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Diplomacy 4: Tale of Ekonia


Sep 15, 2007
Diplomacy 4: Tale of Ekonia

Diplomacy 4: Tale of Ekonia is set in a world similar to our own, yet the technology level is broadly equivalent to the Ancient Era in Europe. Of course there are some differences however, for example, in Ekonia it is possible to construct Gas Vents to channel the gas beneath the surface of the land, this has allowed for the construction of large Airships, which are commonly used to transport army regiments into battle. Sanitation levels are also fairly advanced compared to ancient Europe and large cities are not uncommon.

‘’Once upon a time this world was united. It was a time of great peace and prosperity, there were no wars, and even poverty and disease was rare. Yes, those were the days. The Emperor at Nikea was kind and just, a good ruler, but when he found his wife had cheated on him he flew into fit of rage. He killed her and the other man in the bed that they laid in, they died brutal deaths indeed, and the Emperor began to turn to drink. A year passed, and the Emperor had gotten worse, some say he was being blackmailed. They say men in grey robes came to him and threatened to reveal to the people just what had happened to their much-loved Empress. The Empire’s coffers were bled dry and taxes were raised in every city and town. The nobility were in uproar. They refused to pay, and led rioting in the home towns. The payments had stopped, and the men in grey robes needed payment. That was when the Emperor’s son was kidnapped. His only son. Heir to the Empire. Of course, a ransom would have to be paid, but the Empire was bankrupt. Taxes were raised. A revolution occurred in Meineria, their noble families promised to change things, to return the run-down city to prosperity. The Emperor demanded that the rebellion must be crushed, but the nobles of the Empire refused to draft their regiments. They refused to pay the new taxes, threatening to also revolt. The Emperor had no money, but the blackmailers still demanded money, as well as the ransom for his yet to be returned son. He couldn’t pay, and the men in grey robes threatened him with death if he could not get the money. An assassination attempt was foiled, but the emperor now feared for his life. In response he created several new and highly restrictive laws, no one would go out after dark, lest they be assassins, no trade of food between cities, lest it be poisoned, no autonomy for noble houses, lest they be the men in grey robes. And the Emperor shut the doors of his palace in Nikea, and proclaimed that no one may enter or leave the building. The doors remain closed to this day. Of course, that truly was the end of the empire, and ever since then the nobility have each ruled their city-states.

Yet it is prophesised that the Empire will one day return, and rumoured that descendants of the Emperor’s Son may be living somewhere in the former Empire.

But of course, Time will tell.’’

Spoiler Territories and Income :
Capitals: Your capital city provides a bonus of 10 gold to the normal city’s 15 Gpt for a total of 25Gpt. Capturing an opponent’s capital will revert it to a basic city and one of your opponents remaining cities will become their capital. If they have no other cities they lose their capital until they capture a new one.

Cities: Cities provide 15 Gpt.

Tiles: Tiles without cities on provide 10Gpt.

Sea lanes: When one player has a sea lane, they gain a 15% increase on their base tile income (BTI) (the amount you get from cities, capitals and other tiles).

Triremes controlling a Sea lane receive a 20% combat penalty.

Trade: When two nations border each other they may trade. In this case each player gains 25% of the amount equal to their partner’s BTI, in addition to their own BTI. Two players who both control SLs may also trade. Trade may begin on the same turn as the circumstances to do so are created, so for example, you may begin to trade with other players holding Sea lanes on the same turn as you capture them. However, to do so you would have to reveal your plans to capture the SL to other people. If the owner found out, they could use their Gold to reinforce the SL or bring ships in from elsewhere, if you were unable to capture the SL for this reason then, of course, your trade agreements will not be applicable. For a trade to begin, both players involved must put it in their orders. This will not be necessary in subsequent turns after trade is established.

