Saverous is missing out on all the fun!


May 15, 2008
Shoreline, WA
I'd have to say my favorite army in game is a flock of cultists with a swarm of sygian guards marching across the waves to crush distant lands. Blast the coastal cities with typhoon and raze whatever's left. Gets capitulation rather quickly.
The only problem is that Saverous is missing out on all the fun. He'll be sitting back at home, twiddling his thumbs, until such time as I deign to research the necessary oceanic techs. I feel sorry for the poor guy.
With that in mind, would it be possible to make the Stygian guard's version of water walking a promotion that Saverous can learn once Fanaticism is researched? Should be late enough to avoid causing any balance issues. I also like how it allows almost everything OO to be at home on the waves, Hemah included as he can learn waterwalking via arcane means.
Note that I am not saying Saverous is underpowered or anything. He is quite the decent early game hero, especially with access to such promotions as cannibalize and fear. I just want him to be able to join in on all the fun later on.
Saverous should have water walking, that's an awesome idea.

i've never really used him much to be honest. I mean I use OO frequently, and I eventually build him every time, but with all the cultists, and hemah, saverous just seems to... meh, by comparison. He's not bad, there's nothing really wrong with him. He's just not really special either.

Mybe I just disliike how he looks. He's basically a retextured warrior. I hope it's a placeholder model.
Mybe I just disliike how he looks. He's basically a retextured warrior. I hope it's a placeholder model.

:D I had the same problem with this guy, but then read a few story (in Lore forum) and some entrys, and now I think it's the best model for him.
Yeah, I agree on Water Walking for Saverous. Whenever I have an OO army it's almost entirely made up of a Stygian Guard-Cultist mixture amphibiously marching across Water and Land. You're right. Now that I think about it, Saverous usually gets stuck with sweeping up duties for me. Gets Mobility I and maybe picks off the odd enemy approaching my border, but rarely gets to enjoy time with the main attacking force.
you could...hmm...maybe...what do you do when you want land units to go over water...oh right, build a boat. If you are OO, you already have fishing, and one tech away from sailing. Saverous could sail the oceans blue on his own personal private yacht.
you could...hmm...maybe...what do you do when you want land units to go over water...oh right, build a boat. If you are OO, you already have fishing, and one tech away from sailing. Saverous could sail the oceans blue on his own personal private yacht.
In all fairness, this game is built in a way that doesn't greatly reward or emphasise naval warfare, so the Sailing and onward Techs tend to be last priorities on most maps. I always found one of the major bonuses of the OO hordes were the fact that they could walk on land and do their business, and safely scamper off to a small lake/piece of coast to recover safe from most retaliation.

Also, Stygian Guards & Cultists can water-walk over Oceans, whilst ships that can cross over Oceans don't become available until Optics.
Saverous? I use him to shield a great commander for Armageddon. If it comes early. Not much use for him.
In games where you find yourself attacked by someone on the same continent as you, Saverous can be a lifesaver. Singlehandedly held off the entire Sheaim Empire and their Pyre Zombie swarms long enough for me to get mages, promote them to Ice II (thank you, Letum Frigus), and swarm them with Ice Elementals. Also razed a few Sheaim cities in the process.
Saverous is your early muscle, and is fine for that. Keeps you around until you can get that army of Stygians and Cultists, then guards the homeland while you wreck stuff. Hemah is a nice later hero, I don't feel Saverous's absence.

I'm not really opposed to the idea, it'd be more convenient certainly. But it's not a big deal either way.
I'd like to see him get Water Walking at Fanaticism myself.
Boats are well and good for transporting even cultists and stygian guards about. They have a much higher move speed. To be perfectly honest, my little bit of fun strategery is an inefficient waste of time by then.
But it's fun! That's why I do it. It's also good for the short hops. And, like I said, Saverous is missing out. The boat option also means he is vulnerable to anything stronger then the dingy he's standing on. That the major issue for me. By late game when I'll have him cruising around in a galleon or greater, he's a real monster, especially if I've found some good items to add to his beefiness. Unfortunately, he's only as strong as the ship he's standing on. Letting him water walk would take care of that weakness as well as let him join in with his OO bretheren in all their waterwalking games.
Sailing shouldn't be a low priority if you're intending to take over coastal cities...

You need to be able to build light houses so they can pay for themselves. One food tiles are a big problem unless you're Lanun, in which case sailing is a priority for your side instead of just a necessity for those coastal cities.
I agree that Saverous should have water walking. He is like a beefed up hero Deown, and yet he does not have the key Drown ability. I also think that all OO units should get double movement on water tiles. It takes too long for them to move accross a body of water, and it seems like they should swim faster than they walk on land. If Soldiers of Kilmorph can have double movement in hills and Fawns can have double movement in forests, it seems fair that OO units should have double movement on water tiles. This would also make water tiles their preferred mode of travel and the AI would likely send OO units up the coast and accross the ocean more often.
I never thought of Saverous as a Drown. Sure his skin's green, but I always thought he just had placeholder art matching the old Drown art. I figured the green was there to make him look demonic. Could easily make sense though... Stygian Guards are demons... I just wish we knew the rest of his story.

If we're assuming that he's a drown then yeah, he should have water walking.

As for the extra movement, if they're drowned, and walking along the bottom, then they would go slowly. Why are the Drown walking on water anyway? Shouldn't it be water breathing (in a way, since they're not breathing). Amphibious would be a nice name for it, if it weren't already taken. In fact, why not make a race for all the OO units, Zealots and Cultists included, that includes Water Walking and Amphibious (Water Walking would stay the same at Water II though)? I mean, since OO is already leaning heavily on Lovecraft, it could be modeled after the "Innsmouth look" of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. I'll even go so far as to suggest allowing the amphibious (crossing rivers etc.) to only OO units. It would specialize combat in their favor and give them a unique advantage.
It makes sense to me that they don't gain extra movement like other religion specific units do. Being able to move through water at all is the amazing bit.
By the by, I'm playing a game where the perfect example of Saverous missing out came up. There was a long, thin sea completely landlocked taking up a good chunk of the enemies territory. My army of Stygian's and Cultists gleefully took to said body of water, blasting and razing the various towns on its shores. Saverous was left slogging through the jungle with the other mundane units. Poor guy. :(
Saverous is not a Drown, he is a Thrall. He was possessed by a demon when forced to serve the Burnt Priest, but he was still very much alive. He is eventually exorcised by Pontif Elim (although demonic runes remain on his skin and still give him superhuman strength, not like this giant of a man really needs it) and then lead to redemption by Valin Phanuel (after Valin looses his position in the Church which no longer truly served Junil like he does), and seems to become good friends with the former Oathtaker and perhaps serve him as a sort of squire.
Saverous is not a Drown, he is a Thrall. He was possessed by a demon when forced to serve the Burnt Priest, but he was still very much alive. He is eventually exorcised by Pontif Elim (although demonic runes remain on his skin and still give him superhuman strength, not like this giant of a man really needs it) and then lead to redemption by Valin Phanuel (after Valin looses his position in the Church which no longer truly served Junil like he does), and seems to become good friends with the former Oathtaker and perhaps serve him as a sort of squire.

Any idea how he went from there to getting mixed up with OO?
Well, from the Fall of Cuantine scenario it seems that the Burnt Priest was a disciple of the Overlords.
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