19th and 20th Century mod


Jan 25, 2009

19th and 20th Century mod

Current version 2.3(BTS 3.19)Download
Mirror download http://www.atomicgamer.com/files/87546/19th-and-20th-century-mod-2-3

Older versions
1.2(BTS 3.17)
This mod supports only English.

About the mod
The idea for this mod started, because I have myself always prefered the late game in civ. Unfortunately it always took SOO much time to get there, and the late game start, where you start in any other than ancient era, weren't realistic at all. So I decided to make a mod focusing the late game. Like the name says it focuses to 19th and 20th centuries. The name may sound stupid and wierd because I didn't have any better ideas, but that shouldn't change the game play. :p I started making it by asking what do you other people want in it. I have myself always lacked ideas. But anyway, I got lots of great answeres and help from these great forums. In the future I'm going to focus more coding than graphics but not going to forget them totally.

I have redone nearly the entire tech tree, but the late game might still need some fixing and balancing. Also because I have deleted old parts (buildings, eras, tech, units, etc...) the events and quests can have wrong text messages and even effects.

I recommend you to play with many civs and large or huge map with epic or marathon speed. The research speed has been made in the noble difficulty to almost represent the real history. (I have tested it myself, and it's fairly possible that you play better than me :p)

And in the end enormous thanks to jdog5000, without the help I got this mod wouldn't have been finished.
This is my first mod so I would like to know what you think about it. If there are problems with the mod or if you would like to change something, post here! And please, if you download give me some feedback.

Customizing the mod
Because of the incorporated BUG, there is now more user friendly interface where to modify the options. I have moved the options from xml to the BUG screen.

Current features
Better BTS AI
Spoiler :
The Better AI project is the best component ever made for BTS. It fixes lots of AI bugs and make it much more competitive than the vanilla. It also includes the unofficial patch that fixes other bugs from vanilla civ.

Better BUG AI
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Better BUG AI contains Better BTS AI, BUG and BULL. Both BUG and BULL are great interface mods. The add much more info to the screen without changing the game mechanics.

Cultural Citystyles
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Cultural Citystyles adds lots of new city artstyles and building art. It gives the cities more unique look.

Route Air Bombing
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Route Air Bombing modcomp is a small component I made as my first DLL project. It allows air planes to bomb routes disconnecting the enemys' resources from its' cities.

Ranged Bombard
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Ranged bombard has been converted to work with BTS 3.19 and been slightly modified. Ranged bombard gives the artillery units the ability to bombard unit from a distance.

Hire Units Advisor
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I have created a page to military advisor that allows you to hire units with experience if you're running the Hired Army civic.

Global Warming
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The Global Warming mod changes the global warming change the terrain gradually and allows it to rise sea level.

Ruthless AI
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The Ruthless AI is incorporated from Afforess' modmod A New Dawn. It makes the AI more unpredictable and a back stabber and more likely to declare war.

Occasional promotions
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Occasional Promotions allows units to gain promotions from combat depending on how well they managed to fight. With low combat odds your units have higher chances to acquire a promotion.

And that's only few of them. You will find lots of interesting things that makes the game even more enjoyable.

Known issues
-There is still missing some buttons

Future plans
-bug fixing

Please inform me if you find any bugs or errors. Also tell me everything you think should be changed. New ideas and suggestions are still welcome.

