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Strange Combat Animations


Just a tourist.
Apr 26, 2007
Since I applied the latest BTS patch via Direct2Drive all my combat animations are not as they should be. Sometimes my attacking unit will have two infantry die at the first moment of attack, but then miraculously ressurrect to finish the fight. Sometimes the defending unit will have the miraculous ressurrections. Paratroopers do not want to use their chutes anymore. They just sort of trot in place for 10 seconds or so at the drop site.

Although the game is playable, the animations are part of what makes the game great.
I'm having this problem, too. I don't remember installing the latest patch, but from my experiences with Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike Source, Steam seems to automatically patch all the games. And this didn't start happening until a short while ago.

But yeah, the animations are all boggled. Instant deaths, resurrections, the losing side still appearing to have two "people" alive when they die, the whole bit.

I'm not using any sort of mod, by the way.
I'm non D2D and have had this issue since installing. (i use one unit graphics)

I also get:
1) the looser going flat on back and the attacker still swinging sometimes 2-3 more times.
2) attackers doing a stutter step like the second half of the attack animation is missing.

It's not regular and not exactly something you can screen shot...
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