- Some minor fixes from RevDCM 2.71
- Fixed invisible improvements caused by using Expanded Graphics in Scenarios
- Set compression method in staller to "best", reduces file size (pretty significantly for the full version - dropped from 353MB to a 288MB download)
0.9.8d changelist:
- Updated to a modified RevDCM 2.7 gamecore (modified to maintain save game compatibility with other 0.9.8 versions)
- Fixes some MP issues, MP should be playable for most players, however it still will not connect for some.
- Updated BUG and BULL components to 4.3 and 1.1 respetively
- Updates BBAI component to 0.84+
- Allows playing of any scenario that is compatible with BtS
0.9.8c changelist:
- Fixed broken victories
- Moved all Revolution.ini loading code into a standardized BUG format (under the hood for most users, but should eliminate the rare user specific cases of a Loss of Interface)
- Updated BUG UI to latest SVN (adds tech era information to tech screen)
- Added Snophru's German translations.
0.9.8b changelist:
- Fixed installer to correctly find BtS version on Steam and Current User installs (searches Global Defines file for 3.19 entry instead of checking the registry)
- Added Vietnam unit sounds
- Fixed broken Religious Victory *(this "fix" unfortunately broke all other victories; the broken victory bug introduced here is squashed in 0.9.7c -see above)
- Fixed Enhanced Graphics AddOn
- Fixed rare bug where Rebels were gifted Legendary Units as reinforcements
- Added Gaplus's Italian translations
- Added Snophru's German translations
V 0.9.8 changelist:
- Fully updated to RevDCM 1.61 + current SVN changes
- Updates betterAI version to .82j
- Updates BUG component to 4.2
- Eliminates Python Callbacks (should improve peformance)
- Barbarian Civ settling now scales better with game speed
- Fully normalized LoR with BtS, so no crucial strings are missing (should make things easier on scenario makers)
- Set back Civilizations (Austria reverted to the HRE, other changes are under the hood, such as changing the civilizations info string for Sioux to CIVILIZATION_NATIVE_AMERICA)
- LSystem Files
- Added back in missing unit strings such as UNIT_HORSE_ARCHER
- Add new game options, No Legends and No Wonders
- Updated installer. Removes need for "Launch as Admin" for Vista Users
- Removed Protected Cruiser and rebalanced Industrial Era Navy
- Art updates (Model for Babylonian Longbowman, Ethnic Spy and Achilleszero's General's models, Button for Roman Heavy Footman)
- Normalized Light and Full versions
- Set up GameSpeedInfos file so that LoR ends in 2100 AD with a 10% increase in default number of turns
- Add diplo text for all LoR leaders
- Update Scenarios to 0.9.8 build, and fixed all bugs in scenarios
- Changed order of DENIAL_TOO_MANY_WARS code in CvTeamAI.cpp
- More Translations; specifically German should be eniterely translated
Version 0.9.7c Released 1 Nov 09
LoR: 0.9.7c
- Fixed ACO component. Combat modifiers now display in ACO hover display.
- Fixed bad path in the art defines file for the Mech infantry flanking infantry units (troopers), fixes "red blobs"
- Fixed civilization button in Leader Head screen in the civilopedia. The button now links to the correct civ, instead of always directing to the Zulu
- Fixed top 5 wonders/Cities screen in the Info Screen section. Built Wonder list now properly generates.
- Fine tuned Start as minors starting units code (was granting unequal number of starting defensive units for some AIs on high difficulty with start as minors selected)
- Some minor fixes to BUG UI issues (stagnant city with 1 food left calculating it would grow next turn), and Inquisitor AI logic (AI was not aware it was maxed out with 3 inquisitors and attempted to get more, no real effect to LoR, but a waste of processor time)
- Tweaked Techs:
- Theology now requires Lit instead of Aesthetics (spread rate of christianity increased, as well as granted extra missionary to compensate)
- Changed chemistry pre req from Military Science to Gunpowder, units enabled by Chemistry have had Military Science Req added (Grenadier, Ship of the Line). This change should allow more user options in the early Industrial tech selection, while not signicantly changing unit progression
- To facilitate above change, Steel now requires Military Science. Cannon moved to Steel, instead of Chemistry.
