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The Island Game


Stupendously Illogical Englishman
May 24, 2007
The Britcave
This is the sea.


Vast. Powerful. Boring.

The great Thunderfall looked apon this mighty blankness and was displeased. He gathered together the people of the Forum Games section. He had considered the NESers, but His idea was not so complex to fit in thier forum.

He pointed to the blank seas, and He ordered them changed into a group of islands, inhabited by soverign states. These states would be run by a government of the Gamer's choosing, any ideology (short of Nazism) was accepted. They could call apon the inhabitants of any universe to help him as soldiers or advisors, if they desired to.

The great Thunderfall had few rules, but they were rules in which the Gamers would have to follow, or be exempt from His great project.

And so it began.

[/Leonard Nemoy]

Hi, I am your friend...um...(checks underwear)...TB! This project originally stemmed several years ago for me, when I set up a small, near ruleless game on another forum about what a nation would be like if cartoon characters ruled it. It failed, dismally.

Many years later, and I became a contributer to Draw Your Own Story X. I noticed many players had thier own faction - Thorvald's Eastern Union, CivGeneral's Courascant, Choxorn's zombies, my own Western Alliance (cough British Empire cough). DYOS, of course, is more about the characters, and sometimes 1% of the time about the plot, so these factions are more fun plot devices then explained nations. I also noted that many popular culture characters, mostly from video games (though I added the Fairly OddParents and later Spongebob), appeared in main and disposable redshirt minor roles.

Thus, I dusted off this old idea. It's very simple, almost...um...Draw Your Own Nation, to be honest. If you want a complex nation, go ahead, but really I want something anyone could have fun with.

The Rules are below.

  • You may have one island, one nation, one people, that's it. If you want, you can add NPC nations to the map as something to fight an element ot your nation's story, but these at at the unprotected mercy, or lack thereof, of everyone else.
  • War and military action are encouraged allowed. There are no limits to diplomacy or military action by official rules, it is merely for fun. However, no nation may occupy or force harsh peace conditions on a PC nation (I don't care what you do to NPCs).
  • There is no set number of military or civilian law enforcement units. Whether or not you are realistic and do not have an infinite number of Mammoth tanks (please, don't) is entirely up to you. Actually, put it this way - whether or not your opponent has fun is up to you.
  • Domestic affairs in your country are entirely in the hands of your government. If you don't tell us what they are (even in one sentanced 'i dun did this lol' replies will do) we will assume your nation is a third-world anarchic heckhole.
  • Diplomacy is encouraged. Allies are fun and good!
  • Keep real life politics out of here. Unless, of course, you want to poke fun at something.
  • No WMDs. No, not even kinetic strikes, they count.
  • Have fun or you will be killed.

The rest...well, we'll make it up as we go.

I'll start us off with New Britain. I'll wait for a few more before we start the epic adventure of being a politition. You may start as soon as you join.

Current Map: 18/07/09.
The nation of Selachima. It is a typically shaped island with no resemblance to anything whatsoever.


Population: 170,000,000
Capital City: Carcharopol (4,000,000)
Largest City: Rhincodar (13,000,000)
Government: Revolutionary republic
Language: Selachiman English
Currency: Selachiman Barter

The island of Selachima was originally divided between various city-states. Four south-western city-states formed an alliance that waged wars with the other city-states in the Ten Years War, uniting the island. The leaders of the Quadruple Alliance caused Selachima's retreated into isolation and established a dictatorship that held power until rebels marched on Carcharopol during the Great Rhincodar Revolution. The rebels established the Republic of Selachima and reopened the country, leading to a massive modernization effort and economic growth.

The nascent republic is fiercely democratic and egalitarian, its people enjoying many civil rights. Its economy lags somewhat behind some other nations but is very fast growing. Much of the country's interior is mountainous and while this has made resource exploration difficult in earlier years, new technology are beginning to open up Selachima's vast mineral wealth. Selachima invests heavily in education, health, and on science and technology, even to the point of giving incentives to researchers, inventors, scientists, engineers, and other professionals to immigrate to Selachima (the brain drain resulted in several neighbouring nations severing diplomatic ties). Selachima has begun a large arms buildup, investing especially heavily in its Air Force, in response to militaristic policies of some of its neighbours.
The Non-National Entity (it is a government and a state, but not a nation-state in the sense that nobody from there thinks of them all as a 'people'). After a period where radical intellectuals attempted to impose a national entity, a counter-movement has emerged with the ideal of Government without a Nation, and set up improved infrastructure (mentioning domestic affairs...) to implement good government.


