WoC Team Manager
This will explain in great detail the steps to creating mods/modules in the WoC Standard.
Specific examples for each "Custom" group will be given.
Specific examples for each "Custom" group will be given.
Help! What am I doing wrong?![]()
First of all, I'm no modder - so please bare with me if some of the following seems a bit redundant, cryptic, or just plain unintelligible...
I've been trying to incorporate TheLopez's M.A.D. Nukes Mod (converted to BtS by macsbug) into WoC.
I've managed to make a new CvGameCoreDLL file by combining the WoC sdk available at svn, with the MAD Nukes sdk.
I've placed the mod in the 'modules' folder.
I've removed everything from the mod's XML files that does not concern 'MAD nukes'.
I've renamed and placed the mod's XML files in a manner similar to other mods in the 'modules' folder (I've kept the mod's 'python' folder - is this right?). I've also re-edited the needed XML Schemas, so they correspond with the existing ones in WoC.
I've added the mod to the 'MLF_CIV4ModularLoadingControls' file (under 'misc. groups').
Yet, when I try to load WoC with the new mod I keep getting 'Failed loading XML file Modules\MAD Nukes\MAD_Nukes_CIV4(...).xml' error messages, concerning different xml files from the added mod. Otherwise WoC loads as normal.
Also, the new CvGameCoreDLL.dll file that I made is only aprox. 6,5 mb to the WoC original's aprox. 9,5 mb - any reason for this? I've been using Codeblocs and Kael's guide to 'installing and using the SDK'.
Any help or advise would be very much appreciated.![]()
This is a information on HOW and WHAT does the game load.
It seems this isn't clear to all the users/modders, so I'm going to explain it here.
I have to do this because unnecessary bugs are appointed to me which are NOT even a bug itself, but just a reason for someone not reading the WoC guidelines.
the Bugreport I'm referring too is:
Bugreport 186
I am the lazy one![]()
I understand what you have said. But just imagine the situation: a player (non-modder) loads WoC as it is, starts a new game, and sees both boating and fishing having "enable work on water". From this point of view, this is a bug and should be fixed by some way or another.
Of course in case of bWaterWork this "bug" can be ignored - it doesn't change the game, but suppose this is iHealth or iHappiness tag... There would be problems.
Now about the manual. Do you mean World of Civilization Manual v0.100.doc from the SVN? It is almost empty. Or I have read the wrong one?
I know that you gays have no much free time, but please write a little bit more detailed manual. I am a modder with long experience, tracing the WoC thread from November, but still have not enough knowledge to start my own mod under the WoC.
Your post was very useful. Thanks for the detailed explanations.
Looking forward to that, my xml worked in 0.80 but has failed to do so ever since (CTD during load). imo it should work, having a documentation might provide hints to what is wrong (unless it actually is your code).
EDIT: I try to keep WoC minimal, i.e. as little WoC xml and Python as possible, so some documentation on what actually IS required would be nice![]()
Well, most of your XML/... stuff should not be needed as it just repeats the standard definitions.
If I knew what the problem was I would says so, I get a CTD upon loading, that is all I know. It also crashes with all of your definitions (except for modules) and my regular (i.e. non-WoC'ed) xml. I would have expected it to work as regular xml should be compatible with WoC as well, it just doesn't use the new features introduced with WoC.