[MAP] Modfather's Accurate Maps


Sep 27, 2008
Listed below are some maps I have made, reserving a few slots for ones in progress. If you are dissatisfied with the stock historical maps, these maps will be for you.

Note: I have not balanced the maps or playtested resource distribution. Further I have placed resources on tiles on which they do not belong (i.e. fur on grassland) in some places as I will be modding the resource or tile file (whichever it is) to allow these resources. It does not hurt the game or break anything, you just don't get a bonus for such resources.

Note:There is currently a bug in Col WB that will crash the game when attempting to place a river in an edge tile. Thus any rivers that you see in these maps that should go to edge stop short due to this fact.

Note: On SS's provided, I took them after completion of map. Ran the scenario to start the map then took a SS. The city/civ locations you see in the SS will be different when you play the scenario.

Feel free to edit/change maps and use as you see fit. You don't even have to give me credit. :D

Maps so far:

New World
North America/Caribbean
Atlantic Seaboard
Map of New World, SA is cut off at Patagonia. Hudson Bay is accessible. This map is perfect for playing with Dale's mod adding the Portugese. Resource distribution may need some work.


  • MFNewWorld.rar
    18.2 KB · Views: 1,547
  • MFNewWorldSS.jpg
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Downloading. Will play with them some time tonight. Thank you, Modfather. *Bows and leaves*
This is the Carribean, Large Map Size. I will probably redo this so give feedback if you have it. I got a little more of SA in than I intended to. Not sure if ship moves should be raised for a map of this type and size. Anyway same caveats as in the first post. Enjoy.


  • MFCarib.rar
    13.6 KB · Views: 852
  • MFCaribbeanSS.jpg
    64.5 KB · Views: 1,514
Once scenario bug is fixed, great map for Revolutionary War or French-English conflict. Don't let the minimap fool you it is a good map, just looks distorted on mini due to globe warping. Standard size, good amount of room for 3 civs.


I recommend uploading .jpg files of the previews. It's browser friendly and easier on the bandwidth.
Checked out the New World map. Very nice looking though at first glance there are several problems

a) North America is, like on the Vanilla map, much too far away from the high seas (Europe tiles). The continental shore line should never be further away than 4 to 6 tiles. I think a by-product of this problem is the fact that the player will always start in the same spot near Brazil.

b) Most of your resources won't work where you placed them. As far as I understand it, every resource needs a certain terrain to work. Banana needs jungle, fur needs tundra I think (not sure about deer), and silver needs peaks. Cotton, I think, needs plains. All those you have placed on tiles where they won't really work.

c) In Middle America you make the 'Panama Canal' possible by having a single tile land bridge.

Would love to play that map though once/if those things were corrected.
Checked out the New World map. Very nice looking though at first glance there are several problems

a) North America is, like on the Vanilla map, much too far away from the high seas (Europe tiles). The continental shore line should never be further away than 4 to 6 tiles. I think a by-product of this problem is the fact that the player will always start in the same spot near Brazil.

b) Most of your resources won't work where you placed them. As far as I understand it, every resource needs a certain terrain to work. Banana needs jungle, fur needs tundra I think (not sure about deer), and silver needs peaks. Cotton, I think, needs plains. All those you have placed on tiles where they won't really work.

Would love to play that map though once/if those things were corrected.

Thanks for pointing out about the high seas, I actually never played the original and haven't played this one yet so I was not aware of how that works. Easy enough to change this via WB.

Mostly I am just putting these maps out there for people who are going to need them for scenarios or who know how to mod them to their liking so thus the caveats about resources, balance, etc, in my first post.

If you are interested, check back in a couple days. I will post some altered XML files that will activate the resources properly.

The reason I post them in this way is as follows. People are going to play the mod they like, which is usually by one of the guys who knows how to change a lot of things in python or SDK to make the game better or more interesting. It is pointless to make a seperate mod for just some maps, as people will still want all their features from their favorite mods. This way, if modders see the maps and like them they can take them and edit them for their purposes and in keeping with their particular mod settings and use them accordingly.
My maps are relatively accurate from a physical standpoint, thus there is not a preponderance of tundra to supply deer and fur for example, (a really boneheaded idea by the devs to set it up this way in the first place) so it needs to be changed to another tile.
No problem, I liked the map a lot actually. I took the liberty of fixing it for my personal use. ;)

Despite adding the Western Europe tiles to reach up to 4-5 tiles close to the shore the starting places of the colonists' ships remain the same i.e. deep in the Europe zone. I have no idea why that might be but then it was my first time playing with the Worldbuilder.
These maps are fantastic! The randomly generated maps in-game are decent, but nothing beats trying to get a game going on the actual thing..

Are you planning to zoom in on the Caribbean a little more? You mentioned that you felt you had too much of South America in it.. Personally I think the Florida peninsula up to the mainland would make a nice northern border, whereas parts of middle and southern America could also be included..

In any case, good luck and I'm looking forward to the other installments! :goodjob:
Taking map screenshots is a bit tougher than in civ, but what I do (with the chipotle cheat) is use the 'reveal all' button in WB, return to the game and then use ctrl-z to 'lighten' all the tiles. With those two steps, you can get a nice screenshot of the whole map from the military screen.
*Gapes at maps*
*Composes himself*
I am a HUGE fan of Sid Meier's Pirates!, and so I was just wondewring... if you could do a scenario based off of that map, where you need to dethrone the SPanish, or fight in a struggling Caribbean, etc.

I have two, possibly stupid questions.

1) Can I load more then one MOD?
2) How can I load those new maps. I put them into Public Map folder and nothing :( they do not appear in game, only one revised American Huge Modified map did...
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