Apep's Modular Modmods: AltCivics for FfH


Nov 16, 2007
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Now version fully compatibile with FfH2 034

This is a new version of AltCivics, a modmod I made to change the civics of Fall from Heaven. For info look below (civics not listed were not changed):
Spoiler :
Major changes:
- new civic option: Magocracy (+2 free experience, +2 science for specialist, +1 happy with mage guild, medium upkeep, required to build Runeguard unit).
- Runeguard unit: melee, with Guardsman and Earth II promotions (allows stoneskin spell), strength 6, only 4 units allowed for each player; great for protecting your mages.
- Aristocracy civic renamed to Feudal Contract, moved up in research tree and significantly empowered (req tech: feudalism, -100% distance maintenance, +1 gold on farms, still able to recruit royal guard, upkeep low).
- new civic option: Enlightenment (placed in Compassion, an "opposite" to Sacrifice the Weak, available only to Empyrean; +100% GP in cities with state religion, +25% culture, + happy for courthouse and elder council, high upkeep).
- new civic option: Manipulation (placed in Compassion, available only to Council of Esus civs; +3 happy in largest cities, +1 happy with state religion, -50% war weariness).
- Republic empowered and not causing disorder in nations without it (+50% GP rate, +3 happy in largest cities, +20% culture, +1 gold in village, town and enclave, medium upkeep).
- better Foregin Trade (+50% gold from trade routes, +1 free trade route, +10% culture, low upkeep).
- better balanced Agriculture (+1 health, +1 food in farms, pastures, villages and towns, -1 gold in villages, -2 gold in towns and enclaves).

Other modifications:
- Guilds labor civic made for moneygrubbers (only merchant as unlimited specialist, but +15% gold empirewide).
- Nationhood giving happiness also for stables and archery ranges.
- Social Order gives some free upkeep units (one in 20 pop points, but still something).
- Caste System doesn't give unhappiness.
- Arete allows free Engineers.

Modmod works with Fall from Heaven 0.32 (any patch), with or without Fall Further (it does not affect it's special civic options). Hope you'll enjoy it:)
Anyone else have trouble downloading?
Thanks alot for providing this, especially for providing it via module :goodjob:

I especially like the Enlightenment option : Finally a bonus you get for being "good" that also improves the odds to achieve a cultural victory,too

If you want to improve that I'd think about keeping that +2 commerce bonus to farms - that way it will not lose the usability for financial leaders

Oh, and 1 question:
- better Foregin Trade (+50% gold from trade routes, +1 free trade route, +10% culture, low upkeep).

In which way is extragold for traderoutes from Civics calculated ?
Is it your coins from "normal trade-routes", plus all bonuses from buildings/population etc .. and then it's multiplied by 1.5 ?
Or does it work like say, a harbor (i.e. just adds 50% to the base value) ?

If the latter is the case I'd suggest either increasing the bonus for foreign trade even more or change TRADE_PROFIT_PERCENT from 20 to 25 (this increases the base value of traderoutes, thus routes get better in general - and thus improves Foreign trade indirectly)

You can even go up to 35 or 40 (basically doubles the base coins of traderoutes) if you delete/reduce the static bonuses for population/connection to the capital etc.
That way traderoutes almost always stay at 1 coin per route if you don't do anything to improve them, no matter the city cize, but grow really nicely if you take your time to let them grow (foreign trade, harbors, inns, Oceantrade etc.), allowing for a real traderoute-boost.

My 2 cents about traderoutes and a way to improve them :)
In which way is extragold for traderoutes from Civics calculated ?

The bonus is added to commerce generated form trade routes AFTER all other modifiers. It's the heaviest bonus you can have:). That's why removing +1 trade route form coastrall cities definitelly is not a nerf. This civic is still big without it.
I can't wait to try this.
New version of the mod is available for download. Some minor bugs were corrected - and compatibility with version of FfH2 034 added:). Check first post and download directory.
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