Version History:
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Version 2.3
-merged in veBear's new Norway citynamelist
-added veBear's new scenario
-added veBear's new civilopedia for Norway
-added Better BUG AI
-added a missing case MISSION_RBOMBARD to CvSelectionGroup that caused a CTD
-partly merged in Better BUG AI revision 100 and 101
-added the max units per tile option
-fixed AI training settlers in new built cities, they will concentrate to workers and units first
-fixed a possible crash with LeadFromBehind calling Surround and Destroy wrong time
-fixed AI logic when hiring units
-fixed a CTD when running intolerant and the old capital was captured and you changed civic
-fixed Football Stadium's button
-changed the max exp after upgrade back to 10
-changed Survival require Combat V
-fixed: when bombarding improvements, you could miss but still gain exp
-changed: removed the -20% War weariness from Mobilization
-changed: modern road requires motorized transport
-removed the ability to upgrade pre-dreadnoughts into torpedoboats
-changed monasteries to require statereligion and cathedrals to national wonders to prevent culture/science spamming
-updated Better BUG AI to revision 105
-updated BUG to revision 2239
-fixed: you can no longer rbombard your own improvements
-fixed the WeLoveTheKingDay event
-nerfed industry improvements
-fixed public works' and ice hotel's buttons
-fixed a small bug in civ naming when running absolutism
-removed the upgrade from machine guns to armored cars to prevent them getting city garrison promotions
-fixed the projects' help text
-balanced Ruthless AI code, the AI isn't forced to build a huge SoD but that doesn't mean you should trust them
-added: pinch promotions require copper, should make copper more valuable
-added a possiblity to remove marsh
-added veBear's suggestions

Version 2.23
-added new button for Absolutism
-swapped heavy and dense industries arts
-changed the dense industry to be little better than heavy (no unhappiness and more hammers)
-changed the machine gun have +25% combat vs mounted units
-changed combustion to require armored vehicles
-changed pre-dreadnought to require only iron
-fixed a CTD when changing from Monarchy to any other religion
-added a World War I scenario

Version 2.22

-changed Austria-Hungary's adjective to Austrian and short desc to Austria
-fixed Soviet Union naming with Dynamic Civ names
-changed the score board to show the entire civ name
-tweaked leader war rands

Version 2.21

-changed the civ limit back to 36
-added a fixed version of 20 century scenario

Version 2.2

-added new city names for Norwegian cities
-added has met check to trade penalty
-added Surround and Destroy modcomp
-fixed, you won't get great general points from rbombarding
-succesfully added an iHealth tag to ImprovementInfos
-added heavily modified great generals from barbarian combat modcomp
-added cultural citystyles 0.95
-added a traits page to sevopedia
-slowered improvement building
-changed industrious trait to give only +25% wonder production
-fixed german rifleman button
-fixed a crash because of a missing building art define
-added vicinity bonus tags to unitinfos and buildinginfos
-changed fort's modern art define a bit
-changed ironworks to normal building but made it require iron in city's vicinity
-reduced iron appereance to the same level as in the original game
-added Multiple Production game mod
-fixed bug, you could rebase airplanes to bridges
-added modern routes, finaly ;)
-added lead from behind modcomp
-updated GWmod to 1.10
-added hover text on improvement build info to show improvement's health change
-ranged bombard, you can bombard enemy units in frindly terrotory
-added episionage process that can only be build if having communism ideology
-added bNoUnhappinessInCapital to CivicInfos + AI code
-fixed: now negative military unit production bonus should work
-fixed: bug in civilopedia showing unit bombardrate twice
-fixed: bug in ranged bombard AI, caused a crash
-added better air interception, Occasional Promotions, Ruthless AI, barbarian world,
barbarian generals game options
-fixed: barbarian world's and barbarian generals' descriptions were wrong
-moved field medic, survival and skimisher promotions to DLL
-readded musketman and rifling
-added attitude modifiers to civics
-added civic flavors
-managed to hide permanent improvements, monor civ and barbarian civ and leader in sevopedia
-fixed a CTD on modern era start
-hire unit works
-updated Better BTS AI to 1.00
-fixed: can hire units only when running hired army civic
-removed unique unit artstyles
-updated cultural citystyles to 0.98
-added leader craphics to pilsudski
-added war prizes and super spies
-added heavily modified dynamic civ names
-added religion/ideology buttons and icons
-marsh terrain has been added to map generation
-added PerfectWorld2 mapscript and modified it to add marsh
-fixed bug receiving gold from dispanding units outside your borders
-removed UNITAI_ATTACK from light cannon, should prevent the AI from using it to explore

