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Dissensions v2.0 Game Thread - Part the Second


"I'm the hero!"
Jul 29, 2006
Dissensions v2.0 - Part II

Part I here.

Rules here.

Character backstories here.

Sign-ups are open. We have 1 NPC spot.

Reminder: The gold totals you see here are apparent net worth. Do not ask if this does not match up with what has been told before after adjustments. If you need your real gold total, PM me.

Team Lists

The Ankh-Morpork City Guard
1. taillesskangaru, The Shaman 779g
2. Catharsis, The Dreamer 781g
3. Kol.7, The Illithid Pounded into the ground. Innocent.
4. Renata, The Planeswalker 1021g
5. Rogueknight, The Risk-Breaker 526g
6. Bullshido, The False Prophet Nearly split in half. Innocent.

Lucky Bastards
1. BananaLee, The AEthermancer 896g
2. Niklas, Lady Luck 695g
3. Pinman, The Sacred Fist 1089g
4. Tasslehoff, The Warlock 1172g
5. Methos, The Spellsword 1406g
6. Backward Logic, The Carrion Feeder 798g

Team 4
1. Neverwonagame3, The Horseman Taken quite a tumble. Innocent
2. scungebian, The Holy Man 837g
3. Bris, The Drunken Brawler 1119g
4. merciary, The Shadow Stalker 794g
5. Rheinmetall, The Overlord 769g
6. Nahkarma, The True Believer Impaled. Innocent

Team 5
1. sirtommygunn, The Arcane Adept 805g
2. Charles Li, The Shadow Dancer 605g
3. dcbandicoot, The Juggernaut 925g
4. Stuck in Pi, The Illusion 725g
5. rathluirc, The Ameboid Evaporated. Innocent
6. KittoKittoAsa, The Sadist 967g

Team 6
1. mythmonster2, The Vampyre 683g
2. D'Artagnan59, The Mutant Drowned. Innocent
3. choxorn, The Barbarian 790g
4. kill fire, The Necro-Master Fell over dead. Innocent
5. Leeksoup, The Forsaken 1036g
6. Allysian_Fields, The Mage Masher 840g

The Overcast Knights
1. thomas.berubeg, The Were-Beast 824g
2. LightFang, The Void Walker Strangled. Innocent
3. The13thRonin, The Ronin Stabbed. Innocent
4. Chandrasekhar, The Mentor 1488g
5. Izipo, The Blood Brother 938g
6. Dirty Fighter 827g

Current Cycle Count: Night 6

Current Voting Tally

Next Combat
Izipo, the Blood Brother vs. Rheinmetall, the Overlord.
Rheinmetall gets the stage choice.
Voting History

Scrapped. I'm too lazy to deal with it. ;)
A Brief Chronicle

Day 01 | Battle 00
--Votes were tallied.
The game begins; everyone is excited.

Night 01 | Battle 01--Pinman, the Sacred Fist vs. Nahkarma, the True Believer.
Pinman wins; Nahkarma is innocent.

Day 02 | Battle 02--Methos, the Spellsword vs. Bullshido, the False Prophet.
Methos wins; Bullshido is innocent.

Night 02 | Battle 03--The13thRonin, the Ronin vs. D'Artagnan59, the Mutant.
The13thRonin wins; D'Artagnan is innocent.

Day 03 | Battle 04--Chandrasekhar, the Mentor vs. kill fire, the Necro-Master.
Chandrasekhar wins; kill fire is innocent; Nakharma returns from the dead.

Night 03 | Battle 05--LightFang, the Void Walker vs. Pinman, the Sacred Fist.
Pinman wins; LightFang is innocent.

Day 04 | Battle 06--Niklas, Lady Luck vs. Nakharma, the True Believer.
Niklas wins; Nahkarma is innocent.

Night 04 | Battle 07--Brisingamen, the Drunken Brawler vs. rathluirc, the Ameboid.
Brisingamen wins; rathluirc is innocent.

Day 05 | Battle 08--Methos, the Spellsword vs. The13thRonin, the Ronin.
Methos wins; The13thRonin is innocent.

