A Brave New World Part 3


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee

For those who do not know, this is the sequel to A Brave New World and A Brave New World Part 2. This NES begins in 1950 of that world, an exciting new era of turmoil, war and devastation and maybe even nukes. That’s about it for the creative editing of the previous introduction, now time for some new material for all of you. A Brave New World Part 3[/b] has reworked the ruleset of the previous NES for greater realism and (believe it or not) less moderator influence on the outcome. I know I strayed from the system I had before, mostly because I discovered in short order that it made even the smallest of wars into a several hour ordeal of moderating. For the Second World War, I used a video game, as some of you are aware, from the early 1990s, which rather well reflected armored combat. I’ve done further research into the matter, and I’ll now be using a combination of previous methods, to be dealt where applicable. Rest assured however, that I will not be prejudiced by prior experiences with players or nations when a decision does rest under my control (except Florida, which will conquer all). My current effort was to create a ruleset which equally balanced both military and domestic aspects of the NES. I wanted to create an atmosphere which well reflects modern combat and standards.


The midpoint of a century has arrived and the explosions of the Second World War have been mostly silenced. The fight for freedom espoused by the Allied powers has failed miserably, as Russia lies humiliated and lisism runs rampant over the civilized world. The growth of authoritarianism and tyranny seems unstoppable, and only a few nations even threaten to bar the way. North America lies mostly in ruins, a ten year war leaving the continent shattered and ruined. The weary countries struggle to rebuild as war seems to still linger behind every minor crisis. South America was “freed” from the specter of communism, as the Socialist Union falls back from its defeat at the hands of the Allies, only to achieve greater strength than ever before. Europe is firmly resting in the hands of the Third French Empire, which reigns supreme, crushing the last holdouts of resistance against lisism. The Russian Federation appears to be crumbling at the edges, as region after region declares its departure. Europe rebuilds under a French flag, as what some would call evil bubbles within the continent. Africa remains firmly under the control of imperialist powers, with only a few “liberated” nations serving as new markets for imperial merchants. The Middle East, spared the onslaught of the war, suffers from constant political upheaval as Western influence continues to decline in the region. The Asian continent, despite the failure of the Indian Uprising, seems to be the world’s new beacon for democracy. The increasingly powerful Republic of China and their newfound allies from the remnants of the Dutch empire, serve to many as the last light of the prewar democratic world. The question which now faces us for the latter part of the century is whether we have truly witnessed the death of democracy as we know it, or a simple hiccup in the inevitable obtaining of basic human rights. This is A Brave New World.

Update Links as provided by Feanor, luckymoose, Matt0088, and myself:

1900-1901-1902-1903-1904-1905-1906-1907-1908-1909-1910-1911-1912-1913-1914-1915-1916-1917-1918- 1919 1920- 1921- 1922-1923- 1924-1925-1926-1927-1928-1929-1930-1931-1932-1933-1934-1935-1936-1937-1938-1939-1940-1941-1942-1943-1944-1945-1946-1947-1948-1949-AWARDS PART 2

If any of the above links fail to connect you to the first post of the update, please let me know immediately.

Sample Stats

Virginian Empire: Jason the King
Constitutional Monarchy: King Henry III/Unity Party (Moderate)
Capital: Richmond
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 8
Economic Power: 23
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Research: Army (40)
Manpower: 81
Army: 1,049,000 Regulars, 6,000 Special Forces, 43 Support Battalions, 12 Faustins, 360 Murphys, 48 Pattons
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 8
Navy: 12,600 Sailors, 13 Destroyers, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 3 Battlecruisers, 2 Victory-class Battleships, 1 Imperial-class Battleship, 4 Submarines, 6 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 700 Pilots, 36 AS-124s, 24 PPDA38s, 174 AS-Zeroes, 72 Jaguars, 108 Falcons, 36 Puma IVs
Air Force Quality: 3
Colonies: +4 EP
Spoiler :

Atlantic Ocean Islands: +1 EP
Stability: 12
Mooreland: +1 EP
Stability: 8
Nicaragua: +2 EP
Stability: 10

Nicaraguan Canal Reconstruction Project: 23/30
Waterfield Plan: 54/100



The government of your nation is important for a variety of reasons. Holding elections, having regime change and your government in general will effect the rise and fall of stability and economy in your nation. The type of government you possess will also influence how NPCs may deal with you and your holdings, as ideologically similar governments will be more friendly and the like.

For elected governments, the political parties do have their own goals and interests, and people will be very unhappy should the political party in charge ignore their power base and continue doing what the previous government had done. Keep this in mind, while elections are generally not within your control, your actions during the current party’s tenure in office are highly influential on the outcome of the next election. Among these actions which influence are the state of any ongoing wars, civil unrest, and improvement or decline among any of the domestic stats. Failing to follow the ideology of the elected officials in charge (i.e. remaining in character for the new government) will be met with unfortunate consequences.