Version 2.15

-added diplomacy texts to shaka
-changed most of the leader's way they act
-merged small text files into bigger files
-fixed the Earth map scenario
-added bunch of new civics and edited the old ones
-cavalry tactics doesn't require scientific method
-mobilization no longer gives -50% war weariness
-fixed modern privateer's cost
-removed stats box from leader head page in civilopedia
-fixed some of the events and quests
-added a 7th ideology to fix the TGA file
-raised light cannon's cost
-fixed mexican early cavalry button
-changed theory of relativity to indutrial era
-fixed bug you couldn't convert to any ideology
-added buildings for anarcism ideology
-changed radar station's position in city choose production list
-changed many of the tanks' abilities
-flamethrower requires physics and indutrialism
-packed art files and imported cPickle as pickle

Version 2.1

-added Global Warming mod
-added marsh in global warming cycle
-added flavor religion civics to some leaders
-civic fascism requires fascism state religion
-resized early tank, ironclad battleship and bunker improvement
-made coal, iron, oil and horse appear more often
-reduced research speed
-fixed egypt worker unit
-fixed issue that artillery couldn't RBombard
-airplanes can now destroy routes
-added some AI logic to it
-changed ranged bombard to do more damage to units
-fixed V1 and guided missile animations
-redid the tech tree
-balanced research speed
-added buid cost to railroad
-fixed error in tech research
-added new leader head graphics for Nehru
-fixed the dawnofman bug
-added <iDCMBombRangeChange> tag to PromotionInfos
-can RBombard only units you can see
-added <iDCMBombAccuracyChange> tag to PromotionInfos
-you get experience from bombarding
-fixed bug you couldn't trade the techs I had added
-help text should now appear correctly in projects
-fixed bug with greece SoTL
-fixed israelian diplomacy text
-removed christian monastery from building class infos
-fixed makefile to be able to build debug DLLs
-resized some units
-added a seafring trait
-changed some religion texts to ideology
-added shaka and the zulus back
-route air bombing can now be turned off if you want in GlobalDefinesAlt
-changed AI logic to bombing only routes (most likely won't target tiles with only route)
-fixed brazilian early cavalry button
-made uhlan and cossack require same techs as cavalry
-KV1 requires same things as heavy tank
-reduced marathon turns to 1200
-aggressive doesn't give +50% production of drydock
-changed some of the leader's traits
-commented out unused unit-,leader head- and movie graphics from ArtDefines
-changed George I to philosiphical and expansive
-added help text to mobilization civic

Version 2.0

-added JRouteNative and fixed borders
-added new terrain, marsh
-fixed few mistakes
-added lots of new units and unit graphics
-added more wonders, traits, civics and promotions
-fixed the marsh desert error
-added totally new religions and changed religions into political movements/ideologies
-improved diplomacy texts
-fixed archery and melee popups
-changed the max experience after upgrade to 999 (you won't lose any experience after upgrade anymore)
-fixed the Gustav V leaderhead eyebrown problem
-fixed tornado and volcano events, again
-fixed the mysterious crash
-added new religion buildings
-changed jaeger stats
-removed useless obsolated events
-added text message and button when unit survives from combat
-improved civics
-removed monastries completely
-fixed Russian modern armor skin
-added democracy tech
-fixed peak on city error...again
-redid some event texts
-made tornado disappear faster
-removed all free wins vs barbarians
-changed tornado event to add city ruins if there is cottage, hamlet, etc.
-mod now works with 3.19
-removed JRouteNative and fixed borders
-removed unused definitions in BuildingClassInfos.xml and UnitClassInfos.xml
-balanced research speed
-removed ability to found cities on marsh

Version 1.2

-changed WW2 transport to not needing oil and uranium
-Scenario Earth 1800: added 2 riflemen and 1 worker to Portugal
-added new main menu screen
-lowered the appereance of tornado event
-fixed the flamethrower flame
-fixed guerrilla button error
-fixed WW2 Transport graphic error
-added attitude icons
-added three new civs: Iraq, Iran and Vietnam
-added leaders to them
-redid some of the flags and buttons
-added civilopedia texts to the new civs and leaders
-removed unitcombats archer and melee
-added BETTER BTS AI v0.60 and Ranged Bombard
-lowered maw civ limit to 36
-fixed that event error when a mountain appeared on city

