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Bombnes II-Gotham City: No Man's Land


Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
This is a short, fairly simple little NES I am doing just for fun while I prepare my other one. It is based off of characters from DC Comic's Batman; specifically the No Man's Land series. The setting is as follows.

Two successive plague outbreaks and an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude have caused the United States Government to temporarily abandon Gotham City. With much of the population evacuated, the bridges that connect the city to the mainland destroyed, and The Dark Knight no where to be found, traditional criminals and freaks alike have come out of hiding to carve their own empires out of what was once America’s greatest city.

In this NES, you will take control of one of several criminal empires that have gained power in Gotham City. In order to become Criminal Kingpin you will have to lie, cheat, murder and steal your way to the top, all while not only fighting other costumed criminals but vigilantes and Gordon’s Boys in Blue as well.


Sample Stats
Harvey "Two-Face" Dent
Characters Employed: Two-Face
Special Ability(s):
Locations/businesses of Note:

Income/Treasury: The most basic way to make income is by taking city blocks. It costs 2 IC to take control of an unoccupied block, and every 4 city blocks you control gives you 1 more IC. It does not cost anything directly to take an enemy block, however you should always back it up with a couple of IC for logistic reasons unless you know it is empty. Other ways to get IC are by controlling and/or creating locations and businesses of note and raiding enemy territory. FOR CLARIFICATION: You can take parkland and it still costs 2 IC, (the green spots surrounding landmarks and islands) But it does provide any income bonus.

Characters Employed: This is any special characters beyond basic goons that might be in your gang’s employ. Your main character is always listed, as well as any others that may come into your service. Occasionally a list of mercenaries for hire will appear at the end of a turn. Character’s who have had their empire destroyed have a chance of being hired. You can have a chance at upgrading your characters by sending them into battle (write this in your orders). Every few levels your character upgrades, he will get a new ability. Sending a character into battle risks having them captured.

Special Ability: A special ability is a unique tool that gives your gang an advantage over others in a certain area. Special abilities are decided by what characters are in your employ and what level they are at. Any ability which is listed as Non-static has to be written into your orders if you wish to use it.

Goons/Cops: Goons are the foot soldiers of your gang. There are three kinds as of right now, however unique units or others may emerge later on.

Thugs/Cops: The most basic unit. Equally good for raiding and conquering and slightly better at defending. Costs 1 IC for 1

Snoops/Detectives: Used for espionage activities, to hunt for hidden characters and places and to sabotage enemy establishments. Costs 2 IC for 1

Maniacs/Vigilantes: The low end freaks. Great offensive units, but unpredictable and often destroy what they
conquer. Use with caution. Costs 5 IC for 1

Locations/Businesses of Note: There are several notable locations already on the map, most of which are currently abandoned. Some of these locations provide bonuses (extra income, extra special abilities) to your gang if you can take them by controlling all the surrounding blocks. Piers are also notable locations, and are conquered just like any other block. Once a pier or the airstrip is conquered, outside supplies can be brought in. In addition to the locations already on the map. Businesses and locations can be opened as well.

Pub: A small drinking establishment. Upgrades to Tavern. Cost 10 IC

Tavern: A medium drinking establishment. Upgrades to Nightclub. Cost 20 IC

Nightclub: A larger classy drinking establishment. Upgrades to Casino. Cost 35 IC

Casino: A huge house of sin. Has drinking, clubbing, and gambling. Cost 50 IC

Safe house: A small location that can be used as a defensive point. Can be
constructed in unoccupied territory. Snoops are needed to locate enemy hideouts. Upgrades to Hideout. Cost 10 IC

Hideout: A medium location that can be used as a defensive point. Can be constructed in unoccupied territory. Snoops are needed to locate enemy hideouts. Cost 25 IC

Fortress: A large fortification that can be used as a defensive point. Cost 50 IC

Other Characters: As the game goes on, other NPC characters will appear and disappear, based on player actions. This includes some of the notably absent fan favorites such as The Joker, Rhas al Ghul, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Batgirl and more. When some of these characters are not active, a player can attempt to track them down in order to battle, capture or hire them using a snoop.