Spoiler Units :
Units have an initial cost, which you pay upon buying them, and an upkeep cost, which you then pay for each subsequent turn you control these units. Please note that in this variant of diplomacy, having a large standing army may not be the best plan long-term and it may be better to mainly draft units in when you need them. This is to increase the reliance on strategy and to give smaller countries a chance. It is recommended that you defend Forts and cities well however.

Infantry: Strength=1 Movement=1 Cost=10G Upkeep=4 May be disbanded for 5 G refund.

Cavalry: Strength=1.5 when attacking, 0.5 when defending, Movement=2, Cost=25, Upkeep=10 May be disbanded for 5G refund.

Trireme: Strength=1, Movement=1, Cost=20, Upkeep=4, May be disbanded but give no refund.

Transport: Strength=0, Movement=1, Cost=15, Upkeep=3, May be disbanded but give no refund. It is possible to load and unload a ship in the same turn or move and load or unload in the same turn. Can carry a combined strength of 6 (for this purpose cavalry count as 1.5.)

Airship: Airships can drop 3 infantry anywhere within a 3 tile radius, sea tiles count as 2 tiles. They must always be based at a fort or a capital and each fort may only hold 2 at any one time. When not dropping units they may rebase to other forts or the capital. You may not control more airships at any time then the number of AB’s you have, doubled. Airships may be disbanded but give no refund. Cost=20, upkeep=10

Transports and airships may not transport units on the turn they are made.

Spoiler Upkeep :
firstly you don't need to keep money aside to pay for your unit upkeep, this is deducted from your BTI at the start of the next turn, therefore it is not necessary to include it in your orders. Also, income from disbanding units is not readilly available on that turn and is added at the begining of next turn.

Income is calculated: Turn Start Gold - (Cost of buying units + costs of improvements + Gold trade) + (BTI - upkeep) + Trade and SL income + Gold trade.

In your orders it is only necessary for you to deal with the costs section (Red). Upkeep is not actually a cost, more like a negative income if that makes sense. All the blue stuff is handled by my spreadsheet. The amount left over after this calucualtion is the amount of gold you start with next turn.

Spoiler Improvements :

Fort: Forts are a very versatile improvement but a single player may not control forts in adjacent tiles so choose their position wisely. They provide a 15% penalty to enemy units attacking tiles adjacent to the fort controlled by the same player as the fort and a 30% penalty to enemy units attacking the fort’s tile (while the fort is manned). They can produce Cavalry and Infantry, and with upgrades, Ships and Airships. Forts have a hidden strength value (HSV) of 8. They cost 40G to build.

Ship yard (SY): This in an upgrade that may be bought for forts and the capital. It allows the construction of ships. It also allows for up to 4 triremes and 2 transports to be stored in the fort which will not be shown on the map. Ship yards cost 20G.
SY’s may also be built in non-improved tiles for the same price, however these cannot store ships.

Gas Vent (GV): This upgrade may be bought for the capital or a fort. It allows the construction of Airships, and the storage of 2 Airships in the fort. Gas Vents cost 20G.

SY’s and GV’s are not shown on the map and are automatically razed when the fort or capital is captured.
Forts may be razed or kept when conquered. A player may not raze a fort under their control.

Spoiler Hidden Strength Value :

Hidden strength value is the combined (living) strength limit a fort or city may hold before the units are shown on the map. For example, if a fort contains 5 Infantry, the combined strength is 5 and none of the units are shown on the map. If a fort contained 5 Infantry and 3 Cavalry, the combined strength would be 9.5, so all the units would be shown on the map.

The HSV’s are as follows:

Forts: 8
Cities: 3
Capitals: 5

Temporary increases to a player’s HSV’s may be bought using espionage.

Spoiler Espionage :

Espionage is key in this Diplomacy Variant because the public map is far less informative then in normal forum diplomacy games. There are many different espionage missions and without using them a player may find themselves falling behind. Listed are all the costs of the different missions along with their chance of success.


