Multiplayer oddity


Nov 25, 2005
Last save
All the autosave behave the same, even though the fault only appeared 2 turns ago.
I was playing the maya, justin (AI) built the spiral minuret, and then I could not open any city, or add any buildings to any cities build queue.
The other human players had no problems.

This save was being played with our 'Mk1 Mod' which is unit graphics alterations and a tweak to the marathon game speed setting.

A very similar thing happened with an earlier game, but I didn't keep the save.
On load:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvAppInterface", line 70, in preGameStart

File "CvScreensInterface", line 75, in showTechChooser

File "CvTechChooser", line 124, in interfaceScreen

File "CvTechChooser", line 205, in placeTechs

On entering city screen:

RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception
ERR: Python function preGameStart failed, module CvAppInterface
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 705, in forceScreenRedraw

File "CvMainInterface", line 719, in redraw

File "CvMainInterface", line 1394, in updateSelectionButtons

repeated alot
I believe you are correct:
Thank you in advance for your help.

The same origional fault occurs no matter which of six machines we use to load the game.
I am now at work, but from memory, yes I do get some errors, but no where near as many. I will load up and post a single player log tonight.
after some :sleep: some more thoughts:
I have seen similar error logs (regarding the xml) from people who did not have full read/write access to all civ directories, which means:
...\program files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\
...\users\<name>\My Games\ (there is one directory in there for each of Vanilla/Warlords/BtS)
...\users\<name>\application data\My Games\ (there is one directory in there for each of Vanilla/Warlords/BtS)
Make sure you all have set those directories to read/write access and probably also shared - maybe the game tries to access files on another machine...
Also while you do not get OOS errors it might be worth a try to clear the cache on all your machines by deleting (or moving) the content of:
...\users\<name>\application data\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\cache\
...\users\<name>\application data\My Games\Warlords\cache\
...\users\<name>\application data\My Games\Beyond the Sword\cache\
Next thing though I am not sure if that means anything since I don't have an error free log of a MP game, the log contains one error regarding your setup:
[1968.781] ERR: We are broadcasting a public host, but have not initialized public host tools!
[2666.062] ERR: We are broadcasting a public host, but have not initialized public host tools!
[2738.640] ERR: We are broadcasting a public host, but have not initialized public host tools!
I believe the game wants to tell you something but I am not sure what those public host tools are that it wants.
Last thing in your second post you post a python error popup, for some reasons this was not saved in the logs, please make sure that all things with log in their name have a 1 and just to make sure set hidepythonexceptions to 0.
after some :sleep: some more thoughts:
I have seen similar error logs (regarding the xml) from people who did not have full read/write access to all civ directories, which means:
...\program files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\
...\users\<name>\My Games\ (there is one directory in there for each of Vanilla/Warlords/BtS)
...\users\<name>\application data\My Games\ (there is one directory in there for each of Vanilla/Warlords/BtS)
Make sure you all have set those directories to read/write access and probably also shared - maybe the game tries to access files on another machine...

Ah, the joys of Vista.
Mine is the only one of the machines with Vista, and granting full access rights and sharing in a pain indeed!
I have managed it before, and will do again though.
:hmm: there are lots of errors - basically most xml and some arts files do not load properly. Do you get any such errors when going single player?

I don't think those are a problem. My xml log is full of such errors, but I've never seen any in-game evidence of them. The problem that he reported was with Python - unfortunately there's no log of that problem occuring.

@Doomed_UK - for the logs to work, that error needs to actually take place. Otherwise we can't determine line numbers and such for the file to narrow down the problem.

screen.addDDSGFCAt( szUnitButton, szTechRecord, gc.getPlayer(gc.getGame().getActivePlayer()).getUnitButton(eLoopUnit), iX + fX, iY + Y_ROW, TEXTURE_SIZE, TEXTURE_SIZE, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_UNIT, eLoopUnit, 1, True )

That's the line that's causing the error. Since it's a C++ error, I have to assume it's the
part that is the problem. Since it only shows up in MP, I'm guessing it's the getActivePlayer() call. But I can't prove it. :) I haven't had any problems locally, so I'm not sure why you would be.

The oddest thing was that the fault did not manifest itself until the turn before the save, and yet all the autosave now error the same (autosaves are set to every 4 turns and keep 10 of them)
I just checked the file from your first post, that line is:
szButton = gc.getPlayer(pHeadSelectedCity.getOwner()).getUnitButton(eLoopUnit)
So it looks like it actually is the getUnitButton() call. I can't figure out why you'd only have the error in MP tho'. Or at all, really. :)

I don't suppose you could explain in simpler terms what the getunitbutton() call is actually doing?
As I say, we use a unit graphic mod, and I am becoming suspicious of it, however, the problem persists even if we do not use the mod, but it may be something for me to look closer at.
Well, simply put (sort of), it's referencing CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml. If you look at that file you'll note each entry has a <Button></Button> field. That's what it's accessing. So if you're using a unit graphic mod, then it's possible that some of the buttons are either improperly configured, or missing.

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