The White Wizard
I've found that BULL causes and OOS error when you attack or defend in BTS. To test this, I just grabbed BUG 4.2, installed the multiplayer version, then added the BULL assets. I did the same thing for both computers, and I played, declared war on a nearby player, attacked them, and got an OOS.
Any ideas on what causes this? This is a fairly critical bug, since causing OOS's kinda defeats the Unaltered Gameplay Mantra.
I'm going to start looking at the BULL code and start commenting sections of it out, and re-compiling. Any suggestions where I should begin?
I replaced the CvGameTextMgr, CvDLLWidgetData, and CvPlot with BTS unaltered files and did a full recompile. I still got an OOS in combating.
Any ideas on what causes this? This is a fairly critical bug, since causing OOS's kinda defeats the Unaltered Gameplay Mantra.
I'm going to start looking at the BULL code and start commenting sections of it out, and re-compiling. Any suggestions where I should begin?
I replaced the CvGameTextMgr, CvDLLWidgetData, and CvPlot with BTS unaltered files and did a full recompile. I still got an OOS in combating.