For flavor purposes I have painstakingly assembled the exact government structures of all of the various nations and regimes in A Brave New World. These are all handily stored in a Access database, just asking for someone to run a query on them and provide information to the masses. If you have a question in regards to the nation’s government, feel free to ask, and I will do my best to provide a timely answer.


Stability represents the overall structural soundness of your nation. The stability can only be brought down by actions by the player, such as a destabilizing war or elections or other forms of regime change. The lower your stability becomes, the more you are at risk for military coups, rebellions, and the like. Unfortunately, once you reach a certain point, you’ll likely be faced with a downward spiral of events, slowly tearing the fabric of your nation apart until you enter into a civil war or simply collapse. You can help improve your economy by building up your other domestic stats through projects, described below. Winning a war or successfully managing the crises thrown your way from a low stability will also help at recovery.

Standards of Living

Standards of Living is a new stat which reflects the relatively of your average people’s comfort towards other nations. A rating of 1 is the lowest, and 10 is the highest possible. The Standards of Living do not reflect the lifestyle of any people in any colonies your nation may possess within your stats, though you can rest assured that they are decidedly lower in the outlying regions of your nation. Also, take into account that the level does not apply to all of your citizens, as there are always exceptions to the rules, including the ultra-rich, or on the other end of the spectrum, the homeless and starving. The best way to consider this stat is as an average rating of your nation as a whole.

Standards of Living will be readjusted at every ten year point throughout the NES, usually downward to reflect changing attitudes and the development and availability of new consumer goods throughout the years. To increase Standards of Living, you may launch either policies or projects geared towards improving things, some of which will cost EP in the process. In a gaming sense, a higher standard of living will help moderate your stability, and will keep your people more content than they would be otherwise.


Education is the second of the new domestic stats in this particular ruleset, reflecting the quality of education within your nation. A rating of 1 is the lowest, and 10 is the highest possible. Education reflects only the people within the main center of the nation, not including any far stretching colonial possessions. Higher education levels will lead to improved research results from spending. It can be improved through policies or projects, like all other domestic stats.


Infrastructure is the third of the new domestic stats in this ruleset, and is a statistical representation of your nation’s roads, rails, and other modes of transportation. A rating of 1 is the lower and 10 is the highest possible. Infrastructure is an average of the transportation systems within your mainland parts of the nation, not in any colonies you may possess or other extended parts of the empire you may have. Annexing a nation and increasing the size of your territory may decrease the average infrastructure of your country, especially if the annexation takes place after a destructive war. Infrastructure can be changes through your actions in the updates or through projects or policies that you enact.


Economic Power is a point based representation of your nation’s total economic strength, including not just industry, but agriculture and white collar profits. A wealthy nation is not just the one which produces the most pollution (though it helps), but one which makes itself profitable from any resource at the expense of as many other people as possible. Economic Power is not bankable, and must be spent every turn or it will be lost. It is used for purchasing units, building projects, and research. Essentially, as you may have guessed, it is good to build this up as much as possible.

The way you build up your economy is through either cunning policies or government sponsored projects. Tax incentives and fancy dams are respective examples of both. The only way to build up your economy is by thinking about it this time, no random spending just trying to bring it up a little bit at a time. Of course, another alternative, is to hope that the free market is on your side, and to ride that particular roller coaster as well as possible throughout the years.

Technology and Research

Research in this era is mostly done through private industries and enterprise, but as the player of the nation as a whole, you can direct into certain areas, if not the specific technology to emerge from the effort. You can focus your research into five different fields, and emphasize your EP within them. The amount of EP you put in will dramatically affect the rate at which you develop technologies. There is no longer any tech sharing as we have previously known it to exist. When a technology is researched it immediately makes its way around the globe, based on a variety of factors. The researching nation however will receive a bonus for being the first to a tech, whether through new units, quality increases, or economic boosts. The six fields available for research spending are:

Army: This is of course technologies for improving your army, including small arms, artillery, and cavalry.

Navy: This is technologies for improving your fleet, including new ship designs, as well as other aids for naval transportation and development.

Aeronautics: These are technologies for improving flight capabilities.

Rocketry: These are technologies used for the advancement of rocket powered flight outside of the usual bounds of aeronautics.

Industrial: These are technologies based on industrial development, most notable would be the steam engine and the resulting developments.

Scientific: These are technologies revolving around theories and other advancements.

Designing Your Military

As is available below, all unique units (i.e., not generics like Infantry or Artillery) have their own stats and can be designed customly by players. You can develop new ships, vehicles, codes, or planes based on the technology which exists at the time (No laser death rays please in World War 2). To do this you need only pay 20 EP in a single turn to commission your design for a new weapon. I request that you at the very least name it and suggest what the weapon should emphasize (firepower vs. armor and so forth). Your designs can be shared with as many people as you like and you can even build and sell off the weapons you design to other countries (maybe even make a profit!). Below I have listed the types of units currently available that you can create designs for. Anything not listed that you may like to design, please send me a message, and we'll discuss it.

