Wizard in the Making
Warhammer Heart of Chaos 0.03 pre-Alpha (PUBLIC RELEASE PENDING)
Warhammer Heart of Chaos: Sound Pack(PUBLIC RELEASE PENDING)
Install Instructions:
- WHoC 0.03 is a stand alone installation and does not require any other files to be installed
- When installing, make sure the Destination location is correct for your computer. Make sure the directory is something like: {Civ4 Installation directory such as C: Games\}Civilization\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Warhammer Heart of Chaos 0.03
- Install the mod
- Extract the WHoC 003a patch to your 'Warhammer Heart of Chaos 0.03' directory and overwrite all files.
- Enjoy
Spoiler Version 0.03 :
Changelog (14/12/09):
- Added in all warhammer Civic, including art, TXT_KEY references and tech requirements.
- Included Orlanths Lairs CTD and city-founding-on-resources fixes.
- Added Tilea, Estalia, Kislev, Bretonnia, Sylvania, Woodelves Civilizations (including flag and team colour, placeholder city art, leaders and traits)
- fixed a lot of TXT_KEY errors
- Fixed Red-Blob units (still a LOT of placeholders though)
- readjusted some improvement scales.
- a lot of other work that slips my mind atm.
- a LOT of other stuff from earlier changelogs
Spoiler Version 0.03 Patch a :
Changelog (23/12/09):
- Fixed Eras in leaderhead infos and Tech Infos, so Orlanths Sound Pack is now fully compatable.
- Fixed Smugglers port Tech requirements. Requires Trade (alternative suggestions?)
- Fixed Sea Dragon Cloak from being selectable as a promotion.
- Removed Tower of Mastery, Altar of Luonnotar and Gone to Hell victory conditions.
- Fixed barbarian Leaders names (no longer Bhall or Agares)
- fixed dificulties (now goes up to Deity)
- Fixed Goody Hut Pops (dosnt only give you low gold)
- Enabled a few Marnok Lair Pops.
- Added a few missing promotions (courage, Valor, Immortal, medic 1-3 etc)
- fixed the Alliance and Covenant Civics, removed the Grey Court civic.
- ancient cavalry speed reduced to 2. renamed light cavalry
- the first city you found will now correctly have a palace.
- Fixed all missionary units. they now correctly allow you to spread their religion and start with the medic promo.
- Fixed Lair improvements so scouts dont get stuck on them if they are set to auto explore. also made some act like goody huts and other spawn some barb units.
Current Known Bugs
- Religion movies cause Screen:Redraw python errors.
This thread is also for Bug reports found in the latest version.
just a few things id like you to keep in mind when reporting bugs:
1. I would really appreciate it if you didnt 'chat' in here, if you find something you'd like to discuss, open a new thread if there isn't already one
2. Please specify which version and patch number you are using.
3. If you get any XML Errors, please take a screen shot and post in here (to take a screen shot simply press the 'print screen' button on your keyboard and paste it into any image editing program, such as paint)
4. If you are noticing an issue please make sure you have python popups enabled so we can see what the real error is. To enable python popups in your CivilizationIV.ini change:
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0
Thanks, and happy Civving
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