- Tweaks to Units:
- Removed +10% bonus to archery units for heavy footmen. Pikeman -10% to city attack.
- Cavalry now ignore first strikes
- Swapped Retreat promos on Barbary Corsairs (gets Damage Control), and 54th Infantry (recieves commando, and still gets flanking1).
- King's Yeomanry gets +50% strength in Forests and Hills, looses some first strikes (1-2, instead of 2-4). +100% bonus to Knights and Heavy Footman, instead of just defensive bonus.
- Barrage promotion line opened up to Naval Units (only effects Bismark), Bismark swaps Drill2 with Barage1 promotion.
Version 0.9.7b Released 27 Oct 09
LoR: 0.9.7b
- Fixed broken Spanish Royal Galleon model (critical art bug on some video cards)
- Added link to FAQ homepage when mod installs, so users can quickly check out LoR's homepage
- Removed AI free techs for hard difficulty levels when Start as Minors selected (AI's will start with defensive archer to guard against cheese rush on high difficulty)
Version 0.9.7a Released 25 Oct 09
- Fixed rare critical bug reported in LSystem files (full version only, does not effect light)
- Fixed longstanding link issue with Legends Civilopedia Section
- Added new functionality to civilopedia to list multiple civs for a leader
Version 0.9.7 Released 22 Oct 09
- Minor changes to LoR leaders
- Repacked Art
- Fixed uncommon graphics issue on some systems that could cause a crash when meeting Bolivar and FrancisI
- Minor adjustments to some units
- Updated RevDCM component to 2.6
- Includes BetterAI 0.81M, significantly improves AI and performance as CAR mod components are incorporated
- Super spy AI adjustments - AI chooses useful promotions including logistics
- Updated to BUG 4.1.1, and BULL 1.0
- Added the Global Warming mod by Minor Annoyance
- Show Hidden Attitude mod merged and made a controllable interface option
- The AI now is more Revolution aware and will keep its cities happier to avoid revolts
- domestic advisor liberate city fix
- Re-balanced BarbarianCiv for early barb settling as well as Barbarian World option
- Improved German and Spanish translations, nearly fully translated and fully playable in German and Spanish
- Fixed issue with "X have chosen to give up their independence" text
- RevolutionDCM options can no longer be changed in a multiplayer game session
- RevolutionDCM options from the options screen now update immediately (no longer required to reload when adjusting options in the RevDCM tab, accessible by pressing ctrl + alt + o in game)
- Revolution watch advisor always shows national effects, and national effects are displayed in the city screen rev bar mouseover
- Various BUG 4.1 fixes to civlerts and autolog to work with Revolutions
- Modmodder & Scenario maker update notes
General 0.9.6:
- Updated RevDCM core to 2.51
- Fixes many minor bugs such as broken events and Text issues
- Fixes ranged bombardment for naval units
- Released LoR and LoR light versions. LoR light has had all non essential parts removed, such as ethnic unit art, shrine movies, and scenarios. This is to acomodate those with low end computers and to reduce the download size for those needing it. LoR and LoR light are save game compatible, so you may swap saves for succession games or change versions with no issue.
- Rebuilt ArtDefines XML files from scratch
- Switched out less known or "deserving" leaders like Lech Walesa (who the hell is that guy?) with Ataturk, Xerxes, and El Cid
- Exposed Civic Revolution Effects when revolutions are active
- Cloned Civic Revolution XML tags into TraitInfos, added some RevTrait functionality, exposed to player when revolutions are active in the game
- Added Maximum Start Era to UnitInfos, Legends now have a maximum Start Era like Wonders
- Added Emancipation Requirement to 54th Infantry
- Minor Tweaks to Units, Crossbow now 60 hammers, and no longer targets mounted last, nerfed Hungarian Cannon, Mohawk Sentry given +100% defense against warriors
- Tweak to Serfdom, Farms +1 Commerce, -2 Health, Hight Upkeep, +100% Revolution Distance Penalty, still produces units with food
- Added back default techs in BtS to Barbarians. This makes all barbarian effects much harder.
