New Wonders Discussion Thread

I liked the wonder chosen by Firaxis! They are great, but I have a doubt.

How will be the Cristo Redentor and Shwedagon Paya bonuses?
I mean, they are specified religion Wonders, will the Cristo Redentor give bonuses to Christian nations and de Shwedagon Paya to Buddhist nations?
Moai Statues:

Should only be buildable on island of decent size.

+100% commerce for affected region lets say for 500 years :mischief:
+2gpp Great Merchant

Starting gradually, forests in island decline to nonexistant and food supplies will be exhausted within severe erosion to land area making farming insuitable. After 500 years when commerce effect ends people decide to eat each other and the whole island falls in (almost) complete decay. :goodjob:
What did the SoZ (statue of zeus) do in previous games, its likely to be something like that.

BTW i am really glad that all 7 wonders of the world are now included in civ
In Civ3 the Statue of Zeus came with the conquests expansion and created a free unit (ancient cavalry) every five turns, but I am sure this won't be the case for BtS.
And why should Christo Redentor only affect christian civilizations ? We have three Greek temples in the game (Parthenon, Oracle and Temple of Artemis), but there is no greek polytheism as a religion.
We also have University of Sankore and the Spiral Minaret for non-muslim temples and monastries.
My guess is that Cristo Redentor will give you +1 :hammers: from state religion buildings and Shwedagon Paya will incerase the spread rate of your state religion, but that's just a guess.
In Civ3 the Statue of Zeus came with the conquests expansion and created a free unit (ancient cavalry) every five turns, but I am sure this won't be the case for BtS.
And why should Christo Redentor only affect christian civilizations ? We have three Greek temples in the game (Parthenon, Oracle and Temple of Artemis), but there is no greek polytheism as a religion.
We also have University of Sankore and the Spiral Minaret for non-muslim temples and monastries.
My guess is that Cristo Redentor will give you +1 :hammers: from state religion buildings and Shwedagon Paya will incerase the spread rate of your state religion, but that's just a guess.

Yeah, I agree with you, it was just an idea, because Cristo Redentor represents Christianism by itself. But that was great.
yeah the cristo redentor will probably act like UoS or Spiral Minaret but with something else, probably production
I'm a bit upset that all of them are religious wonders and there's already too many in the game imo. But moving on...

The Statue of Zeus probably have some sort of religious + military effect. It could also be an economic wonder (I could see it acting as a shrine). Or maybe it halves unit costs.

Christ Redeemer: +10% shield from religious buildings?

Shwedagon: something about religion...

Mausoleum of Mausollos: Mausoleums in RL have the effect of showing off the power of the state to the people. I guess it would half civic maintainance cost.

Moai Statues: probably available early in the game. Someone relating to happiness or religion.
I suspect at least one of them will have an effect that's related to the new corporation aspect. (Then again, there's no wonders in Warlords that affect Great Generals.)
I would be very disappointed if any of these wonders had any prereq of religions buildings or any sort of religion involved, simply because every wonder so far that has involved that sort of thing has been extremely poor if not unusable in any competitive game. The wonders already in existence should be made useful and these new wonders made non-religious imo.
Maybe the Moai Statues compete with Stonehenge/Piramids/Oracle in the early game. Considering that Stonehenge give religious bonus, Piramids give civic bonus and Oracle tecnology bonus, the Moai should give cultural or economical bonus!
how about a wonder which automaticaly spreads your religion to all cities you control
how about a wonder which automaticaly spreads your religion to all cities you control

That would be massively overpowered :eek:

I've got a feeling that the Mausoleum might have a positive effect on happiness.

I think that Statue of Zeus should have an impact on War Weariness. Maybe it could be at -25% in the city in which it's built, and 10% in all other cities.

Personally, I thin that Christ the Redeemer should have an effect on all buildings of your state religion, perhaps a +1 culture per building.

Perhaps Shwedagon Paya could act like a second shrine for your state religion? This might be a little overpowered though.

I'm not really sure what effect the Moai could have. Maybe this could have an affect on foreign relations, and how other nations perceive you. This does seem quite dull though.
Suggestion: a wonder that's somewhat like Pyramids, in that it allows you to run any religious civic, regardless of whether you've discovered the technology.
Suggestion: a wonder that's somewhat like Pyramids, in that it allows you to run any religious civic, regardless of whether you've discovered the technology.
Government civics come very late (Constitution, Democracy, Fascism), but you can have Organised Religion, Theocracy and Pacifism pretty early in the game.
I don't think the wonder would be worth building just for Free Religion.
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