Investigation missions reveal what living units are contained in the target tile. It costs an additional 10G to investigate a capital or fort’s fleet and the success chance is reduced by 15%. The cost varies depending on the improvement.

Cities cost 15G to investigate. 70%
Capitals cost 20 G to investigate. 70%
Forts cost 30G to investigate. 70%

Steal Map:

Stealing a map will reveal the location of the target player’s SY’s and GV’s. It costs 40G and has a success rate of 55%.

Steal Records

This mission can be used to reveal the amount a player spent in each city or fort, giving you an idea of what hidden units these tiles may contain. It costs 25G and has a success rate of 70%.


This mission can be used to tell you what espionage missions have been used on you this turn. There are two levels of counter inteligence.

Level 1: Reveals which espionage missions were used on you by one target player. Cost 25G / 75%
Level 2: Reveals which missions have been used on you by all players. Cost 70G / 505

Hide Units

This espionage mission can be used to increase the HSV of improvements and hide units in the field. Very useful for attacking players when they least suspect.

20G to increase the Hidden strength limit of all cities and forts under your control by 3 for that turn.
40G to increase the Hidden strength limit of all cities and forts under your control by 5 for that turn.
10G per unit to hide the position of units in non-improved tiles. (Can only be used on Infantry.)


For a one-time payment of 5G (per ship) you may hide the nationality of a Trireme, these will then appear on the map as Privateers. You may use this on ships stored in forts. It may be best to ''build'' Privateers in SY's bordering the same sea as an opponent’s SY. Remember that SY's built on non-improved tiles are not shown on the map so in theory any coastal territory could have a SY in. You can use privateers to sabotage opponents' sea lanes and other ships without declaring war but be wary of them finding out who controls the ships. Privateers can control sea lanes themselves, this will mean that your opponents won't know you have a sea lane etc. For every ship you destroy with your Privateers you gain 20G. Privateers may share the same tile with other players' ships if that's what you want but if they land in the same territory as another player's ships by chance then they will attack them, you may tell me players that you do not want to attack with your privateers, in which case if this happens they won’t attack them. Bear in mind that any player may attack your privateers without declaring war. Privateer controlled Sea lanes may not be used for international trade.

Spoiler Combat Bonuses :

Combat is resolved territory by territory.
Forces are matched by Strength, bonuses are added, and random factor is added.
Highest total wins. Difference between winner and loser equals winning survivors.

Defence: 30% only works if the unit is entrenched, meaning it hasn't moved this turn.

Flanking: 20% each direction from which an invasion attacks a territory adds 20% to the total attacking force

Blitz: 20% When a Cavalry unit (or group of Cavalry units) and an Infantry army attack the same territory from the same direction the infantry are given the 20% bonus.

Naval Bombardment: Triremes attacking with other forces grant their strength to the attacking force, with a strength cap set at 4, as well as adding Flanking if applicable. This strength is added after other bonuses have been applied.

Amphibious: -10% to the attacking force if it has just landed during the turn it is involved in combat; this applies to Airship drops as well.

Unprepared: -10% to all defending troops if the attack is totally unexpected.

Surprise! : If the attacking units were hidden from the enemy using espionage, (not including hidden unit strength from forts + cities) the attacking units get a bonus of 50%.

Inexperienced: -20% to units that go into combat on the turn they were made. They also wont recieve defensive bonuses. Transports and airships may not transport units on the turn they are made.

Ambush: If a player moves an army onto an enemy, non-improved tile that had enemy troops that are hidden using espionage on, the hidden player gets a 60% bonus.

Fort: Provide a 15% penalty to enemies attacking or defending in neighbouring tiles and a 30% penalty to enemies attacking the fortified tile.

Last Stand: If the outcome of the fight would destroy a player. That player’s troops gain a 100% bonus.