War: There is essentially three direct actions you can take in war with your basic goons. Conquer, defend, and raid. To conquer do this just move them in and kill whatever enemies are in site. You hold onto whatever enemy territory you successfully take. Defending helps hold your own territory, it is generally slightly easier to defend then attack for basic thugs. Raiding is where you go into enemy territory with the objective of looting it or destroying enemy establishments. In a raid, you make no attempt to keep the enemy territory you are attacking. Including a small map insert show what you wish to conquer, defend or raid is always recommended.

Stories: With this NES being based on a comic book, stories are highly encouraged. My goal is for the overall tone of the NES to be along the lines of an extended interactive comic book.

Player Stats

Spoiler :

Harvey "Two-Face" Dent/Adrogans (Deep Red)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 39/3
City Blocks: 156
Characters Employed: Two-Face (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Double Trouble: 50% chance of twice the income from all raids
Fair Game: 50% chance of canceling out an enemy’s special abilities.
Goons: 34 thugs, 2 snoops, 2 maniacs
Locations/businesses of Note:
Cathedral: Contains secrets. Use Snoops.
2 Piers: +4

Gotham City Police Department/germanicus12 (Deep Blue)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 23/0
City blocks: 52
Characters Employed: James Gordon (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Bat Signal: Can call Nightwing or Batgirl with 25% success rate.
Goons: 25 cops, 2 detectives
Locations/businesses of Note:
Gotham City Police Department: Allows for locking up of captured enemy characters.
3 Piers: +6 IC
Airstrip: +5 IC

The Penguin (Medium Gray)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 48/48
City Blocks: 180
Characters Employed: The Penguin (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Business Minded: 25% discount on all businesses/upgrades
Goons: 25 thugs, 2 snoops
Locations/businesses of Note:
The Iceberg Lounge: +3 IC

The Riddler/Dreadnought (Green)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 14/0
City Blocks: 56
Characters Employed: The Riddler (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Enigma: Hideouts and safe houses are 50% more difficult for an enemy to locate.
Deductive Reasoning: Snoops are 50% more effective.
Goons: 8 thugs, 5 snoops
Locations/businesses of Note:
City Archives: Can be used to look up profiles on locations and characters for a better chance of success. Non-Static. (Through PM to mod)
Library: Contains secrets. Use Snoops.
Safe House: Defensive position.

Rupert Thorne/Charles Li (Sea foam Green)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 30/0
City Blocks: 105
Characters Employed: Rupert Thorne (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Man of the People: 1 free thug for every 3 recruited in a single turn.
Goons: 30 thugs, 2 snoops
Location/businesses of Note:
2 Piers: +4

Mr. Freeze/flyingchicken (Ice Blue)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 21/9
City Blocks: 75
Characters Employed: Mr. Freeze (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Deep Freeze: Can freeze a body of water, allowing your faction to cross without using a bridge. Non-static
Ice Castle: Fortresses cost only 35 IC
Goons: 15 thugs, 1 maniac
Location/businesses of Note:
1 Pier: +2

The Mad Hatter/Fuschia (Electric Purple)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 8/0
City Blocks: 31
Characters Employed: Mad Hatter (lv. 2)
Special Abilities:
Brain Control: A 25% chance of taking control of a group of enemy thugs. Non-Static
Goons: 5 thugs, 2 snoop, 4 maniac
Location/businesses of Note: None

Killer Croc (Swamp Green)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 8/3
City Blocks: 30
Characters Employed: Killer Croc (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Sewer Crawler: Can move maniacs to any unoccupied block on an island with territory. Non Static
Cannibal: Maniacs only cost 4 IC
Goons: 4 thugs, 1 snoop
Location/businesses of Note: None

The Ventriloquist (Cerulean)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 20/0
City Blocks: 80
Characters Employed: The Ventriloquist (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Read My Lips: Thugs are 30% more effective at defending.
Goons: 10 thugs, 1 snoop, 1 maniacs
Location/businesses of Note: None

Mr. Zsaszs (Orange)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 6/0
City Blocks: 23
Characters Employed: Zsaszs (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Raving Lunatic: Maniacs only cost 3 IC
Goons: 7 maniacs
Location/businesses of note: None

The Scarecrow/bestshot9 (Brown)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 18/0
City Blocks: 72
Characters Employed: Scarecrow (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Fear Toxin: 33% chance of sending enemy thugs into retreat. 25% chance of sending enemy maniacs against their leader.
Goons: 12 thugs, 1 snoop, 1 maniac
Location/businesses of note:
Arkham Asylum: Large defensive position. Contains secrets. Use Snoops.

