The Rise of the Sioux


Nov 6, 2008
The Sioux nation is founded in 4000 BCE lead by Chief Tatanka Iyotanke with its capital at Oceti Sakowin.

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Several years pass and warriors are raised to defend the tribe. Meanwhile far in the east a foreign people are encountered. They are hostile and clearly less advanced than us. Our braves will be put to good use soon.

Our second city Mdewakanton is founded further to the south at the base of the great mountains. The people who settle this city are hardy and hardworking individuals and they set out to raise their own force of braves.

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Our scout is slaughtered by a hostile force in the east. There shall be revenge for this act of war. The tribes in the east have been established as clearly hostile to the Sioux nation. This incident will set the tone for future relations with the eastern tribes.

Large warbands have begun appearing on our borders. The training of more braves are ordered. We are beset by enemy tribes they stream in from the east. The barbarian tribes approach Mdewakanton threatening the great and industrious city. Our braves fight off the first wave of invaders sucessfully but the second wave overwhelms them and our brave braves are slaughtered to a man.

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Chief Tatanka Iyotanke makes careful note of the captured superior weaponry employed by the enemy and quickly orders his mystics to replicate the design but it will be some time before Sioux mystics are capable of replicating the complicated weapon.

With our braves in the field defeated the Sioux nation is in great peril and our workers retreat into Mdewakanton.
Luckily the foreign barbarians have withdrawn from our land. In the future we will never allow such an event to occur again. A man with a strange name approaches Tatanka Iyotanke and informs him of other nations far greater than the Sioux. He is scalped.

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Finally the secrets of the barbarian weaponry is discovered, however the results for us are somewhat different. A weapon known as the thomohawak is created and we train the first of these new Thomohawk warriors in Mdewakanton.

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First contact is made with nation to the east where the barbarians dwell. They are called the Americans and lead by a man named Lincoln. These however seem to be more civilized and we engage in trade with them teaching them our knowledge in exchange for theirs.

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The encampment of one of the eastern tribes is also sacked by our braves. We also encounter a friendly tribe known as the Zapotec who teach us how to form characters in order to communicate. Another foreigner comes and present's the Chief with a list of advanced nations we do not know of. He too is scalped.

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Our braves in the south are killed by barbarian archers no doubt as revenge for the sacking of one of their encampments. Barbarian hordes assail Midekatowan again but this time we are training braves armed with spears. Our second city is built by the shore of a great body of water in the north while in the south our braves prepare to crush these barbarians decisively.

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GAH! This is frustrating. I played ahead and I pretty much lost. The Americans pushed into my territory and so I went to war with them and pretty much lost the war since I had no iron and I was way behind in tech to them so they were fielding swordsmen and horsemen against my spearmen and thomohwak warriors. :mad:

Well guess that's the end of that. :( I should rename this the Fall of the Sioux.

I guess regent is too hard to play the Sioux at for me. Maybe I'll bump it down to warlord and give it a go.
I just started another game. This one is going better. I'm not completely beset by barbarians on the second turn so I'll start posting it from when I have an established empire.

Here's the new and improved Sioux nation. The surrounding barbarians have been defeated and the nation is better established than before. I'm about to contact the Americans.

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Contact with the Americans is made we trade technologies. A Sioux spearman spots American archers and settlers heading west into our rightfully claimed land. The American forces are attacked and massacred while the settler is enslaved and sent back to the Sioux homeland to toil in our fields. Our braves prepare to raid the Americans and cripple them for good.

Meanwhile our fourth city Wahpekute is founded in the north near an iron deposit. We raise sword armed braves in our capital. The Siox nation is growing rapidly in size and strength. We are constructing a vast library to house our knowledge in Mdewakanton.

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The American braves move to engage our spearmen closing on their homeland. We adopt defensive positions across a river and will allow them to attack us. But surprisingly rather than engage our forces the American braves move south into barbarian lands. What are they up to? We move to follow them taking the high ground on a hill from which we can observe their position. The American braves attack an enemy we cannot see and dissappear into the mist. Clearly we are not the only enemy the American's must contend with. This news heartens the Cheif and he orders our spear war band to move deep into American territory and wreck havoc.

We find ourselves overlooking the American capital of Washington. It is already devoid of anything of value and the Americans desperately approach us for peace. We accept but demand a contingent of slaves which the American's give us. We have won a great victory in this war.

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We will now spread our settlements and domination across the vast plains of this land.
In the southern lands we see American braves be slaughtered by barbarian tribal's On one hand we are pleased but on the other we are alarmed at the resurgent strength of the barbarian tribes. We annihilate one of their encampments and sight yet another barbarian army further south.

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Does this land contain nothing other than these infernal tribes? We enter a several hundred year long face off with the barbarians with neither side making a move.

An accursed people known as the English that we have no contact with have built the Grand Library that we were constructing. Despite having completed a significant portion of it we tear down the entire thing because plagiarism is bad like our elementary school teacher always told us when we plagiarized an essay on Stevie Wonder off the internet in third grade. The gods may also smite us if we build another giant library.

We decide instead to have our scribes write the Epic of Gilgamesh a brave and noble tribe member of ours who went on a quest to find the mysterious lands in the south and never returned. The Epic is completed rapidly as the engineers building the Grand Library are able to quickly shift their talents into being scribes.

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We found the city of Sissetowan in the south. This will serve as a bulwark against barbarian tribes and American expansion.

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Another city is called Isanti is founded in the far north. American expansion routes are being steadily encroached upon yet the Americans go out of their way to trade with us. Perhaps they understand that we are their superior's.

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