[LH Gallery] NikNaks' Leaderhead Gallery


Mary, Queen of Scots
That'd be great!

Also, if it isn't to much work, could you make the line between chavez' hair and skin smoother?
D'oh... Double post. I will use it well!!!

I especially like your Saakashvili! Perhaps Pro/Exp, Free Market, and Christianity?
Your best LH so far, very good work. My first thought was "She looks like Marie Stuart".
That was my first thought, and it might be the best option from here.

wilheilma of the dutch? most people just reskin lizzie for her.
Interesting idea, but I think she should be based off Victoria. (See Wikipedia article)

using asoka hair from my leader parts pack? ;)
No, but I probably would have done if I knew where it was. :p
My only caution against Mary is that she's the same time period and geographic area as Elizabeth, who she's strongly based on. Unless you change the outfit and face to a greater extent, I'd avoid naming her something that stands to put her right next to Lizzie in-game.
My only caution against Mary is that she's the same time period and geographic area as Elizabeth, who she's strongly based on. Unless you change the outfit and face to a greater extent, I'd avoid naming her something that stands to put her right next to Lizzie in-game.
Yes, I agree. The facial structure is quite similar, but the clothing can change.
I think if you just changed the facial features slightly and gave her different clothing (maybe black to signify her death) you could have the best Mary Stuart LH and I'm sure someone could use it as a replacement for a Scottish module. Everyone usually uses Catherine but it does not look right at all considering when she was alive. I don't really know much about leaderheads but you could maybe try to use Isabella's body/dress and change the colors around or something.
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