LotR 3 - Emperor Training


Catan player
Jan 10, 2002
ChrTh (with Sirian's mod) has a good looking idea there. I'm willing to do my part, but I'll put my own spin on it. The rules are VERY similar to Sirian's, but we're going to be playing at the Emperor level. This is to try to cater to a different audience set.

The main rules from Sirian are reposted here, with some subtle changes. Please read them before signing up, as there are a few differences.

Rather than play as a normal SG rotation, with me taking a turn every so often as I come up, and same for others, I'm going to play the whole game -- AND so is everybody else. However, instead of each playing the game separately, there will be one Official Game, progressing like a typical Succession Game.

It's going to look something like this:

Turn Order:
Brian J

Round one, 4000BC is posted and everybody plays. Everybody posts their turn report, including me, and I will always post my version of the save game. I'll offer my view of each player's moves, the good, the bad, the weedy. Questions are welcome, then at some point we move to next turn.

Since I was "Up", my save game is used by everybody, to start from for the next turn. Everybody plays and posts a report, and I will always post my version of the save. In this case, however, Player 2 is up, so he should also post his save. I'll offer feedback based on the reports (the more detail you put in your report, the more I can examine and critique, so you'll get out of it what you put in to it.) After the analysis is done, we move to next turn.

Since Player 2 was "up", his save is used by everybody to start the current round. And on and on it goes. Everybody plays the whole game and gets continuous critiquing (according to how detailed their reports are) and they get to see what I do in the exact same situations -- and those who are on the roster also get as much input into the course of events of the "Official Results" as they would in a standard succession game.

A little complex-sounding, but in practice it will be smooth and easy to deal with [Arathorn: Boy, I hope so! Could be complicated, but the idea is very sound]. I don't necessarily promise, but I'll handle directing the traffic and keeping track of what's where as much as I'm able.


* When you are Up, you are REQUIRED to play, and to do so in a timely fashion. This is the NUMBER ONE priority of signing up for the game.

* When you are not Up, you are not required to play, but are strongly encouraged to play as much as you can. The more you play, the more critique you can get.

* No critiquing of other player's results, except by me. If you are playing in this game, then by definition you're no expert. Make sense? This rule is aimed at keeping each player's focus on their own performance and development, and off of getting into comparisons with the other players, and to minimize any chance for hostilities. Questions involving "what if" scenerios, regarding other players' results, are OK. [I'm keeping this rule as written. If you JUST HAVE to comment and think I've missed something, PM/email me and get it out that way. The possibility of hurt feelings is just too high if there are too many comments. I encourage other "experts" (Charis, Sirian, Jaffa, Zed, Toecheese, ...) to comment, if interested. It should go without saying that you shouldn't participate if you're not willing to have your moves pored over pretty carefully. If you're thin-skinned, this is probably not the game for you.]

* No question is too dumb, no move too weedy, no results too poor. Nobody will be dropped or turned away for lack of skill or experience. This is your chance to stop being a wallflower and get out onto the dance floor.

* When you are Up, your results will be official, whether they are good, bad, or ugly. When you're not up, feel free to try stuff out, to take risks or do things you wouldn't normally ever dare, to see where it leads -- or play as if you were Up. Your choice.

* Since this is a training game, we're going to run 10 turns per player right from the very start.

* No worker automation, no goto orders that extend past the end of the ten turns. And all other "standard" SG rules.

* 30 hours for the player who is Up Next to acknowledge that they have Got It and are playing. This is a HARD RULE, so when you are On Deck or your turn is upcoming, you need to make sure you take time out to keep an eye on the board. If you do not acknowledge within 30 hours, you will be skipped as far as being Up and having your results affect the Official outcome.

* 96 hours maximum between every ten turn round. If the playing and reports and analysis finish eary, we'll move on early. If 96 hours comes around, we'll move on regardless.

* If the game gets to be too involved in the late stages, lots of units and too much stuff to do, I'll either extend the times or shorten the turn lengths.

Lots of changes in qualifications!!!