Night 05 | Battle 09--Renata, the Planeswalker vs. Neverwonagame3, the Horseman.
Renata wins; Neverwonagame3 is innocent.

Day 06 | Battle 10--Chandrasekhar, the Mentor vs. Kol.7, the Illithid.
Chandrasekhar wins; Kol.7 is innocent.
Night 5 - A Change in Leaders
Planeswalker Renata vs. Horseman Neverwonagame3

For the first time, Tolis did not come out and greet the competitors as they gathered, Renata and Neverwonagame3 having stood in the center waiting to be summoned to the battlefield of the Planeswalker's choosing and the rest having dispatched themselves to the comfortable seats along the amphitheater. They indeed took their positions and waited for Tolis to come out. After a few uncomfortable minutes, the soft patter of footsteps could be heard.

Suddenly, a black being popped into the stage, or at least, that's what it looked like.

"I thought you were dead," remarked Renata rather nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I got called back. Apparently Tolis ran into some trouble with the Chinese or something."

"Chinese? Who are they? Are they from Chine? I've never heard of this country," a voice called in that tone of voice of a man who knew that he was speaking anonymously and therefore could be more aggressive than would be socially acceptable.

"Well, I could tell you, but it wouldn't be worth your time. Anyway, I'll be running this show from now on. Plus, you know, I'm a Void Walker. That means my portals are infinitely better than Tolis's stupid rip-offs."

He made a fairly obscene gesture, or a fairly polite one, depending on where you were from, and a portal in the wall appeared. It was orange.

"Seeing as Renata got the stage choice, Neverwonagame3, you should enter first." The horseman blinked slightly apprehensively and his horse blinked very apprehensively and he clopped in. Renata, looking rather ordinary, did a sort of skip and walked into the portal.

The scene immediately shifted. The Horseman was seen exiting a blue portal, and then the Planeswalker followed.

"Are you taunting me?" were the first words out of the Horseman's mouth. He found himself in a wide field of open plains, knee-high grass, and a beautiful sky above him.

"Maybe," the Planeswalker said, amused at how nonplussed the Horseman was. She was in a little ravine a few hundred yards away from the open fields. One could hear the faint sounds of a waterfall. It was really amazing how abrupt the climate shift was. Maybe this was why she was a Planeswalker. Her little head popped out of the ravine to look at the Horseman, and then she climbed out and walked forward, until she was a good 200 yards away from the Horseman.

"Draw your weapon!" asked the Horseman politely. He drew his lance, a beautiful one, with a flag that bore the arms of Hagnaught, which utterly failed to strike fear in anyone who was familiar with the military history of Hagnaught.

"I'm unarmed, darling," Renata said. "But don't worry, you'll find yourself struggling regardless."

A flash of worry crossed the Horseman's face like a rain cloud, until he remembered the plight of his faction. Then it was set in grim determination.

"An unarmed woman. What have I come to?" Still, he lowered his lance.

"Come," she said. "No hard feelings."

On cue, his horse charged. It wasn't just a normal charge. It was like an arrow leaving a bow, except it was more like a wall of steel that was quite a bit heavier and probably more damaging. It was so fast, in fact, that to the spectators, it looked like the Horseman was losing control, but he had done this many times before and knew the risks.

Renata grinded her feet into the ground more and threw a fireball rather like a girl. The fireball, however, must have thought otherwise, because it flew at startlingly manly speeds towards the Horseman. One could see his eyes open wide and his horse veer to the side. The runes on his armor glowed red and the fireball glanced off the side, part of it burning into the armor and the other part dissipating a few yards down.

Neverwonagame3 teetered very dramatically off the sides of his horse; he almost fell, but the horse, sensing its master's predicament, slowed down enough so that he could pull himself back up by the reins, and then headed back toward Renata.

"I send God's wrath on thee!" he yelled, a bit over-the-top, sure, but it was fine in the heat of battle.

This caused Renata's eyes to narrow into a slit. Muttering, she rose her hand and called a dark purple disc out of nowhere. It brimmed with crackles of energy and tendrils of magic zapped out of it at random intervals. She thrust it in front of her rather like a shield, except she used both hands to maintain it.

