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Good Wish, Bad Wish IX: I Wish I could Think of a Good Title


Watermelon Headcrab
Feb 28, 2006
Welcome to the 9th installment of everyone's third-favorite forum game!

For you newbies out there, the rules: You make a wish, the next poster twists it somehow and makes a wish, then the next poster twists their wish, and so on.


"I wish I had a Dominos' Pizza"

"Granted, it's poisoned."


-Please don't make excessively long wishes or twists, they are highly annoying. At the very least, don't do this very often.
-Thou shalt not flame, troll, or spam.
-Do not do something that you know others will find annoying.
-Don't make the same wish or use the same twist repetitively, it gets annoying after a while. For example, the "It's Poisoned" Twist has gotten really, really old.
-This game is meant to be fun. Please don't do things that will make it not fun for other people.
-Thou shalt not break the two-post rule!
-If you break these rules repetitively, THEY will find you!

I wish it was warmer here.
Granted, but it stays warm and you never get to experience the joy of snow.

Granted, but I am immune to hypnosis. Ha!

I wish I had some awesome headphones.
Granted. I kill you for usurping my position.

I wish I had dibs on sun chip
Granted. But they are really hot, and a new sun grows in your stomach and sets the world on fire.
I wish to wish for a wish thats better that the following wish.
Granted. However, it is done by me... so your mileage may vary.

I wish people would make more wishes in this thread and not the old one.
Granted. More wishes about killing puny Stlersj and ruining his comic!

Hip Hip, Rickrolled!

I wish to be an evil warlock that will ultimately kill the Hero and rule the world.
Granted, I'm a mod and I unleash the banhammer upon you.

I wish I had the banhammer, and this would not lead to me being banned or killed, or sent to another dimension.
Granted. The haxsword > banhammer. You get sent to the dimension that is not so quite a dimension. It's boring there.

I wish I had haxsword
Granted. Dr. Hax calls you out. Next thing you know, a computer monitor lands into your head from behind, because you were to obusy dealing with the one flying at you from the front.

I wish to be Dr. Hax.
Granted I kill you

I wish I could ban anyone but myself, I couldn't be banned, and I wouldn't die
Granted. I teleport you before you ban me to another dimension. Your new home is the plane of nothingness. Nothing happens. Nothing goes. Nothing looks. Nothing is there. Nothing Nothing Nothing at all.

Have fun.

I wish that I wish that I wish for a wish that will cause me to wish without failing, an oxhorn dictionary to impale Choxorn.
Granted, you cease to exist when not enough people believe in you. Right now, only you believe in you, so you cease to exist.

I wish I was omniscient.
Granted, there are some things which you see that scar you for life. You lock yourself in a room that you can never get out of and slowly die.

I wish I had a legit copy of Earthbound for my SNES.
Granted but other fans maul you and take it from you.

I wish I could rule the world without anything bad happening to me
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