New ways to found religions


Mar 3, 2002
How about instead of founding a new religion you pop a great prophet, or better some other special great person that can only start a religion. This would allow you to create a holy city where you deem it should be. While in the world today the government and leaders have little control over religions and where they start (in some countries anyway) it wasn't always like that. And I think this would add more to the game.

I don't know if this would take an SDK edit, python, or XML, but if its a good enough idea maybe we can make it happen. I will post this in the WOX section. I would love this.
There is a mod already, that will let you found religions via buildings (Gods of Old - it came with BtS (or Warlords ?))... Maybe you can scavenge code there.
Actually I like that idea better than a person doing it. Now to figure otu how they did that, I am not exactly what you would call code savvy. I can muddle through a lot but thats about it.
Well there is a holy city tag in the units file, so I will test and see if this allows a unit to create a holy city. First thing will be simpy to see if I can give a missionary with the tech and give them the ability to found a holy city.
I just can't seem to figure out how to determine how religions are founded. I went through a bunch of XML files I am guess its in python somewhere. and my braind has worn out. I usually have a half an hour of lucidity between doses of pain medication where I can get some good work done.
No, you can obviously found a religion by researching its tech and then building a building, but can you do it with a person as say buddha in this instance. And say a later religion your would need to build three shrines to the religion in three different cities in order for one of them to become the holy city

What if the game combined all three for different religions. It would tell you when you began your quest for your religion which was needed, if it could randomly slect which way when each game started. These could also lead to more religious quests and maybe even crusades with rewards through the event system.
You can give the civilization first researching a tech a missionary unit, which can found the religion without a problem. I think it is likely for the AI too, to use this missionary. The only point where I am not sure is, whether the city where you found the religion will count as holy city, but you can test this easily by starting a game and give you a missionary with the world builder.
You should give the religion a required tech, which isn't researched yet, for example a future or not researchable tech, or the religion will be found without the missionary. The missionary can spread a religion, which isn't foundable by tech yet.
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