The lance struck the disc with a zap and Renata was tossed backwards, landing uncomfortably on her face, having flipped over completely. The horseman, meanwhile, had not anticipated his lance disintegrating from the shield.

He grabbed his sword as a replacement and prepared to charge down the Planeswalker. When spectators remembered this scene later, they remembered how mighty the Horseman looked in comparison to the rather average looking woman planted facedown.

As he charged forward, yelling a famous warcry that went something like: Aiyiyyiyiaiiiiyiay!, Renata breathed a few words. As he got nearer, her hand suddenly planted the ground. Magic seethed along the floor. Shocked to find that the ground in front of him had inexplicably turned into ice, his horse slipped and slided along. He bailed at the last moment as his horse went careening down into the ravine. He didn't manage to pull off a glorified landing, but it wouldn't really matter. As he was laying on the grassy field, Renata simply called forth a magical gust and he went tumbling down. He died on impact.

The land suddenly twisted and made dazzling images and Renata and the dead bodies of the Horseman and his horse were back in the real world.
Spoiler :
Neverwonagame3 was innocent.

Gold Results
The following players have won gold betting:
Spoiler :
Allysian Fields (23)
Kol.7 (23)
choxorn (23)
thomas.berubeg (23)
sirtommygunn (23)
Pinman (67)
Methos (45)
Tasslehoff (56)
taillesskangaru (23)

The following players have lost gold betting:
Spoiler :
Rogueknight (100)
Leeksoup (100)
mythmonster2 (50)
Rheinmetall (50)

Next Battle: Illithid Kol.7 vs. Mentor Chandrasekhar.
Chandrasekhar gets stage choice.

It is now Day 6.

-Sorry if I butchered your characters. I BSed it. :p
-Feel free to complain about the quality of the write-ups. What do I need to fix?
-As I said, I'm going to be in Silicon Valley. I don't know if I'll have Internet access; if someone could tally up the gold or something, that would be great.
-Have fun!
Good job LightFang.

Glad to have this on track and rolling again.
(OOC: :D )

The Planeswalker has dirt on her face and grass in her hair. Add the new rips and scuffs in her coat, and she might have just arrived at the arena after a long day picking potatoes and a night spent sleeping in a barn. She regards the mangled corpse of the Horseman with an oddly compassionate expression.

I didn't choose to fight you, Horseman, but I can't say I'm unhappy that we were chosen. You tried to take the coward's way out of this tournament, but in the end you died honestly, and what more can any of us ask for? It was an honor to do battle with you. Except for the part where you presumed to bring the gods' judgment down upon me. That was ... unfortunate. But still, be at peace.

She inclines her body slightly toward her fallen enemy, in a gesture that's a little more than a nod, a little less than a bow. As she straightens, she glances as the board where the next match is posted, and a look of slight surprise crosses her face.

Well, well. Is the Agents' second-favorite weapon to be deployed again, against another of my teammates this time? Or has the blade twisted in their grip, and needs breaking? I suppose time will tell.

I would like to make a bet on this match, if only I knew what my share of the Horseman's purse was to be.
{ OOC: LF, that was a mighty good writeup! Don't put yourself down, there's absolutely nothing to complain about. Oh, well, one thing, that the first post hasn't been updated with the latest info (not talking about gold but the rest). Otherwise, great start of your GMing, and thanks for picking this up! :thumbsup: }
Great write-up! And piece of advice, do it earlier in the day next time. ;)
ah, it's back
I'm on vacation and everything and my notes are all back home, but I'll chip away at this maybe, if I'm bored. I doubt I will be, so think of this little update as sort of a promise of things to come. You will all have an additional 48 hours or so after I get the gold totals updated.
((Thanks, LF! I think we all appreciate you coming through and keeping this game from dying twice.))
I vote for Izipo, The Blood Brother to fight choxorn, the Barbarian!

I'd like to see the Barbarian in action and I have a hunch about The Blood Brother. Maybe I'm right, or maybe it isn't up to me and Lady Luck rolls the dice for us all......
Any more reason than that? :p

And I bet 100 gold on the Mentor cause, knowing the agents, he'll win.
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