Version 1.1

-fixed some writing mistakes
-removed JRouteNative
-changed civ limit to 40
-added graphical events Volcano and Tornado
-added era name
-new flags added for every civ
-added bunch of new units and technologies
-changed amphibious promotion reguire Amphibious Warfare
-fixed city name and tech splash popup screens
-a new unit combat type added
-added new tech splash screen
-added new resource, cars
-added buttons for added techs and some units
-added UU and UB to Norway
-added a scenario
-changed William I from creative to expansive
-fixed the tornado and volcano events

Version 1.0

-added JRouteNative and sevopedia
-readme text for both
-deleted some old civilizations
-new civilizations
-new leaders
-changed civilization buttons
-civilopedia texts
-fixed sevopedia
-leaderhead graphics
-deleted units that weren't needed
-changed hills', forests' and jungles' defensive bonus
-compiled ancient, classical, medieval and renaissance technologies into their own technologies
-removed ancient, classical, medieval and renaissance eras
-fixed the tech tree
-diplomacy texts
-removed a lot of wonders
-added unique buildings and unique units for almost all civs
Spoiler :
I would like to thank all the people who has made any graphics to the database. Because of my lack with graphics I have used lots of graphics found here. Also great thanks to those who were helping me to learn programming. (Yes that's true, because of civ, I decided to learn C++ :D)

achilleszero - unit graphics
Acronym2 - unit graphics
Afforess - realistic diplomacy, better air interception, ruthless ai, civic attitudes and flavors
AlazkanAssasin - unit graphics
Andrew Jay - unit graphics
Arian - wonder movies
asioasioasio - building and unit graphics
avain - leader head optimizations
Baal Isidro - unit graphics
Bakuel - unit graphics
Berenthor - unit graphics
bernie14 - leader head and unit graphics
better BTS AI team - Better BTS AI (the base of this mod)
Buddy3101 - unit graphics
BUG team - traits page in sevopedia
C.Roland - leader head and unit graphics
cameronpollett - unit graphics
cephalo - PerfectWorld2 mapscript
Chamaedrys - building and unit graphics
Chuggi - leader head and unit graphics
Dale - ranged bombard
danrell - unit graphics
darkstyx - leader head graphics
Denev - Multiple production mod
Deon - unit graphics
dexy - surrond and destroy mod comp
draco 963 - Great generals from barbarian combat modcomp
Dr. Funkshadow - leader head graphics
dutchking - leader head and unit graphics
Ekmek - leader head graphics
EmperorFool - SDK teaching
Esnaz - building graphics
Fierabras - volcano and tornado events
FourtyTwo - unit graphics
Frekk - base code for war prizes
FuzzyWuzzyBunny - unit graphics
GarretSidzaka - unit graphics
Gedemon - unit graphics
GeneralMatt - unit graphics
GeoModder - Cultural Citystyles
GeS - unit graphics
GFO Anubis - unit graphics
hrochland - events and building graphics
jdog5000 - dynamic civ names, help creating mod
Iloveplayciv - leader heads
JF00 - unit graphics
Jimmyballz - building graphics
jooyo - iHealth tag for improvements
Kael - Barbarian World
Kao'chai - leader head graphics
killmeplease - occasional promotions
kodzi - building and unit graphics
KrugerPritz - unit graphics
mechaerik - unit graphics, war prizes modcomp
Minor Annoyance - Global Warming mod
ModFreak - unit graphics
mourndraken - leader head graphics
Mozza - unit graphics
nautil - unit graphics
NikNaks - unit graphics
Rabbit, White - unit graphics
Refar - leader head and unit graphics
Roamty - new tech spalash screen
Robo Magic Man - unit graphics
sepamu92 - unit graphics
sephi - SDK teaching, has met check to trade penalty
Sevo - building graphics
Sevopedia team - sevopedia
seZereth - unit graphics
Sharick - unit graphics
Shqype - VicinityBonus modcomp
Skyre Noktis - SDK teaching
snafusmith - unit graphics
strategyonly - unit graphics
Swarog - unit graphics
The Capo - leader head and unit graphics
The Conguests - unit graphics
The Coyote - leader head and unit graphics
The_J - unit graphics, python components
TheLopez - Great generals from barbarian combat modcomp
Thomas SG - unit graphics, Great generals from barbarian combat modcomp
Total realism team - unit graphics
Trojan Sheep - super spies modcomp
tsentom1 - python components
UncutDragon - lead from behind
veBear - ideas, norway city list, religion/ideology buttons
Von Salza - unit graphics
Walter Hawkwood - building and unit graphics
Wolfshanze - unit graphics
Wyz sub10 - leader head graphics
Xenomorph - unit graphics
xienwolf - SDK teaching
zenspider - unit graphics
Zerver - unit graphics
And also great thanks to wikipedia. Also tell me if I have forgotten you from the credits.
Have fun playing and I hope you enfoy!


