others and call it a "new great mod!"

The best mod compilations have gone the way of the dodo, Sevomod, etc, etc.

I'd definitely like to see Firaxis bust out some rebellion, civil war, AI tweaks akin to vassal states.

then you need to play my mod!!
No offense and I love the modding community... but the Civ4 modding community has been extremely, extremely weaksauce compared to what the Civ3 modding community was able to do. There still has not been one truly standout mod to come out of the Civ4 modding community. Most of the truly great work has been done by one or two major modders, people like thelopez, etc... otherwise too many people that call themselves "modders" are little more than "gameplay tweakers" or people who compile the hard work of others and call it a "new great mod!"

The best mod compilations have gone the way of the dodo, Sevomod, etc, etc.

I'd definitely like to see Firaxis bust out some rebellion, civil war, AI tweaks akin to vassal states.
Just wondering, but have you heard of Fall from Heaven or Rhye's and Fall of Civ?
Just wondering, but have you heard of Fall from Heaven or Rhye's and Fall of Civ?

Both are more scenarios than mods. Neat for what they are, but they're not mods of the actual civ experience. Fall from Heaven is very fantastic based and Rhyes is much more a scenario.

I think I was simply spoiled by the awesomeness of DyP from Civ3. Bah.
Both are more scenarios than mods. Neat for what they are, but they're not mods of the actual civ experience. Fall from Heaven is very fantastic based and Rhyes is much more a scenario.

I think I was simply spoiled by the awesomeness of DyP from Civ3. Bah.

DyP was the worst mod i ever played. Totally unbalanced :(
Expansion? Maybe. But more than likely the 'new' Civilzation projects will be a console Civ (because SJ expressed interest in it a while back) and a 'laptop friendly' Civ. Just like EA and The Sims 2.

to call Fall from Heaven and Rhye's a scenario is definitivly a blame the developers who put tons of hard work put into them AND continuing.

Both mods are already way beyond any mod Civ III was ever enabling us to do (and I know all the great CivIII mods and I modded Civ III myself).

But I see your points. You are focused on graphical stuff and less on game mechanics. So if you call DyP the greatest Civ III - mod (which is certainly a topic to discuss) then of course you belong to a special kind of Civplayers very much different from me. And I also see your point that from a graphical point of view the Civ III-community already added 4times more new units and 10times more new leaderheads to the game than the Civ IV community.

But to be very frank ... I do not wonder about that.

First of all the animations in Civ IV are highend animations. It took six months since release of Civ IV before there was any plugin for 3dsmax (not to mention maya) so that people could START to create new units. (Besides 3dsmax is seriously expensive to purchase). It is also because of the Gamebryo Engine that you can not import new leaderheads , but only reskin old leaderheads.
So only 1 year passed before people with highend equipment AND highend skills could actually start into the business. For this time the output is tremendous !! If I recall it right then it took 3 years before I saw the first really highend leaderheads in CivIII. It took 1 year before we saw the first really new units in Civ III and it took 2 years before the first highquality mods were beyond beta stage ... if we compare this to Civ IV than the community has already beaten all points except for the leaderheads.

So you can expect great things .. I mean really great things another year down the line and again FFH will run in the absolute forefront of innovation and technology as Rhye unfortunately is leaving the full time modding job.
A knew someone who wanted a console Civs. He explained it to me once. He likes Civs, but he doens't want to sit at his computer all day. He wants to flop on the couch, grab his chips, and his soda, and his controller, and play VIDEO GAMES.
No offense and I love the modding community... but the Civ4 modding community has been extremely, extremely weaksauce compared to what the Civ3 modding community was able to do. There still has not been one truly standout mod to come out of the Civ4 modding community. Most of the truly great work has been done by one or two major modders, people like thelopez, etc... otherwise too many people that call themselves "modders" are little more than "gameplay tweakers" or people who compile the hard work of others and call it a "new great mod!"

The best mod compilations have gone the way of the dodo, Sevomod, etc, etc.

I'd definitely like to see Firaxis bust out some rebellion, civil war, AI tweaks akin to vassal states.

I have several responses to you.

First, the you say that "gameplay tweakers" are not modders. However, isn't tweaking the gameplay modding the core gameplay. Hence, those "tweakers", imo, have every right to call themselves modders. They may not go all out, but they still mod the current content.

Second, you also downplay "compilers". Well, the thing is, not everybody has the artistic talents to create new content. Hell, with a block of virtual clay, I'd be lucky to create anything that resembles a rock. But, that's the point of a community. Why do you think people make units and leaders, etc and put them out for others to download. Sure, the majority of users may just "compile" them into their own games that they never release... it is just for there own enjoyment, but those who may not have the artistic talent, but a talent for design can use them in their own scenarios or mods to be released. Here's a tip, open up the instruction manual that came with the game (the bounded peices of paper with the pretty pictures) and flip to the back where you should find a section entitled credits. It has a bunch of names of people that worked on the game. Each of those names did different tasks to make Civilization IV a reality. Some of those names may lack in talent on one aspect or another. For example, Alex Mantaris, listed as lead programmer for Warlords, may not be able to draw anything better then a stick man (this is pure speculation to prove a point, Mr. Mantaris, for all I know, could be a modern day Picaso), but Steve Ogden, who is the Lead Artist, might do nothing more than scratch his head when staring at a screen full of code (again, speculation...). Sure, one person could make the game from start to finish, but we'd still be waiting for even an Alpha version of Civ IV vanilla as we sit here. The Civ IV modding community is about teamwork, not greatness. And most of the key modders that you mentioned, like TheLopez, if you look through there notes and readme files, you will most likely find a list of acknowledgements for help in the projects that they create.

And that leads me to my next point. The moddability of Civ IV is been one of my chief complaints about Civ IV. While it may be one of the most moddable Civ games, it is not the easiest. As I said, I am no artist, but I was hoping that I'd be able to at least "tweak" the gameplay to fit my needs. Sure, I can, but not easily. I have to swim through an ocean of XML in order to find what I want to change. In some cases, I've found that I would have to modify several different files, just to acheive one effect, one change. This is a big hassle and deterent to those who are not code friendly. With Civ III, making changes to units or civs, or adding cities to a civ's list was a cinch when using a userfriendly database. With Civ IV, it is a huge pain. Modding code, whether Python, C, or XML, should be for the major modders... or programmers on a Mod team. To bring this point back to your original statements, that is the reason that you have less "mods" coming out. Those with the ability are spending most of their time creating utilities that allow the rest of us to do some tweaking, and maybe even some modding of our own, instead of building their own mods. To top it off, they have to tweak update, or change those utilities everytime a new expansion is releases (which seems to happen around the time that one of these utilities nears completion).

Well, I could go on and on about this post. But I'll stop here. But before I go, a couple of quick notes. I love Firaxis and the Civ series! I just wanted to clear that up in case anybody thought that was being critical. It is just that I am frustrated by the barriers that have been risen to me, as I always liked to tweak the games to my own preferences (for example, increasing unit movement on larger maps, something that I think should be part of the map size element). I am looking forward to the Civilizeditor that is coming out and I hope that the release of the new expansion won't stretch the development time too much. Oh, and in regards to the Civil War and Rebellion, I would estimate that about 80 - 90% of the people who post here wish the same thing.
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