Intersite BtS PitBoss

Dec 25, 2003
America's Dairyland
I am offering to be the host/server for an inter-site Beyond the Sword PitBoss game. This invitation is going out to CivFanatics, Strategamer, Apolyton, and PAL. The idea is to play a team game with players from each site forming a team.

My thoughts for the setup are as follows but are negotiable based on input from the teams:

The map will be a Large/Small map with the snaky continents feature and the islands feature. If teams can muster four players each the map size will he huge; if we can only manage to get three players per team we play on a large map.

The game will be simultaneous turns, no double moves allowed, 20-22 hour timer (tuned to make turnovers happen around 24 hours if not everybody plays).

No City Razing - ON
No City Flipping from Culture - Off
City Flipping after Conquest - Off
No Barbarians - Off
Raging Barbarians - Off
Aggressive AI - Off
Random Personalities - Off
No Technology Trading - Off
Permanent Alliances - ON
Always War - Off
Always Peace - Off
One-City Challenge - Off
Permanent War or Peace - Off
New Random Seed on Reload - Off
Lock Modified Assets - Off
Require Complete Kills - ON
No Vassal States - Off
No Tribal Villages - Off

All Victory conditions Enabled.

I also would disallow the Portugese and Native American civs as I believe they are excessively powerful.

I offer this as a starting point. All of this is negotiable between the teams.

If your site is interested, recruit players, elect a captain, and contact me at
I have already drafted "Failed Reality" so that makes 3 of us.
For one I'm hosting the game.
and for two did you see me say anything in my pitboss thread..

Yeah I think not..

Thats ok if you are going to think things like that, I will drop..

FR - chill man, was meant as a joke. I'm sure you'll be sorting out a new game cd asap.
OK, time to roll.

I would like teams to organize by choosing one player as captain, or spokesman for his team. I have set up a thread at CivFanatics to have the captains discuss the game details. I would prefer to have only the captains post here rather than have the confusion from 16 posters.

I suggest that we allow duplicate civ’s rather than any kind of selection process. This quicker and more fare. Captains need to decide which leaders their team will take.

When the game starts I would each player to use his name with a team tag so that all can understand who is on which team, example: PlayerJoe [CDZ]

Right now captains should be discussing game details with their teammembers.
Unfortuatlye we have all the players.

Mighty Dwaarf

possible reserves.
Failed Reality

have all said a positive for this game, so it does seem that we have all the players we need. Even if Failed Reality plays, so sorry Ian, but there might be room on other teams.
Yeah CDZ has like a ton of players and I first responded to bbf when he emailed me, but your post doesnt show me, so I guess I'm pushed out, or at least it seems..

You 4 go ahead and play, I will figure out something else..
FR should be in.
I drafted him clear on the second post of the thread!
Sorry CH nothing personal.
I hate to point out the obvious.
But if you look at the thread I clearly posted his position on July 31 and you posted on Aug 1st.
I posted on the same day as you did. It means that the one who posted first should be in. ALso if you look at the thread over at Stategamer, I mad my intentions of laying this game very early. Also I posted ASAp in the thread since it is impossible for me to post while I was asleep or at work. YOu cansee that in this thread.
Phew!! Go away for a day and chaos erupts.

I think the fairest way of solving the fourth player dispute is for the three members each have a vote to choose between Classical Hero and Failed Reality (unless of course on magnamously steps down). I would hope all would see this as the fairest method of solving this dispute and accept decision whether it be split or unamimous and that we can move forward into this game as a united team. I have pm'd Sonnybonds to seek what his feelings are so we should have a decision shortly.

There is also the need to appoint a captain, I am not fussed about who takes this role as lon as this position is seen as just a line of communication from host to team for admin issues rather than a position of authority within the team.
if we get down to technical specs here, MD posted on July 31st. then bbF said I have FR and ME so thats 3, then sonny posted..

Clearly this is 4 right here by 2am Aug 1st..

bbF's post was around 545pm on the 31st...

So it really shouldnt be between me and anyone else, but if you feel that has to be it, so be it. But will be disappointing that it's actually coming down to this. :(
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