Comprehensive Datalinks Update


Apr 20, 2008
New Zealand
This post is a repository for all of the updates. You should only use the latest version.
Currently the latest version is:


The rest of the changelog is described below:

Expanded HELPX.TXT

; GooglyBoogly changes 2008 v1.0 - 1.2
; #ABILDESC5 scramble for needlejets only, added air -50% vs ground penalty, air drop protection, clarified +100% bonus ability and added ground-sea combat quirk
; #ABILDESC9 prevents disengagement too
; #ABILDESC14 Trained upgrade discrepency to high morale log
; #ABILDESC22 doesnt work if police are not allowed
; #ABILDESC24 added morale link, noted bonus non-native
; #ABILDESC26 noted cargo capture
; #ABILDESC20 can be used against other race without repurcussions, only eco damage
; #CHASSISDESC1 added disengagement link
; #CHASSISDESC5 needlejet may only attack once per turn
; #HELPEFFECT4 +Def only if in base
; #HELPEFFECT0 Econ 3 gives +2 energy/base as well, econ 4 gives another +2/base So Econ3,4 actually = econ 4/5
; #HELPEFFECT8 noted that PROBE only protects against subversion, not probe team attacks in general, also added rollover bug
; #HELPEFFECT9 Industry >+5 has no further bonus
; #HELPFAC2 noted bugged combat bonus
; #HELPFAC4,5 mentioned increases to 1, not by 1. Does not apply vs psi attacks
; #HELPFAC4 noted protection from pop loss due to last defender destroyed
; #HELPFAC8 network nodes can only study a single artifact
; #HELPFAC9 noted random event bonus, noted native repair
; #HELPFAC11 noted Rec Commons Prereq
; #HELPFAC13 noted clean limit, and stated forest boost
; #HELPFAC14 noted tree farm prereq, clean limit, and stated forest boost
; #HELPFAC16 noted fusion lab prereq
; #HELPFAC18 requires research hospital
; #HELPFAC20 mentioned robotic assembly plant prereq and added link to eco damage
; #HELPFAC24 hab complex gives +7 cap,
; #HELPFAC25 mentioned 127 pop cap
; #HELPFAC26 pressume dome doesn't stack with recycling tanks
; #HELPFAC28 naval yard Does not apply against psi attacks
; #HELPFAC29 mentioned drop pod protection, added drop pod link, Does not apply against psi attacks
; #HELPFAC31, 32 mentioned additional clean limit,added link to eco damage, prereq centauri preserve
; #HELPFAC69, noted Stockpile energy Bug
; #HELPPROJ2 added formers link
; #HELPPROJ7 when completed, immediately grows small bases to 3
; #HELPPROJ8 treats fungus movement like natives, not roads (get bonus from normal tile-fungus, unlike road)
; #HELPPROJ10 helps sealurks too
; #HELPPROJ29 +50%mins/base, not +2
; #HELPPROJ33 changed display order from: N E M to N M E to match game
; #HELPTERRALAND4 added forest defensive bonus, noted non-rocky expansion, noted increase road terraform time
; #HELPTERRALAND5 noted Cantauri Empathy prereq for road fungus construction
; #HELPTERRALAND6 noted Centauri Psi prereq for mag tube fungus construction
; #HELPTERRALAND7 noted collateral damage prevention, and lack of self-destruction protection noted Centauro psi prereq for fungus
; #HELPTERRALAND8 noted Centauri Psi prereq for airbase fungus construction
; #HELPTERRALAND9 Fixed display glitch
; #HELPTERRALAND14 Any rivers flowing into a borehole will go down the hole. (DilithiumDad)
; #HELPTERRALAND15 adjacent rivers not allowed, bug report added (MoSe)
; #;MAKEFUNGUS noted that resource bonuses/improvements dont do anything in fungus (ex borehole)
; #;MINE noted nutrient reduction
; #HELPTERRASEA0 noted that kelp grows too, and can also drive out fungus
; #HELPTERRALAND9 updated sensor array to cover bonuses within and without territory
; #HELPTERRALAND12 updated condenser to list nutrient restriction lifting feature
; #HELPTERRALAND18 noted use for allowing base placement
; #UNITDESC1 noted terraform level under formers ability. Will always enter fungus -Credit: vyeh
: <- Cannot find datalinks access for sea former info, added it to #UNITDESC1 - but Link DOES NOT WORK
; #UNITDESC4 noted that sea formers can raise/lower terrain too
; #UNITDESC5 facility and SP bonuses apply
; #UNITDESC6 noted ZOC immunity, only single unit or base added bug report
; #UNITDESC7 added risk of vanishing from pop-popping
; #UNITDESC8,9,10,14,15,17 noted native combat reduction early game
; #WEAPONDESC12,13 noted weapon info to match other weapons
; #WEAPONDESC14 noted attack factor
; #WEAPONDESC15 added "or air"
; #WEAPONDESC17 Colony module costs 1 pop too, disbanding option listed
; #WEAPONDESC20 module is clean, facility and SP bonuses apply
; #WEAPONDESC21 module is clean, noted ZOC immunity, only single unit or base

