Explanation of GlobalDefines.xml


May 11, 2006
This is a basic explination of what the values in the GlobalDefines do. There has been many complaints/suggestions of changes that could just be fixed with changing one or more values of the list below.

There are a few with ??? this just means I am not sure what it does, and couldn't find it in clear enough detail to explain. If anyone does figure out what these do let me know and I will edit the list to include that new explination.

This is a first part (As GlobalDefines is very.. very long), but there will be more following it to help finish off the list. I am hoping to cut it into 3 parts so each one isn't too long.

Internal Functions
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CIV4_VERSION - Internal Do /NOT/ mess with
MIN_VERSION - Internal Do /NOT/ mess with
SAVE_VERSION - Internal Do /NOT/ mess with
MAX_NUM_LANGUAGES - Internal Do /NOT/ mess with

If you wanted to change the basic tile type for a mod, or something on those lines these would be 3 of the values you would want to change (a Moon Mod for example). This can really mess things up if you change it to a wrong value... Try to keep the land as a land type, and the water as a water type.

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LAND_TERRAIN - The default type of Terrain the land is.. Not suggested to mess with unless you want to change this. The diffrent values that you can set this to is in Civ4TerrainInfos.

DEEP_WATER_TERRAIN - The same idea of LAND_TERRAIN but for non-coastal water tiles.. Values for this is also set from CIV4TerrainINfos.

SHALLOW_WATER_TERRAIN - This is for coastal water tiles. The values are found in the same place.

Graphics for improvement Types.
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LAND_IMPROVEMENT - The graphic shown when someone is working that land square inside the city (A little Hut for land). The values it can be set with is in CIV4ImprovementInfos.

WATER_IMPROVEMENT - The graphic shown when someone is working that water square inside the city (A little boat for water). The values it can be set with is in CIV4ImprovementInfos.

RUINS_IMPROVEMENT - The graphic of the improvement that is left behind when a city is destroyed. Also in CIV4ImprovementInfos.

City Information
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CAPITAL_BUILDINGCLASS - A building that desginates that city as a capitol (like the palace in Civ4). These values come from Civ4BuildingClassInfos.

DEFAULT_POPULATION_UNIT - The Unit the city gives you when your food goes over 200. The values taken from CIV4UnitClassInfos.

INITIAL_CITY_ROUTE_TYPE - This is the route that appears under your city. The values are taken from CIV4RouteInfos.

These next few will be set default in the custom Game screen, also the default in play now. These are only the default until you change them, and then those changes are saved in CivilizationIV.ini.
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STANDARD_HANDICAP - This is the difficulty of the game. Values found in Civ4HandicapInfo.

STANDARD_GAMESPEED - For the default game speed. Values found in Civ4GameSpeedInfo.

STANDARD_TURNTIMER - For the Turn Timer. Values found in Civ4TurnTimerInfo.

STANDARD_CLIMATE - For the Climate. Values found in Civ4ClimateInfo.

STANDARD_SEALEVEL - For the SeaLevel. Values found in Civ4SeaLevelInfo.

STANDARD_ERA - For the Era of the game. Civ4EraInfos

STANDARD_CALENDAR - This is how time passes per turn (for Example, is a turn a year, a month, etc) Values found in Civ4CalendarInfos.

A few Settings for the AI civilizations
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AI_HANDICAP - The difficulty of the computer when you start a game, I think the AI plays on the same difficulty that the player chooses since AI values are set in the difficulty for the player.. Either way the values are found in Civ4HandicapInfos.

BARBARIAN_CIVILIZATION - Which civilization to use for the spawning code of the barbarians. Values found Civ4CivilizationInfos (Not sure if used.. never seen a barbarian)

Graphic values for button size (I think?)
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From here on unless I specifically say so it needs a number. There is no set in stone rule it can't be set to a negative number, but some like "MIN_CIV_STARTING_DISTANCE" for example might not work with one. Take what it does, and what it is currently set to into consideration, and you should be fine.

Time Settings
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START_YEAR - The year the game starts at..

WEEKS_PER_MONTHS - How many weeks have to pass before a month passes. Just needs to be a number (Very usable if you change STANDARD_CALENDAR to weeks or months)

Visibility Range
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PLOT_VISIBILITY_RANGE (Math is done with these that changes the visibility will make a square X amount of squares shown as seen if set higher but then won't show the ones next to you)

UNIT_VISIBILITY_RANGE (look above, but bonus for units)

The next few are modifiers to how far you can see either from on top of it (See From) or how much it will subtract from (see through). Given it is kinda hard to see with low numbers.

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PEAK_SEE_FROM_CHANGE - How much is added on a Mountain.

PEAK_SEE_THROUGH_CHANGE - How much is subtracted from seeing through a mountain

HILLS_SEE_FROM_CHANGE - Same as above but for hills

HILLS_SEE_THROUGH_CHANGE - Same as above but for hills

SEAWATER_SEE_FROM_CHANGE - Same as above but for on water.

