CitystyleModMod for FFH


Queen of Lurkers
Jun 11, 2008
Too close to the polar circle
CitystyleModMod for FFH
Are you one of those who play FFH more for the lore and the graphics then strategy and actually winning the game? If so, this graphical mod might be something for you!
CitystyleModMod alters all the citystyles of all the civilizations, for example, the balseraphs got a more "carneval crazy looking style", the elves got treetop villages and so on...
This mod also changes the town,enclave,farm and some mine improvements to fit the citystyles..

Note! This is a graphical mod that doesn´t alter gameplay in any way.

Download it here

To install:
Unzip the .rar file
1, Go into your FFH folder: Assets/Art
2, Exchange the current structure folder with the downloaded
4, Go into your FFH folder: Assets/XML/Buildings
5, Exchange CIV4CityLSystem.xml and CIV4PlotLSystem.xml with the downloaded ones
6, Go into your FFH folder Assets/XML/Art
7, Exchange CIV4ArtDefines_Building.xml with the downloaded file
8, Start FFH as usual..

Want to play CitystyleMod with WildManaMod?
1, Download the XML file from below
2, Follow the above instructions and install the CitystyleMod into the folder of WildMana instead of FFH
3, Go into assets/xml/art and replace the file you downloaded from below with the current one.

Walter Hawkwood - for buildnigs and textures
C. Roland, Chamaedrys, Geomodder, Refar, Hexagonian and FFH team for art and help


Very nice. Downloading now. Just one question, are the art defines included as a whole, or different files for individual civs (aka, would I also be able to merge it into orbis or FF that have new civs that aren't on your list).

Very nice. Downloading now. Just one question, are the art defines included as a whole, or different files for individual civs (aka, would I also be able to merge it into orbis or FF that have new civs that aren't on your list).


Come to think about it, No... Installing this modmod into FF or orbis would problably cause those new civs to have no cityset graphics showing up at all, and would probably CTD when trying to build farms and some other improvements..

To fix this, you would need to add the artstyle of the new civs to the Civ4PlotLsystem.xml and Civ4CityLSystem.xml files. This might be a bit tedious though..
It´s not impossible that I might do a FF or Orbis version in the future...
Can this mod work for FFH2 as well?
It is a modmod designed for FFH so yes, it works ;)
You should be able to play it with FFH2 if you follow the install instructions, but remember to make a copy of all the original xml and art files you replace with the mod files..

Wow, this is amazing and I can see all of the work that you put into this. Could I please use this in Rise of Darkness :please:
Sure, go ahead, I'll be glad if it's put to use...

for how long did you work on this mod??

it must be for a long time - it's really great!!
Wow, very impressive.

Really hope Kael integrates it!
Wow. Amazing work!
How do I merge it with mods like FFPlus?

Realistically, you don't. :lol: Unless you really know what you're doing, the neccessary files are such a pain in the ass that you just don't want to touch it... I tend to avoid them like the plague if possible. :lol:

Not only is it tedius abd difficult, you can't really use winmerge for it... Liable to screw up the FF(Plus) civs.

That said, I plan on merging at least a few if these... Although not necessarily for the same civs as used here. :mischief:
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