11 Rome Units


Jan 5, 2007
Hong Kong



Enjoy :)

Swordsman------------------------use "Praetorian" animations
Axeman -----------------------------use "Praetorian" animations
Maceman---------------------------use "Praetorian" animations
Spearman--------------------------use "Spearman" animations
Pikeman----------------------------use "Spearman" animations
Archer--------------------------------use "Archer" animations
Longbowman---------------------use "Longbowman" animations
Crossbowman-------------------use "Crossbowman" animations
Chariot------------------------------use "Chariot" animations
Knight-------------------------------use "Companion_Cavalry" animations

Rabbit,White 's "How to add units, a guide."
fantastic, especially the chariot (although I would have armed it with spears).
man! great units! and like elder said fraxis NEEDS to hire you! (i am wondering just one question, just because the roman legions come in packs of 9 do thay overwhelm the packs if just 3 in the orininal civ??? also love the greek units
These units are spectacular! I'm kind of new to this and these guides are confusing me royally, but that's ok. I just want to know can someone point me to a guide to follow to just replace units in the game with these. I don't want to add them as new units or anything, lets just say I want to replace all of the normal Roman units with these, how would i go about this? Any and all help is much appreciated, thanks!
If you have BTS and just want to add these units for each civ replacing the default swordsman, pikeman, ect then this guide is probably easier, since Rabbit,White's is more for adding new units all together and has extra steps. You do have to have Beyond the Sword for this guide to work though:


3.0 Unit Art Styles

There has been a lot of amazing work done creating new unit art for civilization 4. Many of these units have been implemented as “flavor” units, sharing identical stats but added to the game to vary the artwork of different civilizations. Unfortunately this requires a new unit to be added to the game, a swordsman (for example) that is a duplicate in every way except its art definition.

BtS allows us to define unit art types, similar to the building art types in warlords. With it you can have one unit definition but configure different civilizations to use different art for that unit. So the Greek scout can be made to look different than an Aztec scout without adding a new unit to the game.

There are 3 steps required to enable this.

3.1 Step 1: CIV4CivilizationsInfos.xml

In this file we need to define the civilizations Unit Art Style as follows:

<ShortDescription>TXT_KEY_CIV_AMERICA_SHORT_DESC </ShortDescription>

This is very similar to the way city art styles were defined in warlords but added as a separate attribute so modders can use different unit and city building styles. A NONE value will cause the Civ to use all default Unit Art.

3.2 Step 2: CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos.xml

This is a new XML file in BtS. It contains the definition for the Unit Art Style and allows a new unit art meshes to be used for a given unit. In the example below the ART_DEF_UNIT_ARCHER_EURASIAN is the Early art definition used for an Archer and ART_DEF_UNIT_ARCHER_EUROPEAN is used in the middle and late periods. The Archer like most units has only one UnitMesh as specified on its CIV4UnitInfos.xml element. But units can actually have any number of Meshes, the Settler units are the only Original game units to use more then one Mesh and to modify these simply list the replacement Meshes as <UnitMeshGroup> elements, they will be matched in the order with the CIV4UnitInfos meshes and replace it one for one, any number of Meshes can be present in a Unit and all can be substituted in this way.

Any Unit not given replacements for a StyleType will simply be defaulted to the Art from the UnitInfos.xml file and any individual ARTDEFs can be referenced any number of times and in as many different StyleTypes as desired allowing considerable sharing and creation of Styles which differ only at certain time periods to reflect cultures branching and merging.

<MiddleArtDefineTag> ART_DEF_UNIT_ARCHER_EUROPEAN </MiddleArtDefineTag>
<EarlyArtDefineTag>ART_DEF_SETTLER_MALE_EUROPEAN </EarlyArtDefineTag>
<LateArtDefineTag> ART_DEF_SETTLER_MALE_EUROPEAN </LateArtDefineTag>
<MiddleArtDefineTag> ART_DEF_SETTLER_MALE_EUROPEAN </MiddleArtDefineTag>
<EarlyArtDefineTag>ART_DEF_SETTLER_FEMALE </EarlyArtDefineTag>
<LateArtDefineTag>ART_DEF_SETTLER_FEMALE </LateArtDefineTag>
<MiddleArtDefineTag>ART_DEF_SETTLER_FEMALE </MiddleArtDefineTag>

Step 3: CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml

Just as in Civ4 the Unit Art Information has to exist for the unit. But instead of using the default one assigned to that unit in the Civ4UnitInfos.xml (ART_DEF_UNIT_ARCHER for example) Unit Art Styles allowed us to use a alternate one such as this:

<ShadowAttachNode>BIP Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>

Note that the unit button graphic is defined on the UnitArtInfo, it is no longer set in the CIV4UnitInfos.xml file. This allows us to use different buttons for different unit art styles. This change will also require modders converting older mods to BtS to move all their button info into the art file.

By modifying the SDK you can create alternative types of StyleUnit logic with their own xml files and logic structures such as Units which show different Artwork based on how heavily they are damaged or the presense of specific Promotions.
Thanks for these units danrell, I like them so much I started learning how to edit the CIV xml files in order to add them :)

As other people who want to use them will have to go through the same steps, I decided to post a mod here which replaces all the standard civs with alternatives which use your units.

If you are iterested in it, get it here

All units are included, so you do not need to download them separately.
I'm having a lot of difficulty getting this to work, for some reason only the Horse Archer looks different, the rest get given the default models :S

Here's one of the items which doesn't work
Spoiler :
		<ShadowAttachNode>BIP Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>

(EDIT) Problem solved! Changed ShaderNIF to point to the same NIF file
I'm having a lot of difficulty getting this to work, for some reason only the Horse Archer looks different, the rest get given the default models :S

You have two options (three actually)

- trying to figure it out on your own
- downloading a plugable civilization which already uses these units
- downloading working xml and creating the right directories (as used in the xml files) and placing the graphics there (or exchange the dirs n the xml, as you are into xml editing ;) )

For options 2 and 3, see http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=5864847

		<ShadowAttachNode>BIP Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>

These lines should be
			<NIF>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Rome/Units/Longbowman_Rome/Longbowman.nif</NIF>
			<SHADERNIF>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Rome/Units/Longbowman_Rome/Longbowman.nif</SHADERNIF>

The NIFs need to point to danrell's units, otherwise you won't see his graphics (it probably is just the SHADERNIF line which is wrong, as it misses the _Rome part you placed in the NIF line). You seem to have used the archer entry as a template, thereby getting the wrong button as well.
Thanks! (Glee)

Also had a small problem with the Knight appearing at right angles to the horse, but realised that you had to use CompanionCavalry instead of Knight.
RFC? It is BTS compatible, in fact probably requires it since it uses the new BTS file CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos to define each civ's unit art. Anyway try it out and let me know if you find any problems. Just download it and stick it in the C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\ folder. I uploaded it with Winrar, but winzip should be able to open it fine.
all these units look awesome but i don't know about you guys but im all about historical accuracy the shields on the axeman swordsman and mace man are all wrong they should look like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Scutum_1.jpg
if anyone actually takes this into consideration the red part was the color that changed based on faction
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