MOVE_DENOMINATOR - Minimum Movement cost per plot.

Start Location Modifiers
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STARTING_DISTANCE_PERCENT - Distance between start locations of players.

OWN_TEAM_STARTING_MODIFIER - Subtration from distance of start location of players on the same team

RIVAL_TEAM_STARTING_MODIFIER - addition to distance for civs on a team that is not yours.

More City modifiers
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MIN_CIV_STARTING_DISTANCE - The minimum distance between two start locations.

MIN_CITY_RANGE - The minimum distance cities can be from each other.

FREE_CITY_CULTURE - The starting culture you get in any city.

FREE_CITY_ADJACENT_CULTURE - The starting culture of the plots around your city.


OWNERSHIP_SCORE_DURATION_THRESHOLD - How long you have to hold a square before it counts towards your score.

INITIAL_CITY_POPULATION - What the population of a starting city is when you settle it (does not count the one you made the city with)

INITIAL_AI_CITY_PRODUCTION - The starting bonus to the AI's city production.

BASE_CITY_GROWTH_THRESHOLD - The amount of food needed to get a free person.

FOOD_CONSUMPTION_PER_POPULATION - How much each person eats in food per turn (Must be a number)

Factors for combat between units
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COMBAT_DAMAGE - Amount of damage done per attack

COMBAT_DIE_SIDES - Die that is rolled to see if you succeed

HILLS_EXTRA_DEFENSE - The amount of defense added from being on a hill.

RIVER_ATTACK_MODIFIER - Modifier for attacking over a river

AMPHIB_ATTACK_MODIFIER - modifier for attacking from a boat

ENEMY_HEAL_RATE - Heal rate in enemy Territory

NEUTRAL_HEAL_RATE - Heal rate in Neutral Territory

FRIENDLY_HEAL_RATE - Heal rate in friendly Territory

CITY_HEAL_RATE - Heal rate inside a city

Thresholds - When I use the word "time" in the Threshold increase, there is math that determines how fast it is (that I am not going to get into), but by lowering the number it is faster, by increasing it it makes it slower.
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GREAT_GENERALS_THRESHOLD_INCREASE - How many the points go up when you get a great general

GREAT_GENERALS_THRESHOLD_INCREASE_TEAM - same as above but if anyone on your team gets a great general

GREAT_GENERALS_THRESHOLD - How much for the first Great General

IMMIGRATION_THRESHOLD_INCREASE - How many more crosses are added to the requirement when you get an immigrant

IMMIGRATION_THRESHOLD - How much for the first Immigrant


REVOLUTION_EUROPE_UNIT_THRESHOLD_INCREASE - How much is added to how much bells are needed for the king to add to his REF (for example 10 would mean every time you get 10 bells more REF is added)

REVOLUTION_EUROPE_UNIT_THRESHOLD - How many bells are needed before the REF is first added to

REVOLUTION_EUROPE_UNIT_SHIP_MODIFIER - Modifier to lower the amount of ships that are made

EDUCATION_THRESHOLD_INCREASE - How much is added to the time after someone is trained at a school

EDUCATION_THRESHOLD - How much the increase is after the first time you train someone

MISSIONARY_THRESHOLD_INCREASE - How much time is added each time you get a Converted Native (after the first)

MISSIONARY_THRESHOLD - How much time it takes to get the first Converted Native

NATIVE_TEACH_THRESHOLD_INCREASE - How much time is added each time you train someone at a native village.

Part of the random map generation, nothing to do with game play. If you want to change the map it is much more suggested to just use a map script.
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Tile Modifiers

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LAKE_MAX_AREA_SIZE - If a group of water has more tiles then this, it is no longer a lake.

HILLS_EXTRA_MOVEMENT - Adds to the movement cost. (if number is higher then current movement just takes all movement)

PEAK_EXTRA_MOVEMENT - Adds to the movement cost. (same as above)

FEATURE_GROWTH_MODIFIER - Modifier that is added each time a roll is checked to see if a feature is grown in that tile

ROUTE_FEATURE_GROWTH_MODIFIER - Another modifier that is added to (see above) the roll. Based if it has a route (a road) built on it

EXTRA_YIELD - Used for AI (highlighted circles) to determine potential yield of the tile. (Internally used)

Fortify Modifiers
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FORTIFY_MODIFIER_PER_TURN - How much defense bonus you get per turn your fortified.

MAX_FORTIFY_TURNS - How many turns your defense goes up for being fortified.

FATHER_COST_EXTRA_TEAM_MEMBER_MODIFIER - Amount added to getting the next Founding Father if anyone in your team gets one.

PEACE_TREATY_LENGTH - How long a Peace Treaty will last before you can declare war on them again.
Saved for part 2
Saved for part 3.. No really this is a really long XML file heh

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