Morale Level 1: Purchasable bonus. Costs 5G per unit under the player’s control, and gives a 25% bonus to all battles they take part in that turn. Duration = 1 turn

Morale Level 2: Purchasable bonus. Costs 10G per unit under the player’s control, and gives a 50% bonus to all battles they take part in that turn. Duration = 1 turn

Morale Level 3: Purchasable bonus. Costs 15G per unit under the player’s control, and gives a 100% bonus to all battles they take part in that turn. Duration = 1 turn

Inspecting Trade: Triremes defending a SY have a 20% combat penalty, making them harder to defend and easier to attack

There will be a dice roll for each side. Winner gets +1.5 strength. A roll of 6-1 will give +2.5 to the side that gets the 6.

Defenders have a high rounding: 1,5 and higher = 2
Attackers have a low rounding : 1,5 and lower = 1

Spoiler Other :

In updates, it will be given how much each player has spent during that turn but it will not mention what things that player spent the gold on.

The person who plays each state will be chosen randomly.

Neutral Tiles require a strength of 2.5 to be captured, which takes 1 turn.

Enemy tiles take one turn to be changed to neutral and then another to be changed to that player.

You do not pay upkeep on units the turn they are created.

When forts are captured, all fleets stored in them are destroyed, as well as the SY and GV if they are present.

Start gold is 50G

The only way a player may gain more gold to use during the current turn is if another player trades them some gold. Money from disbanding units does not become available until the following turn.
Current Players

Niklas - Tan - The State of Fenor
Stuck in Pi - Yellow - The State of Clobeck
Izipo - Blue - The State of Ninerest
Backwards Logic - Orange - The State of Meineria
Pinman - Purple - The State of Einora
Tasslehoff - L.Green - The State of Tenshores
Methos - Red - The State of Inesterl
Frozen in Ice - D.Green - The State of Hitillia
Lightfang - Brown - The State of Treharn


The 13th Ronin
Charles Li

Please read the rules, there are numerous changes to normal Diplomacy in this variant.

Order Format

Please title your orders like this: Player Colour, Player name, Turn Number (eg. Grey, Kol.7, Turn 1)

Please include some form of strategy, either long or short term in your orders to make things a bit more interesting for me.

Remember that you will pay upkeep on troops from the turn after they are created, this is deducted from your income at the beggining of the next turn, as long as your income is big enough to cover yoiur maintainance it is not necessary for you to save money each turn to pay maintainance.

Also, because its much more fun for a GM if he knows what's going on, please could you either forward the odd PM to me, give me a short run through of what you've been saying to other people in your orders or invite me into IM conversations, or any combination of the three.

Update 1: November, Year of Ashes

Current Deadline: Wednesday, 7:30pm GMT

Current Treaties:


Current wars:


Spoiler Territory Names :
Chalein Coast
Metoan Fields
Tios Mountains
Daron Coast
Markon Wastes

There are 55 regions, 100% domination by a single player is required for victory :p.
The current deadline for first orders is Friday, 7.30 pm GMT. If this is too soon for anyone let me know and I'll add on an extra day or two.

Some Tips:

The first turn is going to be very important long-term.

You have 50G, it is not neccessary for you to spend any or all of this amount.

Neutral Regions need a strength of 2.5 to be captured. This means 3 Infantry, 2 Cavalry or a Cavalry and an Infantry

Cavalry are not like tanks. They may move two tiles on all occassions except when they attack/are attacked in the first territory they move to.
~~ 24 Hour Reminder ~~

Please get your 1st orders in by tomorrow 7:30 pm GMT.​
November, Year of Ashes

Two men are sitting, crouched over a small, round table, their faces obscured by grey hoods. On the table is a large map of Ekonia, weighed down at four points with small rocks. It is dark, a dim lantern hangs from the cave wall, flickering in the cold night’s wind. On the table, a man is writing a note.

''The Milk has spilled, the Children are playing.''​

He puts down his quill and sighs, curling himself tighter in his grey, cotton robe attempting to fight of the cold.

‘’Light the fire, Three Golden Suns.’’

