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Feb 11, 2008
Civilization 3 Complete V1.22 Governments:

What you should know:
Town: 1-6 population
City: 7-12 population
Metro: 12+ population.
Military Police Limit: Max number of units in a city that makes 1 content citizen happy.
Unit Support: number of units that cost you no money. All units 'over the cap' cost you gpt.
All units over the cap cost 1 gpt. Under Republic they cost 2gpt, under Feudalism they cost 3gpt.
4 towns and 3 cities under Monarchy have 4x2 + 3x4 = 20 unit support. That means that every unit over the cap of 20 cost you 1 gpt.

Anarchy happens when switching from one Gov to another - called revolution. It lasts from 2 to 8 turns, dependent on the cize of your civilization / map size.

Worker Efficiency: 50%
Hurry Method: None
Corruption: Catastrophic
War Weariness: none
Draft Rate: 0
Military Police Limit: 0
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 0/0/0
Notes: No city production, no research

'Base' government. Good for starting Civs with little income, happiness problems (lack of luxuries) or without the income to support a large military.

Worker Efficiency: 100%
Hurry Method: Forced labor
Corruption: Rampant
War Weariness: none
Draft Rate: 2
Military Police Limit: 2
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 4/4/4
Notes: Any square which produces more than 2 food, commerce, or shields produce 1 less. (aka 'Despo Penalty')

Good for civs with small towns (under pop 6).
For countries that are behind at the start of a game and want to expand through war.

Worker Efficiency: 100%
Hurry Method: Forced Labor
Corruption: Problematic
War Weariness: Low
Draft Rate: 2
Military Police Limit: 3
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 5/2/1
Notes: Units over the cap cost 3 gpt

The lack of war wariness and but the presence of military police makes a good combination for small kingdoms at war and have an army a Republic can't support.

Worker Efficiency: 100%
Hurry Method: Pay citizens
Corruption: Problematic
War Weariness: none
Draft Rate: 2
Military Police Limit: 3
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 2/4/8

For reichs that are expanding, under developed and won't see peace any time soon...

Worker Efficiency: 200%
Hurry Method: Forced Labor
Corruption: Nuisance
War Weariness: None
Draft Rate: 2
Military Police Limit: 4
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 4/7/10
Notes: Pop declines when you change over.
Culture is not produced until you have a popular majority.
Higher chance of espionage mission success

Large civs (3 city cores) that have corruption problems in far away potentially big cities (enter: Secret Police HQ).
Good for war because there's no war weariness and good unit support.

Worker Efficiency: 100%
Hurry Method: Forced Labor
Corruption: Communal
War Weariness: None
Draft Rate: 3
Military Police Limit: 4
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 2/4/8
Notes: Higher chance of espionage mission success

Most popular government.
For republics big enough to support their military; fighting short wars

Worker Efficiency: 100%
Hurry Method: Pay citizens
Corruption: Nuisance
War Weariness: Low
Draft Rate: 1
Military Police Limit: 0
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 1/3/4
Notes: Military over the cap cost 2 gpt.
Adds 1 commerce to any tile already producing at least 1.

For peaceful builders, not planning to be at war anytime soon.

Worker Efficiency: 150%
Hurry Method: Pay citizens
Corruption: Minimal
War Weariness: High
Draft Rate: 1
Military Police Limit: 0
Unit Support Town/City/Metro: 0/0/0
Notes: Cities immune from propaganda.
Adds 1 commerce to any tile already producing at least 1.
question: repo and demo have a bonus don't they?
What is that bonus and are they the only 2 Govs that have it?
Other than that, if Commie had the Pay Citizens it would rock.
I remember Imperialism in the Rise of Rome conquest. That rocked too.
Republic and Demo both have The Commerce Bonus. It adds 1 commerce to any tile already producing at least 1. Yes, they are the only governments that have it.
Thanks. Civilopedia doesn't rap a word about it... strangely.
I added that to the descriptions.
If there's anything youd like to add, please say so.
Also to the second post. If you think there's a good situation for a particular Gov, let me know.
I very rarely use anything but republic, so my experience with other governments is somewhat limited. I have never used fascism or communism. The "conventional wisdom" with regards to governments is that:
  • Republic is the best all-around government;
  • Monarchy is the government of choice for the All-War variant;
  • Communism might be good, if only it didn't come so late or require an additional anarchy period;
  • Feudalism is good for culture-whip games.
Monarchy is considered better for All-War for two reasons that I know of: (1) no WW; and (2) slightly better unit support. I think the first reason is probably the more important of the two, simply because you cannot make peace in AW games. Monarchy's unit support is only marginally better than Republic, but WW in an All-War game can be a killer.