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Take a look at the Wolfshanze mod, it adds in Steamship Navies, a vital part of that time period.
I have been trying to ask people can I use their graphics via PM. But nobody answers. Is it broken or something? Or is it the same thing that is in adding a custom avatar that you have to have been registered in this forum for 30 days and posted atleast 30 posts?
Though I naturally can't speak for everyone, most people post their art / code here specifically so that other people can use them. Unless they specifically said otherwise in their post, I say feel free to use whatever you want. It is nice to credit the various authors yourself when you post your mod on the forums, though.
I agree; if people don't respond, just send them a notice and mention them in your credits. The whole purpose of people making their creations available is to make use of them and what better use in somebody's mod?;)
Does any one know how to fix this? It's a screen shot.
But please tell me if you know how to fix it. It's not very important but I think it would be better when the leader head is normal size.
For one thing you should reform routes.

My Future mod starts in 1815 and the current version has unpaved roads, paved roads, railroads, and highways in that order. Unpaved roads are routes that allow you to get resources, period. They don't do anything for movement, but can be built very fast. Paved roads double movement. Railroads give an across the board triple movement, and they increase the yield of improvements. Highways require combustion and oil, to reflect that building the route means not only building the route itself but the vehicles and support infrastructure for traffic on the route. They increase the yield of improvements and give that big flat movement like the standard game gives railroads.

Also, mess with early and late art for units. For instance, you can get the WW2 Frigate from Road to War and use it as the Late art for Frigate. I use the WW2Transport as the transport and use the current Transport as the late look for Galleon, which I rename "Light Transport." I also use the WW1 infantry from the vanilla fpk as the late look for both Grenadier and Rifleman.

There is also modern art you can use for the workshop and the lumbermill and the forge and the granary.

I always start with a tech tree.
I have planned editing routes but first I have to get everything else to work. That's also one reson why I'm using Jeckel's JRouteNative in my mod. The route changes won't be in first versions but I'm going to it.
Thanks for your advice. I'll keep it in my mind.:)
Still lot to do. I think it'll take few weeks for me to finish it and ofcourse I have to test it too. This mod isn't going to be out very soon but feel free to post your suggests here. I keep looking this thread even I'm working on the mod.:)
your mod sounds like it'll be very interesting once finished. Are you planning on making a scenario or just have it for random maps with modern starts?

If a scenario, would it be whole world or certain areas or both? Like you said, theres alot that happened in that time so it could cover all kinds of stuff and be as deep as you wanted it to be.
I planed to add scenarios but I'll have to add them later because I'm working on this mod by myself. And about that are the scenarios going to be whole world or certain area. I think it depends on scenario. Someones might be better if they concentrate only on certain area.
Does anyone have/know proper train graphics? I have been searching for them from this forum but I haven't found any. I even looked from the Civ3 downloads but it uses differend type of files so it wasn't any help. I'm planning to do a train that could transport units very fast and could move only on railroads (thanks to JRouteNative).
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