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wip: CS9

It is a Morris CS9. A light armored car used by the British during WW2.
As you can tell, it is not my finest modeling job. But, there are precious few useful references. Lots of funny angles.
I think it's a fine modeling job. What program are you using? BTW, great to see you back in action.

I have in the past done most of my modeling in Lightwave. If they ever fix the massive bugs in the boolean portion of the LW modeler, I would prefer to stick with just that. I do the quick stuff in a cheap version of truespace. Lately I have switched to slightly older version of C4d. The modeler is not as fancy as Lightwave, but it does the basic things I like to do a little faster. This particular model was made in Truespace 4.3. Truespace can model very much like Bryce, so switching back and forth is very easy. But, it is not as robust as C4D. I would really prefer to use a single tool. Problem is I find bugs or limitations which block me in most of them. And, force me to explore other tools.
OMG. This is an UGLY car.

The real one, of course. I think you´ve done a very nice modeling job.

Good to have you back.
Thanks, ares. I agree that the orginal car was really ugly. That had a lot to do with why I felt like modeling it to begin with. I love the grungy, mechanical "beauty" of the industrial through early modern era.

Here is a minor update.

Mostly minor changes. There is one major one which is nearly impossible to see, which of course is why I did it. I made it have an interior and an engine compartment... it has a firewall, etc.. of course And, I did not do it the simple way with two sided polygons. The walls have approximately the right thickness through out. Yeah, I know. But I felt like it.
[...] There is one major one which is nearly impossible to see, which of course is why I did it. I made it have an interior and an engine compartment... it has a firewall, etc.. of course And, I did not do it the simple way with two sided polygons. The walls have approximately the right thickness through out. Yeah, I know. But I felt like it.

Okay, repeat one thousand times: "I do NOT have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, I do NOT have an obsessive-compulsive disorder ..." :D

BTW, I'm definitely looking forward to this one. :goodjob:


I thought I'd be further along, but I hit a snag with the tires.
But, here is an update anyways.
The doors all open. The front engine hatch does too. As do 2 of the 3 windows (window in driver side door is not done yet). Other minor updates include better fenders, and little trim pieces here and there.

Oz, I am not so much OCD as I am a perfectionist. I enjoy modeling. I am basically an engineer that loves pretty pictures. Sadly, I lacked the talent to produce much until I discovered I could use math and science in the pursuit of enjoyable imagry. I was hooked.
Oz, I am not so much OCD as I am a perfectionist. I enjoy modeling. I am basically an engineer that loves pretty pictures. Sadly, I lacked the talent to produce much until I discovered I could use math and science in the pursuit of enjoyable imagry. I was hooked.

Hi Bjorn,

Not only was I joking about the OCD, but I too am a perfectionist in many (not all, but most of them happy) ways. I also believe in the innate beauty of mathematics, and discovered fractals right about the time the term was coined.

So I both appreciate and cheer your "addiction".:D

All The Best,

btw, if you wish to make your little AC to the same scale as my tanks.. make it 65 pixels in length. It took a while but I finally found my xls file.
btw, if you wish to make your little AC to the same scale as my tanks.. make it 65 pixels in length. It took a while but I finally found my xls file.

Thanks, will do. Given your unmatched and comprehensive collection, making fit in with your ww2 armada only makes sense.
I actually enjoy modeling. The only problem is I always seem to have more projects then time. So, I am constantly be drawn from one thing to try something with that whatchamacallit I was working on a few weeks ago. I think everything I have released (except for the first two units) has included a fair bit of my own modeling. I am not above using a pre-existing model to save time. But, I will always find something I don't care for.... usually inaccuracies... sometimes just really weird modeling.

With this car, I am trying to keep it fairly accurate while keeping the poly count managable (the above image is less than 215k polys). But, I am handicaped by lack of accurate references. For example, the only decent reference image I found is the one I posted above. The only others I could find were too small, blurry, grainy, etc. to do more than get a rough feel for it. There is no possibility to use any pre-existing model for it, since it seems I am the first one attempting it.
That is looking very good. I can shudder thinking of modelling something from scratch.
Looking good - no rush :goobjob:

btw- @badKharma: what happened to them panhard and autoblinda textures :) ?
The model looks great :)

I do not think that i will ever consciously try creating something that goes over 100k polygons, but then again it is nearly utterly pointless to care about the inside of buildings if one is just making a civ3 graphic of them.
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