World War 3- The True "War to End all Wars"


Norbert Pickle VonPiddler
Jul 23, 2007
In a galaxy far far away...
In a small Hut of a tribal village in a small island off the coast of Alaska, a man lays crippled in his cott. His body is horrendously Covered with bumps. The local medicine man walks in and feels the mans pulse it is at first very slow and gets slower and slower until it is completely gone. The man is dead. A woman and here young baby both sat in the corner crying. The Medicine man mutterd in their native language "God help us all".

Current situation:

All over the world people have been dying un mysterious circumstances. Both China's and RussiasRepresentative in the UN have been assasinated along with The President of France and the USA. Some one out ther really dosnt like people and all over the world people have been dying for no apparent reason at all. Scientists think these terrorists have access to biological weapond and have released a bio-engenered desease into the worlds food trade system. Tensions have broken out into war between the two sides Following the assainations. On 1 side we have the French, USA, England Italy, Canada, Spain, Austria, Norway and Poland. On the other hand there is Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, India, Iran, Germany, Afganistan,Mexico and Kaskackstan.

The world is in turmoil.

I need lots of help for this and if we get enough help im sure we'll get a spot in the mod development thread.

If u wanna help contact me or post in this thread and I'll tell you what we need done.
why the hell is germany part of the eastern faction?????????????????????
why the hell not

do u wanna help or not\
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It would be a tad more realistic if you added a few more things...countries don't go to war because of biological attacks if they think some terror group did it, not a nation (excluding Israel, Lebanon, and a few other nations).

And the factions (assuming the same scenario) would probably look more like this:

NATO, European Union, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq (due to ties/war)
China, Mongolia, N. Korea
Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan (?), ASEAN, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan
Russia, non-Unionized Europe
North Africa and the Middle East
African Union
MERCOSUR/Andean Community/Central America

The latter two would remain neutral, since nobody really cares about the,.
why the hell is germany part of the eastern faction?????????????????????

It's pretty obvious. In 2012 there are cheap German T-Shirts all over China, and it was too bloody risky to lose that great market of China, so they joined sides.

What worries me most is Kaskackstan.
Last time I checked Kaskackstan was near Kryrgyrzsctan, and there's no way that Kaskackstan would enter the war without first playing a criquet match with Kryrgyrzsctan on Midsummer night.

So, it's a highly improbable scenario in my opinion.
It's pretty obvious. In 2012 there are cheap German T-Shirts all over China, and it was too bloody risky to lose that great market of China, so they joined sides.

What worries me most is Kaskackstan.
Last time I checked Kaskackstan was near Kryrgyrzsctan, and there's no way that Kaskackstan would enter the war without first playing a criquet match with Kryrgyrzsctan on Midsummer night.

So, it's a highly improbable scenario in my opinion.

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