- Fixed all scenarios, and added a scenario. Only scenarios that are compatible with LoR will now be possible to load
- Improved intro screen for better aesthetics across resolution settings
Legends beta: 0.9.6c* Released 8 Sep 09
- Fixed bad button in English Jet Bomber (critical art bug)
Legends beta: 0.9.6c+ Released 7 Sep 09
- Fix to LSystem art bugs
- Updated Lean's pre placed earth map to latest version
Legends beta: 0.9.6c Released 3 Sep 09
- Many Art Fixes in full version
- Includes multiple critical art bugs (This is why LoR was made unavailable for a while)
- Includes various minor tweaks to ethnic art
- Includes new optomizations, and expansion of the Expanded Graphics optional add on
- Minor Tweaks to traits, to remove any redundant trait combos
- Enlightened set back to +10% as per user requests
Legends of Revolution 0.9.6b
- Improved intro screen for better aesthetics across resolution settings
- Fixed a couple minor art issues
- Nerfed Enlightened to +5% research
- Couple minor tweaks to Rev Trait effects
- Tweak to Serfdom, farms grant +1 commerce instead of +1 hammer
Legends of Revolution 0.9.6a
- Full and Light versions made available
- Various Typos and other bug fixes
- Removed El Cid and Abu Bakr from Great Persons list (they are now leaders)
- Mohawk Sentry given +100% defense against warriors
- Fixed a couple of minor missing graphix issues with buttons (pink boxes) from 0.9.6 build
- ReSet LoR to once again stop loading custom assets, was causing issues for users who had custom assets files
- LoR no longer makes available scenarios and maps which are not compatible with the mod
- Set Civic and Trait civilopedia displays so that Revolutions effects only shows up for games with Revolutions active
- Removed Shrine and National Wonder movies from light version to reduce size of the light version download
Legends of Revolution 0.9.x6 (light test)
- Added minor fix to Naval Bombard from RevDCM 2.51a
- Exposed Civic Revolution Effects
- Cloned Civic Revolution XML tags into TraitInfos, added some RevTrait functionality
- Added Maximum Start Era to UnitInfos, Legends now have a maximum Start Era like Wonders
- Added Emancipation Requirement to 54th Infantry
- Minor Tweaks to Units, Crossbow now 60 hammers, and no longer targets mounted last, nerfed Hungarian Cannon
- Tweak to Serfdom, Farms +1 Hammer, -2 Health, Hight Upkeep, +100% Revolution Distance Penalty
- Fixed Critical Art Bug (bad refference to non existant String "Trooper") in the 0.9.5 Test Build
- Gave Barbarians a few starting techs to bring in line with Standard BtS (makes Raging Barbarians a threat again). Be aware that this makes the Barb Civs that spawn in the early game too strong, so it is strongly recommended that you do not choose the options Challenge Barbarian World with Barbarian Civ. Barbarian Civ will be tweaked for the official release to make these two options playable together, but in the current test build it is nigh impossible to deal with.
Legends of Revolution 0.9.x5 light test
- Removed all ethnic art that isn't from default BtS (should help for low end systems, and also for users who were having MAF issues)
- Rebuilt ArtDefines XML files from scratch
- Installer updated, new functionality, fixes icon scripting and other minor issues in old installer.
- Switched out less known or "deserving" leaders like Lech Walesa (who the hell is that guy?) with Ataturk, Xerxes, and El Cid
- Note: Ethnic art will be reincorporated in a 0.9.5 full release. The intent of this change is to allow a light and full version (one with ethnic art, the other without), that will be save game compatible for succesion games and what not. The light version relies entirely on BtS stock art if at all possible, the full version when released, will bring back the ethnic graphics for those that prefer those, and don't mind the increase in system demand.
Legends of Revolution 0.9.4b (beta) (v0.9.3 Save game compatible)
- Consolidated 0.9.4a patch into main download
- Fixed Critical Art bug in Longboat button
- Bug fix for Spaceship Parts. Apollo Program will now work correctly
- Tweak to Heavy Footman and Crossbows. Crossbows now target Mounted Last, but cost 70 hammers, and Heavy Footman gain 10% against archery units
- Added Finnish Language as a supported Language.