Rubins listed changes v1.01

- Added "retool penalty within category" eliminated for Skunkworks.
- Nanoreplicator now has eco-damage info and link to eco-damage.
- Added maintenance cost info for Command Center including link to reactors.
- Naval Yard and Aerospace Complex now state base defence bonuses.
- Weather Paradigm now states ability to "Drill to Aquifer" and "Echelon Mirror".
- Merchant Exchange now states inability to apply to fungus squares.
- Xenoempathy Dome now states ability to completely heal normal units in fungus.
- Condensers now show correct info.
- Native lifeforms now list clean support when stationed on fungus. Also fixed text display bug for Sealurk and Locusts .
- All chassis types, weapon types and modules now have flavor text included.
- Added Colony Module ability to exceed population limits.
- Added Transport Module ability to unload "in flight" on air transports.
- Drop Pods now list damage and friendly base drop possibilities. Added Bug Report for Right-Click menu.
- Air Superiority now has info on ability to scramble.
- Bug report for Repair Bay.
- Reactors now state flavor text, though NOT separately.
- Brood Pit info corrected.


; GooglyBoogly changes 2008 v1.0-1.2
; Renamed *Revised Eco-Formula entry to Ecology (Revised)
; #ADVCONCEPT4 noted game options affect on score (native and Iron Man) and renamed to Score,
; removed link from technology -> Was linked to Adv eco engnieering - What the?!
; #ADVCONCEPT5 added link to MMI and noted its requirement for diplo win
; #ADVCONCEPT12 added pacifism drones section Credit: Petek
; #ADVCONCEPT13 added some typical values, -'ve efficiency ratings count as 0 for bureaucracy purposes.
; #ADVCONCEPT15 atrocities post-charter lifting have no effect
; #ADVCONCEPT16 Added Self-Destruct formulae
; #ADVCONCEPT17 Added advanced morale info Credit: Maniac
; #ADVCONCEPT18 added hurry cost entry Credit: MariOne
; #ADVCONCEPT19 added upgrade cost entry Credit: MariOne
; #ADVCONCEPT20 added Advanced Repair entry, included links to relevant facilities and SPs
; #CONCEPT1 Base cannot be constructed on a rocky tile
; #CONCEPT2 Removed reference to Geothermal Shallows, Uranium flats and energy resources
; - What have they got to do with altitude?!?!
; #CONCEPT12 Added 1/32 disappear chance. Combat units only morale upgrade no bases allowed, only a few improvements
; #CONCEPT13 noted hurry is 50mins and tech is random
; #CONCEPT14 explicitly stated defensive bonus =+50% , helper unit eases movement restriction, added Xenoempathy Dome link
; #CONCEPT15 1:1 for air combat too, noted PLANET modifier
; #CONCEPT17 added bug report for patrol
; #CONCEPT22 added advanced repair link and noted movement reduction, noted 20%, NOT 10% is min field damage
; #CONCEPT23 Added extra prototype build order info, prototypes count for equal or lower values too
; #CONCEPT26 added tree farm and hybrid forest to the list, added what red eco damage means
; #CONCEPT28 governor gets +1 energy to all bases
; #CONCEPT35 added lack of heal and terraforming bonus of bombardment, added terrain destruction info, mentioned Spore launchers
; #CONCEPT36 will result, not may
; #CONCEPT38 Noted the case when there are no spare citizens
; #CONCEPT39 listed vulnerability to changes in elevation
; #CONCEPT41-43 base squares have no restrictions
; #CONCEPT41 Added link to condensors and noted nutrient restriction lifiting properties.
; #CONCEPT43 Tidal harnesses give energy too. Link added
; #CONCEPT52 Diplomatic relations entry added -lists order of might and mood (source: SMAC manual pg 129)
; #CONCEPT53 Added Base conquest entry (source: SMAC manual pg 104,105)

Rubin changes version 1.0 BETA:
- Drones Riots a Golden Age now have links to specialists.
- Fungus/Xenofungus now displays resource level technologies: extra nutrients, minerals and energy. Including links and the Manifold Harmonics. Fixed some misguiding information.
- Eco-damage now has info on "first eco-damage report".
- Subgroup "Talents" renamed to "Talents/Specialists". Provides extra info on specialists, including required techs and links.
- Nutrient, Energy and Mineral restrictions has been noted with the required technology to lift these.
- Council proposals: added the remaining proposals and required techs (including links).
The entries should be correct for Alien Crossfire patched to 2.0 (as far as I know the XP patch has no gameplay changes, can anyone confirm this?)

Correct, the Win2K/XP patch has no effect whatsoever (either gameplay or stability) for SMAX. There are are undocumented gameplay changes for SMAC, however. I can provide details if you aren't already aware of them and want to add to your list.

Looks like a nice job. I'll look at your post in more detail when I have a chance.

SMAC uses different files, help.txt and concepts.txt.
I may at some point copy over the relevant updates to these files, but have no plans to do so for now.
v1.1 is out! Just a few small changes in helpx.txt, but two new entries for advanced concepts - Hurry costs and Upgrade costs. See first post for the link
No. See post #4 above.

