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Pitboss BTS: The Angry Barbarians


Dec 11, 2005
I'm hosting a new Pitboss BTS 3.17 game on a shiny VPS.

  • # players: 12
  • Difficulty: Emperor
  • Map: Tectonics
  • Size: Large
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Sea Level: Normal
  • Era: Ancient
  • Speed: Normal
  • Landmass Type: 60% water (less than that and tiles are too arid)
  • Aridity Level: Wet

  • Raging Barbarians
  • No Technology Trading
  • No Vassal States

Every other settings are unchecked (it means huts and random events)

The civilizations and leaders are randomly assigned. All victory conditions are on. Simultaneous turns. No double move allowed during war time. The turn timer will be at 24 hours.

Civstats will be used for turn notifications. Pitboss doesn't work with my e-mail server somehow.

The difficulty level and the raging barbarians (this is where the game takes its name from) will make the game rather challenging from the very beginning. Just be aware of it before you sign up.

Sign up here with your player name and timezone. The game will start as soon as all slots are filled.

Player list:
  • hsoft (GMT + 1)
  • BS_Prophet (GMT - 5)
  • Elkad (GMT - 5)
  • Hoplosternum (GMT)
  • mikeyia (GMT - 6)
  • Munro (GMT - 4)
  • Levgre (GMT - 5)
  • burlicconi (GMT + 1)
  • whiplash (GMT - 6)
  • Geronimo (GMT + 1)
  • Indiansmoke (GMT + 2)
  • Dandridge (GMT + 2)

Alright, the game's up, everyone is correctly registered, let the luckiest player win ;)!
Elkad GMT-5

(tectonics? scarier than the raging barbs)
Random events?
Elkad GMT-5

(tectonics? scarier than the raging barbs)
Random events?

I updated the settings so it's clearer (yes, random events and huts).

As for the tectonics, I know that the tiles are very arid (is that what you're afraid of?), but with the right settings, I think it tends to be ok.

Of course, I'm open to discussion.

As for the barbs, at emperor difficulty, I think raging is a little scary :) in the TTT game, even if they're not raging, they quite often pop up and mess things up.
I have played on one Tectonics map and from that experience I have said that I will never play another tectonics map, so if this was any other type of map I would be in, so be wrned that you are playing on the worst map script for BTS there is.
I have played on one Tectonics map and from that experience I have said that I will never play another tectonics map, so if this was any other type of map I would be in, so be wrned that you are playing on the worst map script for BTS there is.

Admittedly, Tectonics generate large patches of plains inland, which makes city growth rather difficult. However, the problem is a little better with Wet and 60% water. There are still large patches of plains, but there is also plenty of grassland near the water.

I think it can be a very interesting map to play. It makes some areas not suitable for cities until the Civil Service (where you can irrigate much further). Also, unless it's just a false impression, there are lots of food resources inland, so it's not all plain areas that are unsuitable. Anyway, I think it just forces people to play with unusual strategies.

Try it a few times with WorldBuilder, you might change your mind.
I've tried these exact settings before and there certanly isn't a ton of food resources inland... I agree with CH that tectonics is one of the worst map scripts there are.
Oh well, I think I'll lean toward the wisdom of the masses... I have to admit that the poor soul who lands in the middle of a resourceless plain patch as his starting location is going to have lots of troubles. Munro, you have any counter argument?

I'd go with Global Highland then (I'd try clustered peak instead of ridgelines though). Maybe normal sea level rather than low, I'll try a few times with world builder...
Oh well, I think I'll lean toward the wisdom of the masses... I have to admit that the poor soul who lands in the middle of a resourceless plain patch as his starting location is going to have lots of troubles. Munro, you have any counter argument?

I'd go with Global Highland then (I'd try clustered peak instead of ridgelines though). Maybe normal sea level rather than low, I'll try a few times with world builder...
Oh well, I think I'll lean toward the wisdom of the masses... I have to admit that the poor soul who lands in the middle of a resourceless plain patch as his starting location is going to have lots of troubles. Munro, you have any counter argument?

I'd go with Global Highland then (I'd try clustered peak instead of ridgelines though). Maybe normal sea level rather than low, I'll try a few times with world builder...

No objections. Interested to try something a bit different but Global Highlands is one of my favourites too.

Edit: one alternative if you still want to try the Tectonics map is to have an objective observer check the starting positions and make any adjustments if needed (adding food resources or whatever) to make sure they are all roughly even. But this is more work of course.. (and might not solve all the problems) but would presumably make it a bit more feasible. I don't mind either way though.
Adding food to starts doesn't help when everything around you is dry plains as well. I suspect the map-fixer would have to add food in large swaths, not just around capitals.

Granted, I've never fiddled with the "wet" settings much, so that might actually help.
Elkad, well, of course food resources don't make up for a dry patch, but at least it allows for the population of the city to go up a little bit and build a second city in a better spot.

The few maps I generated with the settings I propose have a few bad spots, but you would have to be unlucky to land there.

Maybe that what we could agree is that if a player lands on one of these very bad spots, we regenerate the map until everyone has an acceptable starting point (we could define a threshold beforehand, such as being able to sustain at least a 6 pop city).

Or maybe we could say that if you find your starting spot unacceptable, you take a screenshot and post it. If a majority of players agree, we regenerate, else, we play anyway (therefore, you have to be sure of the badness of your spot or else other players will end up having knowledge about your territory :) )
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