Variable or Rapid Resource Appearance?

Blue Monkey

Archon Without Portfolio
Jul 31, 2005
Timeless Isle
Does anyone have experience with getting resources to appear, disappear, and show up elswhere fairly rapidly?

I'm thinking of resources that might be "seasonal" like migratory animals, or that appear irregularly and are rapidly consumed, like the spice blows in Dune.
In the editor adjust the appearance and disappearance ratios for the resource you want that to happen to. They will reappear after disappearing on the bonus grassland.
Well, appearance ratio is for map generation only. Disappearance ratio determines the moveability, since every time the reasource disappears, it will reappear elsewhere. A ratio of 10 means 1/10 chance of resource "moving" every turn.
I dug up an old thread that I posted in related to this:
Some highlights(really the relevant parts):

Tomoyo said:
I don't think it's set as a percent, though. I think it's set as "the resource will be exhausted in average, once per x turns"....

Oil's rate is 200, I think, meaning there's a 0.5% chance... and there's about a 30% chance that I'm making this stuff up.

Oil also has the highest disappear chance of all resources- I guess you can move the chances all the way up to almost 100%.
From what I remembered, 1 was the minimum and it should theoretically make the chance 100% but I just tried it and well, it didn't work... though it may have to do with the map I used, which has way too many resources than a standard civ3 map would have.
does this mean a high disapearence ration decreases the chance of a resource to get exhaused?

I do not think they actually get exhausted. I think all they do is move. So when coal is used up in one location it is discovered in another.
I do not think they actually get exhausted. I think all they do is move. So when coal is used up in one location it is discovered in another.
This is correct. There will always be the same number of resources on the map as there were at the beginning of the game.
..and what about appearance ratio.. what exactly this number means, how game decides to add ressources with smaller or bigger ratio?
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