In order to qualify for this game, you must meet the following conditions:

* Any level of SG experience -- from full-blown novice to "played a ton but never on so high a level"

* "Learning" Civ III Player - never tried to play anything higher than Monarch, or tried and failed at Emperor or higher. (This is for those of you out there who are nervous, struggling, and maybe a little scared of embarrassment, but would like to get involved and will step up and put your best effort forward, not only in the game but in your reports and in dealing with the analysis you get).

* You have time to devote to this!!! (You'll have just one day when you come Up to acknowledge your turn and begin to play. You have to play when you're Up. The more you play and the more you put into your reports, the more you'll get out of it).

* You believe you can see it through to the end.

I'm mainly shooting for two different groups -- those who have played a fair chunk of SGs and are looking to "move to a higher level" and those who are at a pretty high level, are looking to move into SGs, but don't want to play Regent.

Those who don't have enough time or otherwise do not qualify in some aspect are of course welcome to lurk the game, to play alongside the rest of us in the shadows and see how your results look and what you can learn. You may even, from time to time, post your own reports or ask questions, and I'll help you as I have time, but no guarantees. Only those officially participating are guaranteed any analysis.

Civ: Random -- we'll adapt to what we get
Difficulty: Emperor
Map: Standard
Settings: Standard
Barbarians: Roaming
Victory Conditions: All

I won't be ready to begin for several days at least, maybe a week -- or even two. That should give players a chance to apply. I have limited time, so I don't want too large a roster. I'm waiting to see on interest level, too.


P.S. Should mention this game will require patch 1.21f.


Brian J

First alternate if he desires:
Originally posted by Arathorn
It's going to look something like this:

Turn Order:
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6

Wow, you're making Sirian play? :)


EDIT: Aw, you're no fun! :)
Arathorn, I'd be interested in playing, simply because I'm 0-fer on Monarch level and want to improve my game immensely. However, Sirian callously rejected me because I'm doing a TDG...are you going to exclude the TDG players as well?
Wow, you're making Sirian play?

Yes, little do you realize the power I have over him!!!!!

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :lol:

He is my puppet. You ALL are my puppets! I OWN THIS BOARD!!

What? You say it's time for my medicine? What medicine? A GOD doesn't need medicine!!!


Aaaah...that's nice.... Relaxing, even. Can I remove this jacket now?


Boy, it's nice typing with fingers instead of with my tongue. Having your arms wrapped up like that can be kinda inhibiting.

Hmmm...now where was I? Oh, yes. I cut-and-pasted most of Sirian's post and forgot to edit that bit. Nice catch.

Hmmm...well, I'm not sure TWO training day games are necessarily appropriate. One might well be all a person can handle -- I expect a lot of discussion in all of them.

And, you, ChrTh, look to be following them all.

I think I'll go with Sirian's approach of putting other TDG players "on hold" awaiting other interested parties. I'd rather have different players (or old players looking for new challenges) at this point. If there's little (or no) other interest, you'll be welcome. But the whole point, as I read it, of your TDG was to encourage new players -- and new challenges.

Let's see what else develops before I make any emphatic statements.


P.S. You're of course welcome to shadow the game and see how you do....
Originally posted by Arathorn
But the whole point, as I read it, of your TDG was to encourage new players -- and new challenges.

Sigh...it's time to end the charade. The whole point was ME! ME ME ME ME ME! I sucked, and I wanted to get better, so I started the Training Day games just so I would be helped! :)

I honestly never expected the favorable response I got to the idea...my original idea (with 2 vets and 4 rookies per game) was going to have a catch: I was going to play in each Training Day game if more than one was required...but then Sullla (I think it was Sullla) had the brilliant idea of 1 vet and 3 rooks (which is a great idea), so of course it would've been silly (and exclusionary) for me to be in each.
At the same time, however, your and Sirian's game upped the idea a notch by having constant playing and criticism--which is far more valuable than the initial TDGs that were set up--this isn't a knock on the Vets in those games, but you and Sirian are going to be providing at least thrice the analysis that the TDGs are going to provide, since each player will be playing every turn instead of every third turn.

See this is what I get for not (TM)ing the concept...I could've made my inclusion a requirement! ;)

Seriously, though, I would like to play either your or Sirian's game concurrent to the TDG, but if you'd rather grab other people, I understand.

