World History Mod development thread


Lightning Warrior
Mar 31, 2007


mod cancelled but similar project now in EU4

I simply cannot cover/work on all areas of the game. I am only getting busier and busier. So I am dividing some tasks among those interested.

It is unfair to expect things to be released in a timely manner, when I am [essentially] the only person working on the mod, particularily on this segment. So, if you don't like the wait, please consider helping.

Volunteering is very flexible, as there are essentially no deadlines. You really can work at your own pace. This will let me focus on more important things, and help me make progress on more fronts. If you can help out, please post or email me.

Please see two posts below for the mod development status, and for some ideas on how you can help



~~~for detailed information on the mod, please visit the main mod forum, linked in the post above~~~
Mod development status:


See my system specs (in my sig) for an approximate minimum requirement

My Performance Reccomendations For Yesterday's Computers:
1) Put all your graphics levels down and turn animations off. Don't even bother trying. First of all, the graphics look awesome regardless, and secondly, a lot of the resources are designed to work without animations.
2) Increase your virtual memory. Virtual memory is better than no memory at all. This will require a restart.
3) Don't have something stupid like limewire open. And sign off and exit and messengers- it's not like you'll be chatting during the game anyway, at least not with this mod chugging away.
4) MEM-SAVER is your best friend. This eliminates 9/10 crashes, and is the only way to playably run this mod. This is not an option! Note, this is why you definitely can't use messengers with it- you must run in full screen mode, and you cannot minimize the game without a crash. So turn off anything that might interrupt the game with a silly popup (antivirus and messengers are your prime targets, though usually I have no problem with antivirus).
Sounds cool, when will you provide more detailed information (like civs included, etc.) and a preliminary release date?
I'm editing in some of that information (civs, bonuses, etc) tonight. The rest I will add in when it is decided upon.

As with the estimated release date. It is WAY too large, as you probably noticed, to be released in the fairly near future. But nevertheless I will provide an estimate.
Alright Kevin, here are 2 suggestions I have:

Firstly, I understand that this is a huge project, but I think it would be better if you split it up into "phases." It will take way too long to finish everything you want (over a year) ... and working on something that long, you're prone to lose interest if you never get any work out. I would suggest attempting to make a first release with only a portion of everything that you'd like (I don't know, 1/3 of the list?), and have that as Phase 1 of the project. Then, from there you'll have a base to work with and add to, and people will see your dedication to the project and maybe give a helping hand.

Secondly, I'm sure everyone knows what's coming. Your world history mod simply won't be complete unless you add the Albanians in as one of your European civilizations. Feel free to download my Albania mod (linked in my signature) and to read my civilopedia for a better idea of the history and why the Albanians should be in your mod as the most tenacious and enduring people of Europe. :)
Thanks Shqype, I've taken your idea. This should appease those waiting for my map. (I divided it up and edited it into the release date post).

As for the Albanians, I guess I was assuming they would fall under Yugoslavians, but I imagine that is not the case. I'll tentatively add it in for now, and read your info this week.

As for them being the most enduring, I don't know about that... A strong, long-lived, conquering civ could also be considered an enduring civ... Maybe your information will surprise me :)
Yea, they're definitely NOT Yugoslavians. Yugoslavians aren't an ethnicity, it was a loose "confederation of sorts" of Slavic-speaking peoples, and whatever Albanians happened to be living in land that was awarded to said peoples.

Read my civilopedia entries, and you will learn the gist of what I mean. The Romans had perhaps the greatest empire the world had ever seen, but how long did they last? Where are they now? Not only did the ancestors of the Albanians contribute to the formation of Christianity and the Roman Empire (through soldiers, Roman emperors, and Catholic Popes), but they were around before the Romans and are still there today. Read on to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

PS - if you need help or suggestions, you can always PM me, and I'll lend a helping hand whenever I can. :)
Well, I looked at the history and although they're not the strongest civ (the people survived usually, rather than the civ), it's always been in the back of my mind that the Ottoman Empire was competing for land in the Balkans as late as the early 1900s, and it's a good source of land competition between the Balkan Slavs, Greece, and Turkey. Plus, it was quite an important area in the 1st world war.

I've fully added Albania, right from your mod. I do plan on having a real leaderhead though.

I've also added cork, cedar and coconuts as resources.
Sounds good to me. Nice resources, by the way. Coconuts are cool ;)
Plus, I like the christian outpost in Orthodox Europe and I can work in Mother Theresa as a great person.


Should I use real leaderheads or images for my civs? I imagine at the moment I could provide real leaderheads for at least half, with what's already on my computer. I'm reluctant to use both real and images.
I've got a shed load of sugestions for this awesome idea (and sure more will crop up over time).

I was thinking of putting together a Industrial to Modern era mod myself (without any prior modding XP of course :eek:), and I've got the the stage of crafting a tech tree that I'll humbly offer for your consideration (if your intersted).

One point you mentioned about having seperate tech and setup for tribal groups (inuit etc). I was wondering about the possibility of having an earlier start date for the game (say 10,000BC) and including elements of pre-city human society. I don't know about the practicality, but my idea was to have a special unit (Nomad for want of a better name), that could move around the map and 'deploy' on a tile to create a temporary settlement with a population of 0 and no city radius but able to gather the resourses of the single tile its built on. This settlement could be abandoned at any time with the refund of the Nomad, which could then move to new grounds and harness different or better resourses. With the discovery of certain techs (farming, improved building techniques etc) a settlement could be upgraded to a perminant city, gain its first population and the 3x3 city radius and also allow for more advanced techs such as metal-working and currency. Perhaps a mechanism like this could be used to simulate tribal communities and nomadic cultures (to some extent the Huns, Golden Horde, Native American cultures and even the Vikings could function in this way).

Very excited by this mod, expect more of the above in future :D (if its welcome, naturally)
Hey, welcome, I'm very open to suggestions. I will of course take a look at your eras when they are finished, and when I get to phase 3.

About the prehistory (10000bc idea) I'd consider randomly generating the native populations, etc., but I'd have to see how it plays out. It's a very performance-counsing map.
Why isn't Australia included?
Good luck on the project. Are you working alone?
I would like to see the list on the new terrain you would like to have :). Savanna, Mangrove?
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