I've only used Feudalism once or twice, but my impression was that I could support a very large army with only a few small towns. Republic needs cities for support. Feudalism needs towns. With a food-poor, shield-rich start, I suspect Feudalism could be a powerhouse. On the other hand, with a food-rich start & an agri civ, you can whip tons of stuff. Keeps pop down, which keeps unit support up. And you can pair it with an agri civ like the Celts or Sumeria for cheap culture buildings and whip them, too. The only culture win I've ever had was as Sumeria. Conquered my continent and proceeded to beat my people like they owed me money.

There's pretty consistently a small contingent of die-hard supporters of Communism around here. As I've never used it, I can't tell you from experience if it's any good. On the one hand, Communism's supporters seem to like being able to produce units in every town around the globe, along with having great unit support. On the other hand, the non-supporters say that it works best if you space your cities further apart than you would for a Republic. Therefore, you have to plan to be a Communist civilization from the very beginning. From my perspective, I don't want a second anarchy and, by the time Communism rolls around, my empire is well established and set up as a Republic. I suspect that, if you like to play with the late-game toys, Communism rocks. I am going to try Communism one day, honest. . . .

As for Republic, the commerce bonus goes a long way towards: (1) fueling research; (2) cash-rushing stuff; (3) buying friends; and (4) keeping people happy. Short wars are usually considered better, but Republic is durable enough for serious warmongering, if you can manage your losses. Oscillating wars go a long way towards mitigating WW, as well.
I very rarely use anything but republic, so my experience with other governments is somewhat limited. I have never used fascism or communism.

There's pretty consistently a small contingent of die-hard supporters of Communism around here. As I've never used it, I can't tell you from experience if it's any good. On the one hand, Communism's supporters seem to like being able to produce units in every town around the globe, along with having great unit support. On the other hand, the non-supporters say that it works best if you space your cities further apart than you would for a Republic. Therefore, you have to plan to be a Communist civilization from the very beginning. From my perspective, I don't want a second anarchy and, by the time Communism rolls around, my empire is well established and set up as a Republic. I suspect that, if you like to play with the late-game toys, Communism rocks. I am going to try Communism one day, honest. . . .

As for Republic, the commerce bonus goes a long way towards: (1) fueling research; (2) cash-rushing stuff; (3) buying friends; and (4) keeping people happy. Short wars are usually considered better, but Republic is durable enough for serious warmongering, if you can manage your losses. Oscillating wars go a long way towards mitigating WW, as well.
Comunism is good when - as described - you have a 3rd ring of cities, other than around your capital and your secret palace, that is potentialy productive (more often than not taken from the enemy).
I've tested it and republic WILL give you more money, even if your empire is realy big. (Think: conquest victory big).
But when it comes down to war and productivity in later games; comunism is the Gov.
You can whip foreign people and the new city cores can be a 3rd productive powerhouses with the SPHQ.
I very rarely use anything but republic, so my experience with other governments is somewhat limited. I have never used fascism or communism. The "conventional wisdom" with regards to governments is that:
  • Republic is the best all-around government;
  • Monarchy is the government of choice for the All-War variant;
  • Communism might be good, if only it didn't come so late or require an additional anarchy period;
  • Feudalism is good for culture-whip games.
Monarchy is considered better for All-War for two reasons that I know of: (1) no WW; and (2) slightly better unit support. I think the first reason is probably the more important of the two, simply because you cannot make peace in AW games. Monarchy's unit support is only marginally better than Republic, but WW in an All-War game can be a killer.

