New sentry actions for units by Pep (use it with official patch 3.19. See attached files)
Changes from official patch:
New sentry orders:
(see attached image Civ4ScreenShot0000.jpg to view the new order icons)
New city modes:
New mass effects for existing orders:
Standard movement behaviour changes:
Standard selection mode changes:
New game options:
Bug fixes in official patch version:
Compatibility mode: Press CTRL + SHIFT + V to clear all new sentry orders for all units so you can save the game and load it without the mod. The units with cleared orders become active so that you can give them new orders.
How to use:
Official patch 3.19 version:
Better BTS AI 0.82 merged version:
Better BTS AI mod main thread is:
New sentry actions for units v0.91:
New sentry actions for units v0.93 merged with Better BTS AI v0.82:
Changes from official patch:
New sentry orders:
- Added new mission button: "Sentry until Healed" (Hotkey: Shift + H). Orders the active unit to sleep. The unit remains inactive until it reaches full strength OR an enemy unit of the same type (types: land or naval) enters its visibility range. Naval units carrying on this mission DO NOT activate by naval enemy units docked in a city within their visibility radius.
- Added new mission button: "Sentry on naval units" (Hotkey: Shift + N). Orders the active naval unit to sleep. The unit remains inactive until an enemy NAVAL unit enters its visibility range (Very useful for privateers on enemy territory ;-)). Naval units carrying on this mission DO NOT activate by naval enemy units docked in a city within their visibility radius.
- Added new mission button: "Sentry on land units" (Hotkey: Shift + L). Orders the active land unit to sleep. The unit remains inactive until an enemy land unit enters its visibility range.
- Added new mission button: "Go To and Sentry" (Hotkey: X). Orders the active land or naval unit to move to a destination. The movement ends before reaching the destination if an enemy unit of the same type (land or naval) is within the visibility radius. Note: This order can´t be selected (and the action button remains invisible) if a enemy unit is already in the visibility range.
(see attached image Civ4ScreenShot0000.jpg to view the new order icons)
New city modes:
- "Units built at city start fortified": When a city is in this mode, all the units built in the city start fortified instead of active. If the city has a waypoint, the unit fortifies when it reaches its destination. Very useful for make a city built units indefinitely without being disturbed by the interface for each new unit. Select a city or a group of cities and press <V> to select this mode. Press <J> to revert to normal mode. You can see in which mode is a particular city by selecting it and looking at the last line of the help (see attached image Civ4ScreenShot0001.jpg). The city mode is stored in the savegame using flag extension to maintain savegame compatibility.
- "Units built at city autoairlift":
When a city is in this mode, has an airport and a waypoint for units is set, if the built unit can't reach its destination in one turn and the destination is a city where the unit can airlift, it uses the airport automatically. Select a city or a group of cities and press <CTRL+V> to select this mode. Press <CTRL+J> to revert to normal mode. You can see in which mode is a particular city by selecting it and looking at the last line of the help. The city mode is stored in the savegame using flag extension to maintain savegame compatibility.
New mass effects for existing orders:
- Added "mass delete mode": Presing ALT while clicking "Delete" on the active unit, deletes ALL player's units of the same type as the active one.
- Added "mass fortify mode": Presing ALT while clicking "Fortify" on the active unit, fortifies ALL player's units of the same type as the active one. It only works if the active unit is ungroupped or groupped with units of the same type only. Also, only ungroupped or groupped with units of the active unit's type only, are fortified by this order.
- Added "mass sleep mode": Presing ALT while clicking "Sleep" on the active unit, orders ALL player's units of the same type as the active one to sleep. Same restrictions as in "mass fortify mode".
- Added "mass intercept mode": Presing ALT while clicking "Intercept" on the active unit (Fighter or Jet Fighter), orders ALL player's units of the same type as the active one to intercept. Same restrictions as in "mass fortify mode".
Standard movement behaviour changes:
- Modified movement "standard" attack behaviour: now, if a unit ends its path movement on an unseen or unrevealed tile occupied by an enemy unit, the unit stops and activates so you can choose whether to attack or not (Standard behaviour was to attack the unseen unit).
- Modified movement "standard" disembark behaviour: now, if a naval unit ends its path movement on an unrevealed land tile the unit stops and activates so you can choose whether to disembark or not (Standard behaviour was to disembark on the unrevealed land tile).
Standard selection mode changes:
- Modified "standard" ALT + C behaviour when units from multiple domains (air, sea, land) are in the same plot. For example, standard ALT + C selects always all naval units in a sea plot, regardless of the domain of the selected unit. With the modified behaviour, if you select a unit and then pulse ALT + C, all the units of the SAME DOMAIN are selected. With this new behaviour if you select a land unit (loaded in a ship) in a sea plot and then pulse ALT + C, all land units (same domain type) in the same plot are selected.
- Modified "standard" CTRL + H behaviour when units from multiple domains (air, sea, land) are in the same plot. For example, standard CTRL + H selects always all wounded naval units in a sea plot, regardless of the domain of the selected unit. With the modified behaviour, if you select a unit and then pulse CTRL + H, all wounded units of the SAME DOMAIN are selected. With this new behaviour if you select a land unit (loaded in a ship) in a sea plot and then pulse CTRL + H, all wounded land units (same domain type) in the same plot are selected.
New game options:
- Added a new game option: "City governors build workboats". Now, city governors build workboats ONLY if this option is active. (Default: deactivated)
- Added a new game option: "City governors train workers". Now, city governors trains workers ONLY if this option is active. (Default: deactivated)
- Added a new game option: "City Governors Prioritize Goods Over Non Essential Buildings" If this option is NOT active (Default: deactivated), city governors try first to construct "non essential" buildings (like bunkers when not at war) over goods (gold, culture, etc.). Check this option if you like Civ 4 "standard" building order.
Bug fixes in official patch version:
- Fixed bug in event "Doctrine Overwhelm" that didn't allow to pick the first reward when finished. (See related thread:
- Fixed bug with queued orders and end of movement that cleared the next mission queue node after a move mission with no moves left. (See related thread:
- Fixed bug about several missionaries (executives) airlifted to the same city to spread religion (corporation). (See related thread:
- Included fix from unofficial patch about not all units being upgraded after a mass upgrade.
Compatibility mode: Press CTRL + SHIFT + V to clear all new sentry orders for all units so you can save the game and load it without the mod. The units with cleared orders become active so that you can give them new orders.
How to use:
Official patch 3.19 version:
- Copy CvGameCoreDLL.dll to Civ 4 directory subfolder: "Beyond the Sword\Assets" (Make a backup of the original file first!)
- Copy the XML and DDS files to your "My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\CustomAssets" subfolders.
Better BTS AI 0.82 merged version:
Better BTS AI mod main thread is:
- Copy CvGameCoreDLL.dll to Civ 4 directory subfolder: "Beyond the Sword\Assets" (Make a backup of the original file first!)
- Copy the XML, Python and DDS files to your "My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\CustomAssets" subfolders.
New sentry actions for units v0.91:
New sentry actions for units v0.93 merged with Better BTS AI v0.82:
- Help for the new actions is only in English (and Spanish if selected in standard menu options). Sorry!
- Source files that have been changed to build the dll are included.
- WARNING: If you save a game using this mod and want to load it without the mod, make sure none of your units is carrying on any of the new "sentry orders" (use compatibility mode described above). If so, the game may hang your computer!