Swiss01 - Mrs Brown

Swiss Pauli

Jul 29, 2006
Mr Brown (Brennus) has to ensure a victory for Mrs Brown (Vicky). I hope that Vicky goes Cultural rather than to Space (and as a frequent Wonder builder there's a better than average chance she will).

Game: BtS (use of Bhruic's patch and/or BUG Mod to be agreed)
Leader: Brennus (SPI/CHM)
Map: highlands, small, 1 extra civ
Barbs: raging
Level: monarch
Speed: normal

Verboten: attacking other Civs, except to defend Mrs Brown (barb cities are fair game, however). Cities may not be gifted to Mrs Brown (except for citizen/AP liberation). We’re Mrs Brown’s aide, not her hatchet man.

Swiss Pauli
sunrise089 (confirmed)

So who else is keen to take the high road?
Checking in :)

Foreseeing a great game with a fine set of players like this :king:
Well, with sunrise signing up, we might as well start to debate the set-up. My thoughts are as follows:

- Bhruic's patch: the two biggest fixes, as I see it, are colonies and allowing Corps to be founded under Merc. The former is highly unlikely on Highlands, and the latter can be gotten around if needed. With it changing the CoreDLL then you'd need to swap it with the original for RB events. Full list of fixes here:

- BUG mod: I think BEG would be a more apt description (E for enhanced) as it seems - and maybe pawelo can confirm - to remove a commendable amount of tedium from SP play (checking AIs' new cash for trades, AI attitude changes, city growth info, etc). However, I think in SGs the chore of checking these yourself is less, and it probably benefits to do so by (re)familiarizing oneself with the game.

Overall, I favour running plain old v3.13 in this game. If anyone sees any major headaches that having Bhruic's patch would solve then I'll go along with that.

What about you guys?
I also prefer to play without Bhruic's patch as none of my other SG's are using it.

Bug mod causes log crash on me but if people want to use it, I can live with it.
I definately see no reason to use Bhruic's patch. Bug mod is ok, but I see no reason to use it if it interferes with Meiz's system.

To those more in the know (Ruff_Hi, are you lurking?), do any of the community made patches actually fix any of the commonly known problems like Great Wall not requiring walls to be built and therefore giving an unfair GS?
To those more in the know (Ruff_Hi, are you lurking?), do any of the community made patches actually fix any of the commonly known problems like Great Wall not requiring walls to be built and therefore giving an unfair GS?
I think the walls thing was an abandoned change, but I could be wrong about this.

BUG is an awesome tool but seem to affect the gameplay through a log crash.
In fact, it enhances the log which seems to be incompatible with vanilla 3.13.
Great features I use always in BUG:
- Great Person bar, showing you when the next GP will be born, where, and which is the most probable type (you can also configure to see full probabilities)
- Ready to whip feature - indicates when the city is whippable, for how may pop with which overflow (US rushing works too)
- Informs how much has an AI to trade and when it has a nex tech available to trade. Informs who will OB.
- Alerts when a city is about to shrink
- Alerts when the city is about to grow above its happy/healthy cap
- The Glance screen summerizes all the attitudes known AI has toward another known AI
All in all, it's a superb tool to play with.
However, as RB decided recently that it unbalances the gameplay, providing people with some info that is difficult (impossible - the glance screen) to figure precisely out, I am willing to drop my BUG installation and play normal de-BUG-ged game ;)

I don't have Bhruic currently installed on my PC, but can go either with or without it.

I am waiting for the opening screenie :scan:

Hopefully, one more player will join us.
Otherwise, five is good too to start with.
Ok, then. Looks like we'll go for v3.13 (but I will use BUG mod for another game soon).

The starting position, in all its glory ;)

But waterside corn is pretty strong. Tundran hills deer is pretty weak (3/2/0), so I don't advise a move off the current plains hills just to bring it into the BFC. The question is whether to move the scout 1N, 1NE, or 1SW before committing to settle. Slightly longer term, raging Barbs will cross culture around 2500BC, so Great Wall is very helpful and, seeing as we start with Mysticism, a grab for Bhuddism or Hindu is an obvious opening.

And this is where I abandon you (temporarily): I checked in WB to make sure Mrs Brown isn't on the other side of the map (as happened on one test roll). Whilst I can't recall what resources are nearby, I can remember some of the other AIs, and where they are on the map. That being the case, I'll slot onto the end of the roster:

darrelljs - Up!
pawelo - on deck
Swiss Pauli

You know....I remember the first Big Brother game, where X-man was guided to the stars. I thought at the time it sounded like a fun and interesting game. But I was too late to join.

And while I have a bunch of ideas of my own cooking....I can't pass it up again. I should be adequate at Monarch, but probably not much more (though I was part of a team to beat Immortal on vanilla). And as part of a 6-man roster, it shouldn't be too much of a time killer.

You willing to have me?

You willing to have me?

Definitely okay with me!

I favor moving the Scout 1 SW although the odds of us founding elsewhere seem pretty slim right now. So its either Polytheism/Scout or Agriculture/Worker? I rarely chase an early religion and that Corn looks might tasty, so I would tend to start with Agriculture. However, at Monarch we have a decent chance of founding Hinduism and on a highlands map there are more huts to nab, so I guess one waffling vote for Polytheism/Scout.

Oh, and how many turns should I start with?

@Arathorn - You're in as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't worry about the level too much - we have some skilled players on the team to carry you and I :)

EDIT: I favor a scout SW move as well. Anywhere to the north looks too cold. I more or less never chase an early religion for its own sake, so I'd favor Agriculture then the path towards Great Wall + Bronze for barb protection.
It would be good to have famous Arathorn in out roster :)

Agree with Agriculture -> Bronze Working plan. Those forests are crying to be chopped :) We can probably found a later religion.
You know....I remember the first Big Brother game, where X-man was guided to the stars. I thought at the time it sounded like a fun and interesting game. But I was too late to join.

And while I have a bunch of ideas of my own cooking....I can't pass it up again. I should be adequate at Monarch, but probably not much more (though I was part of a team to beat Immortal on vanilla). And as part of a 6-man roster, it shouldn't be too much of a time killer.

You willing to have me?


Glad you can join us, Arathorn :D
Updated Roster
darrelljs - Up!
pawelo - on deck
Swiss Pauli

I like a Poly/Scout opening with Celtia. In this case, Agri/Worker looks a bit weak because the worker probably won't be able to do much (after the farm) until BW is in. However, we should move the scout 1SE (1SW was a typo) and decide whether to settle in place. Given that we'd only want to move the settler 1NE if there's a strong special in the tiles next to the mountain, there's a good chance we'll settle in place, pop the hut, and reveal some more tiles.

Once we settle then we can decide on the opening tech/build combo. For the opening sets, I propose 25, then 15, and 10 turns thereafter seeing as we're on normal speed. Don't be shy about playing a couple of turns more (or less) if you consider it a better point to hand over. Pausing part way through a set and posting up pics for discussion is encouraged if you can't see a clear way forward.
Welcome Arathorn!
I lurked at your actual started game. If I weren't already overloaded, I would definitely gave it a go :goodjob:

Poly/scout vote for me too :D I like the unusual opener. Besides, you're right Swiss. Once the corn is farmed, the worker would be hanging around and waiting for BW.

Settling in place would be the best option IMHO. Plains hill is a huge early boost and the map generator always (since BtS?) places a strong starting position for the capital (well, just the BFC).
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