Protectors of the Faith sign up thread


Nov 7, 2004
This thread is for the sole purpose of applying to become a member of the Protectors of Faith faction, or revoking your membership. This will also be used as a "census" thread to keep track of who is in this faction as well as where they hail from. Simply post here following the form below and you're in, provided that you are a legal citizen and not part of any other faction.

If you're looking for information and discussion regarding this faction, go here:

I would like everyone who has signed up so far to please repost here.

Use this form to sign up:

Position: (Include both official and unofficial positions, ex: Voice of Faith (official); Faithful of Tokyo (unofficial).)
Goals: (Why are you playing? What's important to you in this game?)
Chat Availability: (What kinds of chat programs do you have access to (i.e. AIM, MSN, etc.)? No need to post screen names, I just want to get a feel for what everyone has)

Remind me if there's something I'm forgetting.

EDIT: Just a small note. The reason I'm asking for chat availability is if we want to have private meetings outside of CFC chat. Having never done CFC chat, I don't know if it's possible to have a private chatroom.
Position: Head of Faith
Goals: To enjoy myself by doing a little RPing combined with CIV!
Chat Availability: AIM & MSN
Position: Unknown
Goal: Unknown
Chat: I am always in the CFC chatroom.
Goals: To make a good future for myself
Chat: I have an e-mail, but nothing more.
Position: Unknown
Goals: To become a popular leader of the faith
Chat: AIM
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