Xox Xooklia

Xox Xooklia, was a longtime underdeveloped nation known only for its high quality fiber exports, but upon the selling of its .xx top level domain name to numerous pornographic websites quickly made a large bundle of cash, it used its cash to get into the tax haven and internet piracy businesses, and has subsequently made a gigantic sum of money. Not sure of how to deal with this newfound wealth, the government constantly engages in reckless new projects.
Changing mine.


The Nation of Andara was a peaceful island before being invaded by an empire far away. Renowned for it's silk products, it is a very very rich land. Andara uses these riches to fund a huge amount of soldiers and workers. It has a population of 765,301,349 people. In the population it has approximately 100,000,000 soldiers. The rest of the people are workers, and the government is an "Eased Fascism", as the ruler calls himself King, but is actually a strict Fascist. The People of Andara have limited rights, but one of these is freedom of religion. Andara is what is known as a "Utopia" but that is what the people think, as they are perfectly happy, but there is a secret resistance force known as the Hunanics, who secretly oppose King Nathalos. King Nathalos is very military minded, but he has noticed the vast amount of gold and coal in the crust of Andara about 200 feet inside the crust of the island. He has yet to set up mines, but has set up oil wells over Andara's vast oil reserves.
EDIT: The changes didn't seem to have come through for some reason. Will change now.
The People's Assembly of the Republic of Selachima has recently passed a law that make posting a JPEG map a valid casus belli against that nation.


Edit: Added country description in previous post.
Changing- the last time it seems to have stuffed up.

The Kingdom of Jagren has traditionally been a naval Great Power, and a significant "intelligence power" (it is rumored they know the reason why all nuclear weapons tests seem to have failed...). The Kings did not have a strong basis of popular support, and few minded when democratic revolts took the capital and proclaimed the Republic of Jagren.

But the measures to attempt to impose a national identity fell apart. People living on the island generally have some mix of allegiances between religion, village, and extended family- but not nation. The attempts to impose a previously non-existent national language angered the common people. Those few elites who did support the measure were almost disgusted by the idea of ending expansionism on principle. The result was a joint revolt.

Nationalism as a path was rejected. Jagrenese identity was abolished, and the Non-National Entity was born.

The Canaliforiganite Kingdom of Gays and Lesbians

The Kingdom of Gays and Lesbians was finally unified underneath the rule of the gayest king of all of Canaliforigan, King Ken Doll V. In his regime, the unification is celebrated as National Copulation Day, where young men and women walk out proudly on the streets and celebrate the glory of the day to its name. While the Kingdom was united for the homosexuals and by the homosexuals, there is a significant minority of Heterosexuals in the land. Tolerance is widely accepted in the land, however some right-wing extremist groups, such as the Gay Clergy of Topless Dancing and Slutty Underwear (GCTPSU), the highest order of Gayitude in the land has called for the banning of heterosexual marriage, because they do not conform to the teachings of the Holy Doctrine of Ellen DeGeneres. However, the King, His Grace, has lashed out against the GCTPSU, and is currently trying to pass a bill that will rewrite the Constitution, to define Marriage in favour of both gay and straight. Still the Straight issue is a controversial topic among the Canaliforiganites, spliting the nation in half.

There is still a lot of promiscuity though.
Quitting. (10char)
Since neverwonagame is quitting, I removed his country for him.


The Republic of Technantis

This civilization can be described in two words; tech whores. More than half of their budget goes into their extensive research department. Some assume that this may put their military at a disadvantage. That may be the last mistake an overambitious ruler may make. While their population is small, the Techantans field a formidable army, featuring a hardy cyborg army, advanced combat vehicles, and what is largely regarded as one of the best air forces in the region. Their government is a democratic one, similar to the USA. Unlike the US, they have limited competition between politial parties, and the population is so small that literally anyone qualified can run for president. The current president, William J. Bryan, is a middle-of-the-road president, elected during a plateu of relative prosperity. No major political issues are currently plaguing the country.
Xox Xooklia offers material and financial assistance to the Republic of Selachima in the even it decides to persue its casus belli against The Republic of Technantis.
King Nathalos of Andara is beginning research on the Military Laser, which he will hope to equip his tanks with.
He is also willing to give a gift to some of the other nations, to make them... happier about his nation's Fascism.
King Nathalos of Andara is beginning research on the Military Laser, which he will hope to equip his tanks with.
He is also willing to give a gift to some of the other nations, to make them... happier about his nation's Fascism.


New Britain is a constitutional monarchy under the current monarch of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It's current Prime Minister is one Thomas Bennett, and it's primary spending is going into defense and industry.

New Britain has launched an embargo on Technantis, due to thier posting of a JPEG.
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