To Emperor Augustus: Is it possible we could recieve half the payment in Two Cubic Arpents (Roman Measurements for those who want them: of Marble instead?
To Julium: We can send you 1500 bars of Iron in exchange for 500 bars of Tin, as well as 300 amphorae of Olive Oil
To Pompeii: We would be willing to send you 2000 Bars of Iron in exchange for 40 Bushel's of wheat, 40 bushels of assorted vegetable products, and 100 amphorae of wine?
Life was good. 15 years ago when Governor Yornicus was first made governor, Eboracum was a sizeable town, with not a single town larger anywhere north. In fact it could compete with many of the cities of Brittaniae in size. Even now it was growing, faster if anything. Fifteen years ago, Eboracum was really in the beginning stages in town growth. Not much, but plenty of oppertunity, with two timbre mills and an Iron mine, with more minerals waiting in the hills beyond the streches of the town. It was also a large military base, a staging area for legions moving north, fighting the picts.
Yornicus always promoted the town in the eyes of those legions moving marching past, encouraging them to take there familes and live up in Eboracum after their conscription was over. Many did, and the mine's and lumber mills took advantage of their strong hands and backs. A few farmers took up residence to help supply the town with food. This kept the town from starving, put Yornicus made sure wheat and other agricultureal supplies to keep the town running smoothly. A few more Iron mines were set up, and then one hit gold.
That first gold rush happened about eight years ago, the town now supplied with five timbre operations, and an equal amount of mines. Then Yornicus's own mine expanded, swelled by the profits the Govenor got from... other sources, as well as it's own profits and struck gold in a nearby hill. Eboracum became alot better choice in all those legionaries. Soon gold began running from Ebouracum, as more mines sprouted, providing a wealth of Iron and Gold, as well as using a few token depostits of other minerals to help keep the town running.
Now to today's business. Yornicus had gotten a request from the Emperor for a new shipment of gold, a very large one at that, as well as a request from Julium in Germania for Iron. Lots of oppertunity for profit here. The emperor wanted 1000 bars of gold for 2000 Amphorae of Olive Oil. A good deal certainly, although Yornicus thought he could get a better one. But one shouldn't argue with the emperor. Although Eboracum, always a growing city, needed a temple to Saturn, the god of harvests, who was very important in the north, where hail had destoryed crops every couple of years, meaning more must be spent on good then on increasing Eboracum. A temple would please Saturn, as well as increasing his own prestige. A very good idea, perhaps he could get half that shipment in Marble. And Rome always needed gold, so he should be able to make a good deal there.
The the Julium request for Iron. Unfortunatly there was little of use the town had, although the message that Governor Quirinus sent indicated that he could pay in Olive Oil, probably the towns chief import. Yornicus could make up for some of the lost olice oil from Emperor Augustus here, good stuff good stuff. He could also pick up some excess tin at the same time. Hardly a nessecity, but useful all the same. Although he could doubtlessly produce more Iron than just Julium needed. Perhaps Pompeii could stand some more Iron. Pick up some more food stuffs in case Saturn's temple didn't finish in time. Perhaps some fine wine as well. Decisions Decisions.
Meanwhile, it was probably a good idea to see if he could encourage more local gorwth. The Mining industry was running full steam ahead, these deal would easily keep it going strong for a while. Timbre wasn't so hot, but it was used a large amount locally, although more exports would be needed soon. Perhaps some of those private merchanting firms along the coast, hmmm. But looking at Eboracums imports, food is a constant problem, especially with local harvests so predictable. What if we began encouraging shepards? The wool would find no shortage of places to go in the local industry, and mutton wasn't a delicacy, but wasn't exactle a staple either. And sheep wouldn't die from a little frost or hail. And local grass should sustain them.
Yornicus looked over his financial reports. He personally had no shortage of wealth, so he could start his own herds. Develin Hanimus was looking to begin starting a new business too, with a little encouragement he could be pushed in the right direction. And although the mines and mills sucked up manpower the way the pipes sucked in water, there were those not strong enough for the hard work. He knew many of his fellow upper class citizens wanted places for there sons to get used to some hard work without endangering them in the mines. Good enough.
To Everyone: Ebouracum has probably another 1500 Iron Bars, along with a large amount of timbre, and I'm looking for exports. We have markets for luxery goods, as well as food.
*Cough, Pompeii
imports Iron, not exports it. Although we have plenty up here in the north...