I'm just selfish, that's all.
I had a great time with you, Arathorn, in RBD 23 and I'd like to get better. Please count me in, although I'd like my "mandatory" turn to be towards the end of the rotation, as I will be busy this next week (and out of town for part of it).

Well sign me up for the waiting list on this one too...

Jeez, I looked for days for a new game and then I find one and now I can't get in another because I joined one...
Originally posted by Arizona_Steve
this is steves girlfriend, he is calling me at home from work and would to join this game, he is unable to sign on from work.

Now that's dedication!
Arizona_Steve (and girlfriend), that was hilarious -- and extremely cool! And what a girlfriend! I'm not even sure my wife would do that for me. You are a lucky guy, A_S.

To the other's who've signed up, welcome aboard!

Glad to have you, Brian, charlie, Steve.

That really was priceless Arizona_Steve. You have got everyone who plays Civ3 and has a significant other jealous of you now!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I have to admit, they don't get much cooler than her! Not only that, but she's an ex beauty queen as well :D

If it helps those of you who are "under the thumb", my g/f spends many hours playing online chess on the other computer while I play my Civ on this one, so two computers in the same house are definitely a good thing!!

Edit: Charliehoke - your line has been immortalized in my sig. Thanks!
Edit: Charliehoke - your line has been immortalized in my sig. Thanks!

Well thanks!!! I don't see exactly where you "immortalized" it, but it's the thought that counts.

How's it going with this one Arathorn? I'm anxious to get started. I've jumped into the tournament and I'm excited about that, but I want to continue this SG due to it's educational value. The only education I'll probably get in the tournament is when all the other players SCHOOL me! :lol:

I also have a question on the format. With ten turns per round, I wonder if the all the pro and cons of different strategies are going to be explored to the extent necessary to determine which is the more productive. I'll give an example. Say on my turn, which is one of the unoffcial turns, I build up a whole bunch of Samurai (for example) and land them on enemy territory on the 10th turn. Say the opponent civ is strong enough that this is a "questionable" move. The official player, however, concentrates on infrastructure exclusively.

The way things stand now, the next player will take up from the infrastructure player's turn, and the results of the alternate attack are never determined.

I don't really have any solutions or anything, and I'm perfectly happy the way things are, I just wanted to get your thoughts on that!

Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to play! :goodjob:

P.S. I'm still out of town, so "I can't wait to play" should be read as "I can't wait to play next week!) :D
:goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:

The funny (sad) part is, that I'm going to get much more fame and recognition now that I'm in your sig than I would otherwise!
We are the Iroquois, which I am pretty pleased with. Pre-1.17f, they were, IMO, the easiest civ to win with. Now....well, they still have a lot going for them.

I'm more of the mind that each trait has something beneficial about it and you leverage that benefit as much as you can.

We are expansionist and religious. Expansionist helps mostly in the early game, as huts never contain barbs, barb settlements are more lucrative, and we can build two-move scouts. Religious is very handy, with half-price temples/cathedrals and the fun of instant government change.

Our UU is the Mounted Warrior, a 3/1/2 available with horseback riding. These guys are awesome! (As opposed to 1.16, when they were AWESOME!) Fast 3 attack is not to be overlooked as an early way to increase our land -- if we need it. I have personally used MWs all the way through the Middle Ages (well, the AI was all the way through the MA...I was still in the AA). And, at 30 shields, they're a huge bargain.

Well, enough of that from me. I'm going to try hard to counteract my natural inclination to give lots of advice before the turns, instead saving my comments for after-action reports. You all are, of course, free to discuss anything you would like.

Following Sirian's lead, I am going to open up a shadow thread ( http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21474 ) to be a place where all the "non-official" AA reports go. Please read the first post there.

Also, Architect, ChrTh, you guys are in if you still want to play. Order of "official" turns in the first post.

I have not yet played my 10 turns, having just started the game. We start by a river.


Save file at:


I'll be in if you'll have me...if not :suicide:

That is one awesome starting location...assuming the Persians aren't three blocks to our left.
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