The taller, broader man replies, ‘’Yes master.’’, and begins to busy himself with a large tinderbox.

‘’A cold night.’’


‘’But we will not have to stay much longer, soon we will return.’ He stands, and walks to the cave mouth, looking down at the city in the valley bellow. ‘’This is a land of chaos, Three Golden Suns.’’

‘’Indeed, master. We have made it so.’’

‘’Perhaps, yet...’’

Suddenly there is the sound of hooves. The men fell silent. The rider dismounts and walks to the entrance of the cave and calls out ‘’May the light of the Emperor shine upon ye, brothers.’’ There is a short pause, before the one known as ‘master’ replies, ‘’And upon ye, brother. Please enter.’’

The man enters the cave and hands the master several letters bound in ribbon. The master opens them and quickly scans through them. Contained are the actions of the noble Houses of Ekonia.

‘’They are fast to extend their control. Interesting. How goes the search?’’

‘’Nothing to report, master’’ Replies the horseman, anxiously.

The master picks up his own message from the table and hands it to the horseman, ‘’Take this.’’

He departs quickly.

‘’What has happened, master?’’ Asks Three Golden Suns.

‘Little of interest, they are mostly powerless for now. They have all reformed their regiments, and taken control of nearby lands. The taxes from these new cities will fill their coffers. Oh, except Lord Hittilia and Lord Meinara, who seem perhaps to be biding their time, a foolish decision I fear...’’


Backwards logic and Frozen in Ice, I didn’t receive orders from either of you. Your gold has been banked. Make sure you get them in, in future or you will be replaced. I’ll let you off for this turn, as it was a short deadline and you may have been unaware the game had started. However, anyone that doesn’t get in two sets of orders for me will be replaced by someone chosen at random from the reserve list.


Gold for Next turn:

Methos - Red - 50G
Izipo - Blue - 50G
Frozen in Ice - D.Green – 85G
Lightfang - Brown – 50G
Stuck in Pi - Yellow - 70G
Backwards Logic - Orange – 85G
Niklas - Tan - 50G
Pinman - Purple – 50G
Tasslehoff - L.Green – 70G

Next deadline: Wednesday 7.30pm GMT
OOC : Nice update !

IC :
From : Ninerest
To : Inestrel (Methos-Red)

We need to talk about Nik.
I propose it is left neutral for the next 5 turns, what do you say ?

It would pain me to have to go to war on such a trivial issue.

I have rightly predicted that most of the diplomacy of this game will take place in private. Therefore, it is necessary that you keep me in the know. Players must forward me PMs, they must give me overviews of diplomacy.

There is no espionage that will reveal this diplomacy to other players and there will be no hints as to what's going on behind closed doors. There is no risk involved in telling me what you're doing.

Kol.7, I recommend that you add player names to the stats at the bottom under the map where it says how much gold each person has. This is to make our lives easier and diplomacy easier to conduct.

From : Ninerest
To : Treharn (brown - LightFang)

Seeing that we share a border, would you like to trade ?
From : Ninerest
To : Treharn (brown - LightFang)

Seeing that we share a border, would you like to trade ?

From: Treharn (Brown)
To: Ninerest (Blue)

Golly, I'd love that.
Ok there's been some confusion over how income and upkeep works so I'm going to explain it all here.

Ok firstly you don't need to keep money aside to pay for your unit upkeep, this is deducted from your BTI at the start of the next turn, therefore it is not necessary to include it in your orders. Also, income from disbanding units is not readilly available on that turn and is added at the begining of next turn.

Income is calculated: Turn Start Gold - (Cost of buying units + costs of improvements + Gold trade) + (BTI - upkeep) + Trade and SL income + Gold trade.

In your orders it is only necessary for you to deal with the costs section (Red). Upkeep is not actually a cost, more like a negative income if that makes sense. All the blue stuff is handled by my spreadsheet. The amount left over after this calucualtion is the amount of gold you start with next turn.