Black Mask (Black)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 28/10
City Blocks: 114
Characters Employed: Black Mask (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Intimidation: Maniacs rarely turn and enemy thugs have a 10% chance of retreating
Just Business: 10% discount on all businesses/upgrades
Goons: 20 thugs, 3 snoops, 2 maniacs
Location/businesses of note: None

Clay Face/The Strategos (Gray-Brown)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 8/1
City Blocks: 30
Characters Employed: Clay Face (lv 2)
Special Abilities:
Transformation: Once per turn, one other character in play’s special ability can be copied. Non-static. Goons: 7 thugs, 1 maniac
Location/business of note: None

Carmine “The Roman” Falcone/Warhead (Royal Purple)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 30/30
City Blocks: 118
Characters Employed: Carmine Falcone (lv. 1), Sofia Falcone (lv. 1), Mario Falcone (lv. 1), Alberto Falcone (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Family Ties: The faction remains in play until every member of the Falcone family has been captured or killed.
Holiday Killer: 75% chance of killing any secondary character (Non faction leader) every five turns in exchange for killing a secondary character from your faction other then Alberto. Non-static, costs 10 IC.
Goons: 20 thugs, 3 snoops
Location/business of note: None

The Great White Shark/Soldierchild (Tan)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 20/0
City Blocks: 68
Characters Employed: Great White Shark
Special Abilities:
Inside Connections: Maintains connections with prison system. Can free a captured character. Non static, cost 5 IC
Just Business: 10% discount on all businesses/upgrades
Goons: 17 thugs, 2 snoops
Location/business of note:
The Knight’s Dome: +1 IC, acts as defensive point.
1 Pier: +2 IC

Hush (Off-White)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 12-3=9/0
City Blocks: 49
Characters Employed: Hush (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Doctor in the House: Goons have 50% more chance of surviving a lost battle.
Goons: 11 thugs, 1 snoops, 1 maniac
Location/business of note: None

Maxie Zeus/Crezth (Gold)
Spoiler :

Income/Banked: 10/10
City Blocks: 42
Characters Employed: Maxie Zeus (lv. 1)
Special Abilities:
Power of the Gods: 10% more income from raids.
Electroshock Therapy: Enemy maniacs have a 25% chance of retreating.
Goons: 10 thugs, 2 maniacs
Location/business of note: None




Spoiler :


Spoiler :

Player List (13/17 spots taken)
Spoiler :
Open-The Penguin
Dreadnought-The Riddler
Charles Li-Rupert Thorne
flyingchicken-Mr. Freeze
Fuchsia-The Mad Hatter
Open-Killer Croc
Open-The Ventriloquist
Open-Mr. Zsaszs
bestshot9-The Scarecrow
Open-Black Mask
The Strategos-Clay Face
Warhead-Carminea Falcone
Soldierchild-The Great White Shark
Crezth-Maxie Zeus
My first post will be deleted, so this post will have my confirmation of the GCPD.

One more question: Will my faction be working with the criminal element? (I.E hiring thugs and the likes or will I employ cops/detectives etc...)
One more question: Will my faction be working with the criminal element? (I.E hiring thugs and the likes or will I employ cops/detectives etc...)

Thanks you reminded me I forgot to put the cop versions of the units. As for buildings, the GCPD can build anything the criminals can, for simplicity sake.

I'll just take the GCPD.
Black Mask is Back Baby!
Clay face, as long as it is recognized I don't know anything about the Batman Clay face and so I will be playing as a likeness not exactness of the Batman Clay face.

I'll just take the GCPD.

The Joker is NPC because it doesn't make any sense for him to build a criminal empire with his way of thinking. He will periodically appear to tear down other people's empires however.

Germanicus already took the GCPD.
That's fine. If you have seen Batman Begins that is probably good enough.
Mister Freeze!

I must warn you that the only Mister Freezes I've ever seen are: the one played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the one from the animated DC universe, and the one from the new and relatively child-friendly cartoon, The Batman.
Mister Freeze!

I must warn you that the only Mister Freezes I've ever seen are: the one played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the one from the animated DC universe, and the one from the new and relatively child-friendly cartoon, The Batman.

More then enough, but try to ignore Arnold's abomination ;). Oh by the way, if anyone has any questions on their character, reading the wiki is a big help.
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