I've only used Feudalism once or twice, but my impression was that I could support a very large army with only a few small towns. Republic needs cities for support. Feudalism needs towns. With a food-poor, shield-rich start, I suspect Feudalism could be a powerhouse. On the other hand, with a food-rich start & an agri civ, you can whip tons of stuff. Keeps pop down, which keeps unit support up. And you can pair it with an agri civ like the Celts or Sumeria for cheap culture buildings and whip them, too. The only culture win I've ever had was as Sumeria. Conquered my continent and proceeded to beat my people like they owed me money.

There's pretty consistently a small contingent of die-hard supporters of Communism around here. As I've never used it, I can't tell you from experience if it's any good. On the one hand, Communism's supporters seem to like being able to produce units in every town around the globe, along with having great unit support. On the other hand, the non-supporters say that it works best if you space your cities further apart than you would for a Republic. Therefore, you have to plan to be a Communist civilization from the very beginning. From my perspective, I don't want a second anarchy and, by the time Communism rolls around, my empire is well established and set up as a Republic. I suspect that, if you like to play with the late-game toys, Communism rocks. I am going to try Communism one day, honest. . . .

As for Republic, the commerce bonus goes a long way towards: (1) fueling research; (2) cash-rushing stuff; (3) buying friends; and (4) keeping people happy. Short wars are usually considered better, but Republic is durable enough for serious warmongering, if you can manage your losses. Oscillating wars go a long way towards mitigating WW, as well.

OK - I'm a NOOB and can never decided between monarch & republic. I almost always play on pangea so there's more war but the corruption often really stacks up. So my question is 3 fold. 1.) If you have a large army should you upgrade older units or sell them off? Seems like the cost of a large army in a big map would be huge at 2GPT 2.) Is republic always more versatile cause you can do the tech rush to republic easily and simply manage the WW with slider? 3.) Does WW factor in if you try to kick them out of your territory and they declare war on you? 4.) Ok one more - - - if you want to start a war in republic is it better to simply go after their major base (if possible) and bypass their smaller bases to take a GW and then sue for peace?:sad:
. . . . I almost always play on pangea so there's more war but the corruption often really stacks up. So my question is 3 fold. 1.) If you have a large army should you upgrade older units or sell them off? Seems like the cost of a large army in a big map would be huge at 2GPT
The answers to most of your questions will be "it depends." At 2gpt per unit over the limit, you do have to watch your support. No question. As to whether you should upgrade or disband, it depends. What have you got? What's the upgrade path? What are the units doing? Do you plan on conquering more or are you going to sit tight and launch the space shuttle?

2.) Is republic always more versatile cause you can do the tech rush to republic easily and simply manage the WW with slider?
I'd be hesitant to say "always," but I'd say frequently. Both Monarchy and Republic are cash-rush governments, and that's usually preferable to pop-rush governments. One key difference, though, is the commerce bonus that comes with Republic. Monarchy can also use the lux slider and it can also use MPs. But MPs aren't on the front lines. they're sitting in your cities, keeping people content.

3.) Does WW factor in if you try to kick them out of your territory and they declare war on you?
Yes, but if the AI declares on you for that, you get War Happiness!

4.) Ok one more - - - if you want to start a war in republic is it better to simply go after their major base (if possible) and bypass their smaller bases to take a GW and then sue for peace?:sad:
Again, it depends. If I think I've got the firepower to attack the AI's core directly, I do so. Once I'm done with the core, the civ will fold. If I don't think I've got that much firepower, I'll attack a few cities, sue for peace, rinse and repeat.
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