- Barb Civ City Size increased to 4 from 2 before Civilizations can emerge from barb cities.
- New Opening Screen and Music
- New Diplo Music for Bolivar, Hitler, and Ataturk
- Enlightened research bonus nerfed to +10%
- Re Wrote install script, should function much better, especially with icon scripting.
- Minor tweak to Barbarian Civ component (only requires contact with 1 full civ to settle).
Legends of Revolution 0.9.4a (beta)
- Fixed Critical Art bug in Longboat button
Legends of Revolution 0.9.4 (beta)
- Bug fix for Spaceship Parts. Apollo Program will now work correctly
- Tweak to Heavy Footman and Crossbows. Crossbows now target Mounted Last, but cost 70 hammers, and Heavy Footman gain 10% against archery units
- Added Finnish Language as a supported Language.
- Barb Civ City Size increased to 4 from 2 before Civilizations can emerge from barb cities.
Legends of Revolution 0.9.3 (beta):
- Updated RevDCM component to 2.50
- This udpates betterAI to 0.78c and makes the mod 3.19 compliant
- Adds scrolling scoreboard
- Better exposer of Revolution Indexes
- Created New Civilopedia entry for LoR concepts. Moved BtS concepts to main game concepts section
- Fixed missing text issue for Non English Modes
- Minor tweaks to techs and units
- Split Native American Civ into Iroquois and Sioux nations
- Added Blue Marble optional add on
- New ethnic art for aesthetics, lots of cleaning up of the Art to improve performance and size of mod
- Various typos and minor bug fixes
Legends beta: 0.9.3x
-Updated RevDCM component to 2.50 -BtS 3.19 compatible
--Includes Better AI 0.78c
-Minor tweaks to techs and units, most notable is the Pikeman, which gains 100% vs Melee
-Split Native American Civ into Iroquious and Sioux nations
-Tweaked early siege by reducing strength and max damage. This should keep their survivability
--where it is now, but increase the need for main assault troops.
-Added Blue Marble optional add on
-Added 100+ new ethnic models from VD thanks to achilleszero
-Cleaned up Ethnic City Art to improve performance, thanks to achilleszero
-Repacked art
-Various typos and minor bug fixes by Alsark
Testing Changelog:
Legends beta: 0.9.2x *Not save game compatible with previous builds
-Updated RevDCM component to 2.00
--Includes Better AI 0.70f
-Minor tweaks to tech tree, the most notable is the fact Nationalism now requires Divine Right
-Repacked art, trimmed more fat from Wolfshanze.fpk
--hopefully made ethnic art more visible to low settings
-Various typos and minor bug fixes to issues reported in main thread
-Reshuffled leader traits as per achilleszero's list
-minor tweaks to traits (Protective and Enlightened gain a building or two with double production)
-moved most of the LoR python code to the SDK. Makes everything more tidy code wise, but also has real gameplay improvements, such as proper displaying of all known effects (Enlightened Trait previously did not display correctly)
Legends beta: 0.9.1x
-Added test build version and installation for dev testing
-Added double unit cost to upgrade if unit upgrades to different UnitCombatType, reduced overall cost of upgrades by 33% to compensate
-Moved Enlightened trait effects to SDK, information now displays correctly, also AI now knows of non state culture
-Moved Leonardo's Workshop functionality to SDK
-Moved Early Flyer to Legends category to remove from unit upgrade chart
Legends beta: 0.9.0x
-Added Unit Ethnic art, mostly related to Jet and strike fighters
-Some minor tweaks to ethnic art
Legends beta: 0.8.2 Released 29April 2009
-Fixes bug found in start game options
Legends beta: 0.8.1 Released 28 April 2009
*Not savegame compatible with previous builds.
