A tight fit (Prince level BtS SG, tiny, max. AI)

Simple Simon

Oct 19, 2007
I've been lurking here for a while since getting CIV Warlords. Great games, great stories - and now I guess it is time for an SG attempt of my own.

Since I am an 'action' guy I'd like to suggest a game on a tiny pangaea map with as tight a fit of AIs as possible. Simply so that all the boring settler-whipping and so on is not required.

I am looking for 3 or 4 other players confident on Noble or not-too-shabby on Prince. I am open for Civ suggestions!

Version: BtS, latest patch (3.13??)
Map: Pangaea
Level: Prince
AIs: 17
Civ: open for discussion
Map settings: open for discussion
Intended win: open for discussion

Players list:

Simple Simon (is busy rolling starts)
Mighty Dwaarf

Game is full

No exploits (e.g. excessive whipping, double moves, bribing into war before making peace onself, etc.), strict 24h 'got it', 48h play. Important decisions such as declaring war, use of Great Person, alliances etc. require team discussion even in mid-turn, unless they have been decided before.

anyone in?

Simple Simon
I'll take a shot if you'll have me. Haven't played a BTS SG yet. Couple questions though:

1) Are we using Bhruic's unofficial patch?
2) When you say "max # of AI's, do you mean for that particular map size (tiny) or are you wanting to add extra civs to the map?

Interesting to see what you will want to pick for a victory option. Clearly this scenario is designed for lots of wars, so an warlike leader with a powerful UU might be the right choice (Caeser ;) ), with conques/domination as the victory. But you could also make it more difficult by picking a peacemonger/builder civ with a tame UU (Ghandi) with a diplomatic/space race victory option.
I'll take a shot if you'll have me. Haven't played a BTS SG yet. Couple questions though:


1) Are we using Bhruic's unofficial patch?

What's that? Could you point me to a topic detailing it, please?

2) When you say "max # of AI's, do you mean for that particular map size (tiny) or are you wanting to add extra civs to the map?
Uh, 'Simple' Simon for a reason... I meant the max number possible, not the max number intended for the map ;) I guess that should be 18 AI, correct?

Interesting to see what you will want to pick for a victory option. Clearly this scenario is designed for lots of wars, so an warlike leader with a powerful UU might be the right choice (Caeser ;) ), with conques/domination as the victory. But you could also make it more difficult by picking a peacemonger/builder civ with a tame UU (Ghandi) with a diplomatic/space race victory option.

I agree that this will mean lots of 'action', but culture will also be a big thing, I guess. After all, if you have a city limited to 10 tiles or so..... not too good, I'd say. So we will need to push our cultural boundaries out, out, OUT!

Why not the toughest road: a peaceful leader with a useless UU for a conquest victory? :D Perhaps we should think carefully about the starting techs, too - mining would be high on my priority list, since we will want to got for Bronze and Iron Working soon! Same goes for the Animal Husbandry prerequisites. We will need either bronze/iron or horses to survive for sure!
Hatty? Creative and Spiritual. :mischief:

I'm at work, so I can't tell, but is there a civ who is creative and charismatic?
that would be interesting - but there is no such civ :(
I'll have to run a test game (tiny, 18 civs) tonight & see how tight a squeeze it's going to be. Should be an interesting first 50 turns or so :) .
Have been doing that for an hour now. 'Tight' may mean that the 21 of the capitals overlap :lol:
Guys I'll be interested in joining this, I am confident at Monarch so will be comfortable difficulty wise in this game. I am away from today until 28th should have internet but not able to play the game so if it gets started would be best to put me towards end of the roster.
Just lurking.....
Youll only have room for one city so there is a good probability that a strategic resource will not show up in your fat cross (unless you cheat by looking in Worldbuilder or get lucky). My suggestion is to play the Incan, tech to Bronze and take it from whoever has it with Queshas.
This is an interesting idea.
My guess would be that it'll be pretty easy to get one up on the AI's once you've captured a few cities. Also getting a holy city and a couple of early wonders would be huge for your border wars.
Mighty Dwaarf and TheLastOne36, welcome to the team! :)

Cabledawg: I'd never use the worldbuilder to look - as you say that's cheating! We have a slight chance at a second city - albeit a culturally hard-pressed one. If that city gives us a resource egde, the pressure will not mean much, though :hammer: But you are quite right: no copper, no iron, no horse and we will have a very tough game. But I have yet to see a map where there is really NO good resource around at all. Usually, one's there for the taking :) Incs solves the problem, but I'd go for a riskier approach and take a civ that is not so much stronger in a no-res setting than an AI.

50_dollar_bag: is that a signup? ;)

Yes, once we will lead by a 50% margin in points it is a piece of cake - from that point on it will be a matter of HOW we finish our win, not IF. Still, fast, hard warmongering is on the plate :D
I created starts for the following leaders: aesar, Gandhi, Huanwhatever Pacapsomething.

Which to use?

I am all for India: move the settler SW to the river and we MAY have a chance that there is enough land to the NE for a second city! After all, we are at the polar ice cap - the landmass may not extend far! Also, quite a few hills for metals :)


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    inca start.jpg
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Well balance gives you all the required resources...

Huayna Capac is Financial, so those Crabs will be a big boost.
India has many hidden resources in the grasslands. So for warmongering i think india got the resources.
Augustas isn't that nice.
Ok Simple Simon I'm in :)

It would be good if we were resourceless, would make it a bit more challenging. India sounds good, having played as Ghandi fo a while

I honestly believe we god stuck with a couple of resources with india. (look at the open space there) So if we want to be resourcless, then india looks like a bad option.
yeah, res-poor adds a challange ;) But I think we are fine with an easy-going warmongering game right now :) Maybe we can up the ante in a follow-up?

OTOH, I could also generate new starts un-balanced :groucho:

and welcome 50_$_bag!
I re-checked:
settings are:


No 'balanced' option here ;)
But I agree: the grassland means iron and/or horses.
NOTE: I will be without internet access for at least 36 hours. I will definitely be back on in 3 days time.

Therefore I suggest a change in player order:

mrwhite89 --> up, please start the game with 20 turns!
Mighty Dwaarf --> on deck, please play 15 turns
Simple Simon
see below

I would be delighted if the team could come to a consensus decision on which start to use (or generates a new start with tougher odds, if so desired) and starts the game in my absence.

My thoughts: whatever we do, we should get the techs that show resources first. BW, IW, AH, in that order. Then, I personally would beeline to catapults, ignoring all other tempting sidelines.
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