Hopefully this will lead to less confusion.
~~ 23 Hour 15 Reminder ~~

Please get your orders in by tomorrow 7:30 pm GMT.​

Orders Received from: Frozen in Ice, Niklas, Tasslehoff, Izipo, Backwards Logic, Pinman.
Waiting for: Lightfang, Methos, Stuck in Pi.

Pinman and Methos please send a PM version of your orders to use as a referance.

@Everyone: Expect updates to the rules with the next update to be more specific about several things that some people are still confused about.
Well you know, I was busy holidaying...

And it gives me a great occasion to remind my neighbor to mention our trade agreement in his orders.

EDIT : Orders sent in 26 minutes, see that wasn't so difficult.
November, Year of the Agile Monk

Two robed figures sit hunched in the shadows, in silence. One of them leans towards the centre of the small cave and prods the embers of a campfire glumly. Suddenly, shouting is heard outside.

‘Hey captain! I think I’ve found something.’’

He enters the cave. He is a strong, well built man wearing leather armour decorated with the crest of the Lord of Ninerest.

‘’It looks like someone’s been – ‘’

The shorter of the two robed figures hits the man over the head with a large rock. The man falls to the ground with a moan.

‘’You are stronger then you look, master.’’ Says the larger figure, happily.

‘’Silence! Come quickly, Three Golden Suns, we have no time!’’

He runs desperately out of the cave mouth, followed clumsily by Three Golden Suns.

‘’Hey! You! Quick! Get them!’’

The two men begin to pick up speed as they run down the mountain path.
The soldiers chase them a little way, and then stop, out of breath.

‘’Hmmmm..... How strange.’’ Says the captain, who had been searching the cave. ‘’A map of Ekonia, and records of military movements, look.’’ He hands a letter to a soldier. ‘’That was us, there, three infantry regiments to Vieren. Someone’s been spying on us!’’

‘’Errr? Should we take this to his lordship, sir?’’

‘’Do you fancy explaining to him? No? Me neither. What happened to those.... monks.... by the way?’’

‘’They errr... got away, sir.’’

‘’Thank god for that. Burn the letters.’’


A rather fat and pompous man sat in his study. He was, technically, the patrician of Nikea. He was sat at a desk, looking at a map of the known world.

‘’These are interesting times indeed, Willis.’’

‘’Yes sir.’’ Replied his butler, a touch uneasily.

‘’They say the other cities have been claiming more and more land. Although there’s been some dispute over who should control Thornpire, a rather strategically located area of coastline. Oh and there’s some kind of arrangement in place, apparently Ninerest and Inesterl aren’t going to invade us for a while. That’s thoughtful of them.’’

‘’Indeed .’’

‘’Of course, I will be gone before this treaty expires. After that I don’t really care what happens to this place.’’

‘’Yes. Actually sir, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that, it’s just that... well... I was hoping, if you wouldn’t mind, I could come with you?’’

‘’On the voyage? Well yes! Of course, you’d be welcome to come Willis. It’ll be nice to have a bit of a change of scenery won’t it?’’


Lightfang and Stuck in pi, you did not send orders in and so have now got a metaphoric black mark against your names.


Gold for Next turn:

Methos - Red - 58G
Izipo - Blue - 97G
Frozen in Ice - D.Green – 55G
Lightfang - Brown – 80G
Stuck in Pi - Yellow - 108G
Backwards Logic - Orange – 65G
Niklas - Tan - 115G
Pinman - Purple – 87G
Tasslehoff - L.Green – 98G

Next deadline: Tuesday 15th, 7:30pm GMT.
Red and Green, you should discuss amongst yourselves who should control Tho, untill one of you moves your troops no one gets the territory. You may also tell your troops to attack the opposition in your next orders if that's what you want.

Also, p[lease go through the rules again because they've been updated to make some things more balanced.
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