-Updated Ethnic art, specifically strike fighter models
-Few minor bug fixes
-Repacked Art, cut out fat from Wolfshanze.fpk (unused art)
-Removed Scenarios from optional add on, included in full install
Legends beta: 0.8.0 (test release in thread only)
-Bronze, Steam & Tears renamed to: Legends of Revolution
-Recompiled Gamecore
--Added Barbarian World game start option
-Seperated out Legend Units on Sevopedia, removed from Unit upgrade chart
-Added Optional Add on component (source code and scenarios)
-Updated WorldWarWolfshanze scenario to Legends mod
-button fix from 0.7 build
BST beta: 0.7.0 (test release in thread only)
-Updated to Revolutions 1.02
-Fixed Mulitple Legend Unit spawns for Barbarian Civ and Revolution Reinforcements
-ACO version updated to 1.0
-Recompiled Gamecore
--Return to 50 Civ dll
-Initial implementation of BST functioning Scenarios
BST beta: 0.6.0 released 21 April 09
-Added icon for setup and BST launch
-Added new ethnic art
-Fixed animation issues with Paradropping units (special forces and SAS)
-Tweak to Promotions: Guerrilla and Woodsman promotions now gain 20/30/40 attack and defense in thier respective terrains.
-Tweak to Units, mostly involving pathfinder and variants
-Minor tweak to enlightened trait, recieves +15% science bonus -other commerce type % bonuses removed
-Madrassa moved to University
-Gave Serfdom a purpose, now builds military with food, however -1 health and increased City Distance Rev penalty
Bronze Steam and Tears 0.5.1 patch released 21 April 2009
-fixed button crash from armored scout (was 64x65 pixels, when it needs to be 64x64)
-New gamecore with GG's tile bomb bug fix, and Examine City on Conquest return city bug fix
-Fixed Typo/Bug in PromotionsInfos, which caused collateral damage to be a prerequisite for drill 3 & 4
Bronze Steam and Tears 0.5.0 (beta) released 12 April 2009
-Greatly improves performance over WolfRevolution by removing the rediculously high poly units from the Wolfshanze base mod
-Rebalanced certain units to improve gameplay, and more logical unit progression
-Added legend units concept
-Packed art in own fpk
-Introduced full install for ease of the user
-Some minor tweaks from 0.4 alpha build
-Recompiled gamecore, added in Examine City on conquest functionality, reduced max civs to 34 to make the mod more useable for scenario makers
-Reimplemented a rebuilt Revolution taxes model, identical to Wolfshanze 1.3.3 build (computed by finding the ratio of expenses to total earned commerce types rather then gold rate--allows for more novel economic strategies, while still retaining an economic revolutions component)
BST alpha: 0.4.0
-Added All planned units
-slight tweaks to tech tree & Units
-Added Legendary units
-Renamed all "Early" units
BST alpha: 0.3.0
-Slight tweaks to units
-slight tweaks to tech tree
-Added Enlightened Trait
-Added UCAV & Strike Fighters
BST alpha 0.2.0
-Slight tweaks to a few units.
-Implemented Gunships, upgrade for original gunship, which has been renamed Air Cav
-Implemented SF and Air Assault upgrades for paratrooper
-Implemented new invisible type, Deep See Sub
-Removed ability to see submarines from most aircraft
-Added in Assault Mech, end game unit
-Fully implemented extreme climate farms and cottages
-Traits have been altered slightly: Spiritual gets double bonus against revlutions from state religion
-Removed Expansive's 25% culture from previous build. Settlers have now been give a flat 1 -movment. Expansive get free moral and mobility on Settlers and Recon Units.
-Organized get a bonus stability to revolutions
-Protective have their bonus applied to trench units, as well as gun and archery
-Removed Taxes Revolution effects
BST alpha: 0.1.0
-Removed all 2000+ poly units from the Wolfshanze core art
-Altered Tech tree
-Rebuilt naval unit progression, and Unit types
-Tweaked Classic and Ancient era units slightly. The most noticeable will be the new axeman str of 4
-Implemented frontiersman unit, upgrade to explorer. 6 strength, upgrades to cavalry
-Implemented Motorized infantry, and tweaked relevant gunpowder units accordingly.
-Added in armored scout, upgrade for Cav, cavs are no longer available till gunships
-Imperialist leaders get a bonus against city distance Revolution penalty
-Added See submarine ability to most aircraft
-Expansive given +25% culture