You could take all the changes made in the SMAX files and edit the SMAC version of those files (without the "x") and the edited SMAC files would work. I suspect that the CONCEPT and ADVCONCEPT numbers are the same.
1.2 is up! Lots of little changes (and one fix, my bad).

New Concepts entries: Base Conquest and Diplomatic Relations
Advanced concepts entry: Damage and Repair (advanced)

Hopefully I can get the unity pod info and native farming into the next version.

Lets see some suggestions for any other entries you might want! I am going to run out of ideas eventually :(
1.3 is up. Many completely new entries, and some updates
-I think I got the upgrade formula right this time!

I have decided to reformat the changelog to conglomerate all of the old changes into one entry for ease of reading and a cleaner look. If you really want to see each iteration of changes you will need to download the old updates and view them from there.

I am still looking for more input into the
Comprehensive turn order entry

If you find an error or omission you can reply here or PM me - I won't bite :p
I have been working on updating the datalink files for SMACX to account for bugs, quirks and things that are just plain wrong.
Some additional entries have been added as well.

I started with the work Rubin did and built off that.
I have given credit to entries where possible.
I would like input from the community as to any other changes they think should be mentioned. Remember this only updates the datalinks, it doesn't change how the game works, nor does it discuss how things should work - it just gives info to players.
If you want credit just say so in your post.

The entries should be correct for Alien Crossfire patched to 2.0

There are two files included within the zip, helpx.txt and conceptsx.txt.
These should be placed in your SMACX root directory (the same place terranX.exe). Be careful to back up your original files (via renaming or moving to another folder) so you can restore the originals should something go wrong.

Expanded HELPX.TXT

; GooglyBoogly changes 2008 v1.3

; #;AQUIFER 15 spelling update aquifer, not aquifier
; #HELPTERRALAND5,6 listed terraform modifiers and added links
; #;RAISE 16, LOWER 17 Mentioned the altitude rule and added link
; #HELPFAC2 noted random event bonus and added link
; #HELPFAC7 noted random event bonus and added link
; #HELPFAC8 noted random event bonus and added link
; #HELPFAC17 added random event link
; #HELPFAC18 added random event link
; #HELPPROJ0 added random event link
; #HELPPROJ11 removed unnecessary technology link (was linked to adv eco engineering)
; #HELPPROJ14 added random event link
; #HELPPROJ26 added random event link
; #HELPFAC66 noted vulnerability to random event
; #HELPFAC67 noted vulnerability to random event
; #HELPFAC68 noted vulnerability to random event and offensive use
; #HELPTERRALAND14 unaffected by fungus
; #WEAPONDESC17 replaced city with base


; GooglyBoogly changes 2008 v1.3
; #CONCEPT1 replaced city with base
; #CONCEPT2 reworded to make more sense
; #CONCEPT7 listed levels of integrity and noted effect of atrocities on integrity
; #CONCEPT12 repairing cannot cause a monolith to disappear
; #CONCEPT32 moved summary of might here from #CONCEPT52, added link to might formula
; #CONCEPT41 noted resource lifts restriction
; #CONCEPT42 noted resource lifts restriction
; #CONCEPT43 noted river bonus and resource restriction lifting, fixed broken link
; #CONCEPT54 added Unity Pod Entry
; #CONCEPT55 added random events entry
; #ADVCONCEPT7 addded link to energy reserves
; #ADVCONCEPT11 added a link to basic might entry
; #ADVCONCEPT19 noted some cases where weapon/armour values do not reflect their costs and corrected the upgrade formula for hopefully! the final time.
; #ADVCONCEPT21 noted the altitude rule and linked to #CONCEPT2, #;RAISE and #;LOWER
; #ADVCONCEPT22 added Random Events (advanced) entry - describes the mechanics of how random events occur
; #ADVCONCEPT23 added Perihelion event entry here as it is not random.
; #ADVCONCEPT24 added Wild Natives and Fungus entry - probabilities credit: Kody
i am sure you have noticed the whole energy, projectile, binary, missle thing for armor/weapon stuff, but do you know what the bonuses are? it isn't in the text files, so i assume that it isn't in the datalinks. i am about to go fire up the old smax and see if it is mentioned when i do combat (otherwise it might be something they cut). just something to add i guess.
vyeh is right, i played through and even with some tweaing i couldn't get a decisive difference between them, not to mentoin it wasn't ever mentioned in the game. so both the manual and the files are wrong, probably a late cut in the making. a shame for modders, since it would have allowed neat new ways of balancing the factions and units. oh well, guess i just have to wait for brian to make a new smac.
Is there a digital image of the entire tech tree somewhere?
This page has the tech trees in PDF format. But the poster that came with the game is much better. The tech tree is too large and too complex to be viewed on a monitor.

GooglyBoogly, thank you for your hard work - the new updates have been most helpful :thumbsup:
Seconded! Proved very helpful in the "10th anniverary" game I'm playing right now. I don't play SMAC often, so I usually forget some of the rules in the meantime. Now I can look up even more of those in the datalinks, thanks! :)
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