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Tsar or Czar???


May 27, 2008
From Philippines, now Canada
What's the difference of the words tsar & czar? Are they the same or different????
They're different transliterations of the same word. I prefer tsar over czar because tsar is a corruption of tsesar, the Russian version of the word caesar (from which kaiser - German - and kaisar - Greek - also descend).
About the only difference is that in American, when the President appoints someone to supervise some aspect of the economy, he's always referred to as "czar" not "tsar." For example, "Energy Czar," "Car Czar."
I think "Czar" is the American preference, while "Tsar" tends to be used in Western Europe, although the two are more or less interchangeable, and you'll occasionally see "Csar" or "Tzar" as well. I assume one of them is a more accurate transliteration, although I'm not sure which, especially given that Westerners generally pronounce it with a "z" anyway.
Red Elk's link implies that "Tsar" is more accurate, though, given the alternate pronunciation as "tsär".
I use Tsar, so it be the right one!

but really, they just different translations of same word.
"Czar" is used for several positions in the US government.

From my experience when ever someone is referring to the emperor of Russia they use "Tsar."
"Tsar" is the word that easily predicts the correct pronounciation, so I choose that.
Does it really matter?

May God bless and keep the [Czar/Tsar]...... Far away from us!
May God bless and keep the [Czar/Tsar]...... Far away from us!

If I were a rich man, yubba dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum
цар is the only correct version.

Царь. The "ь" indicates that the "р" sound in the end is "soft".
I would use Tsar always since its closer to the English pronounciation.

"Czar" just makes me think it pronounced Kzar, or possibly Char because of how Czechoslovakia is pronounced.

I do use Czarina for the lady Tsars though. I think this is just because I see the word Czarina much more often than Tsarina. I just saw that it has nearly 4x as many hits on google too.

Strangely, Czar has 8 million hits compared to only 4 million for Tsar even I though I've very rarely seen it used. Must be because of the media's preferences.
I would use Tsar always since its closer to the English pronounciation.

"Czar" just makes me think it pronounced Kzar, or possibly Char because of how Czechoslovakia is pronounced.

Your getting your slavs confused :nono:, Czechs are Western Slavs, Russians are Eastern slavs, the languages are completely different. a Comparison like that is a poor one.
Americans can't pronounce it right anyway, so it's all the same...
Let's just disregard the Western Slav version of pronunciation & the Eastern Slav. Just the meaning. Can we get a real Russian to ask this question???????
Or does that mean that the words "tsar" & "czar" are the same & it depends on what your refering to? I use "czar" for a Russian monarch since that it looks fancy & Western, just like probably Peter the Great used to describe himself.
just like probably Peter the Great used to describe himself.

He took the title of the Emperor.

Or does that mean that the words "tsar" & "czar" are the same

Completely the same, different transliterations on the same word.
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