All costs and information on various types of units are provided in a below post with design details.

Small Arms
Special Forces (for flavor only)
Armored Personnel Carriers (not yet available)
Attack Ships
Close Air Support
Helicopters (Not yet available)

Recruitment Policies

Recruitment Policies are the keys toward building up your military and maintaining a large standing force. The recruitment policy that your nation maintains directs the amount of manpower per year available to you. Switching between each time has drastic consequences, and can (and will) result in stability changes as well. Volunteer and both types of Conscription can be switched between at will, but Neo-Feudal can only be switched through actions and events.

Neo-Feudal: A Neo-Feudal recruitment policy is one in which there are a variety of generals within your nation who control their own personal forces free of government oversight. These leaders can and will oppose or support your various actions, and when you have this, the chances of military coups are much more likely or of civil war. Neo-Feudal governments cannot build up their reserves in the normal methods. Reserves represent independent armies throughout the countries and will build themselves up over the years. They can still be called upon to fight an invading force however.

Volunteer: A Volunteer army is one in which the entire army consists entirely of people who have volunteered to fight. One of the key benefits of this policy is that it effectively adds another quality point to your military quality rankings. Also, it helps maintain your stability during wars. The main drawback to this policy is that it provides the least amount of manpower besides Neo-Feudal.

Peacetime Conscription: Peacetime Conscription is when a nation maintains a draft to fill its ranks during times of peace, but also can represent a country which requires mandatory military service for all citizens. This is the middle road of all policies, providing a considerable amount of manpower and having no effect on stability one way or another.

Wartime Conscription: Wartime Conscription is the new ruleset’s version of mobilization. Wartime Conscription provides by far the most manpower per turn, thus raising the potential amount of recruits and the cap upon your soldiers up to a great degree. Wartime Conscription has a negative effect on your stability and will cause the most war weariness over time.

Manpower and Unit Cap

Manpower has been dramatically changed since A Brave New World Part 2. Manpower can no longer be banked over time, as it allows for a certain amount of available recruits per year. Each manpower more or less represents one thousand potential soldiers and this is reflected in unit costs. The amount of manpower you get per turn is affected by the general status of your nation as well as your instated recruitment policy. Manpower is not just used for building new troops, but it also reflects how many you can actually maintain in your standing army. Gone are the days of million-man armies in countries far too small to support them. This is to reflect the leaving of troops from military service as well as regular costs of reinforcement and supply.

The Soldier Cap is the number in parenthesis next to the manpower per turn, reflecting the total number of troops that your nation can support. This includes anything under the regular Army, Navy, or Air Force. The soldier cap can be filled by Regulars, Elites, Special Forces, Sailors, and Pilots.

The unit cap also applies to Reservists, however, reservists are handled separately from the other branches of the military. You may have a number of reservists equal to the cap upon your soldiers. In otherwords, if you have a soldier cap of 100,000, you can still have a 100,000 man army, but 100,000 Reservists as well.

Basic Training

The core of all militaries are the average soldiers and individuals who make up the ranks. In past NESes, this is generally measured by manpower expenses into larger brigades or divisions. This time the individual numbers of enlisted or conscripted soldiers will be kept account of in your stats. Vehicles will no longer have a manpower cost, but will be crewed by separately recruited soldiers. Sailors and Pilots are required to make your ships and planes able to move and be effective. While they can also serve in emergency ground combat, this is not recommended. The costs for each type of soldier will be provided on the below costs post.

Mobilization of the Reserves

Mobilization as it existed in A Brave New World has been made greatly different with this new ruleset. Rather than being reflected by doubling a nation’s banked manpower and other rules, here is it more distinctive. At any time, you may choose to mobilize any amount of your standing reserve forces, shown underneath the Army stat. These do not have to be mobilized all at once, but you can assemble as many as you choose from this banked force. Reservists are not as effective in combat as Regulars, but it’s better than no soldiers at all.

EQ’s Advice for Warfare

We have entered a fairly modern era of combat. To this end, most wars will likely be quick and efficient, for those with modern militaries anyways. It is not impossible for conventional (non-guerilla) conflicts to be started and ended in less than a full turn. This is why I HIGHLY recommend coming up with emergency plans and procedures in the unfortunate case of an enemy invasion. Preparation is key to victory, and you have my solemn vow that I will maintain a Word document organizing your potential plans. You may well regret not taking up this offer.

Non-Government Organizations

Non-Government Organizations (NGO) play an essential role throughout modern society and global politics. This is a fairly experimental process based on previous attempts to reflect these groups. I will state right off the bat, that it is VERY different from a regular government organization. If you want to make sweeping changes or to develop yourself into some sort of superpower, you’ll likely arrive in this NES very disappointed. While military based NGOs may possess a type of military, this will generally be very small. NGOs are for people who either enjoy frequent diplomacy (i.e. Catholic Church is likely to be busy) or underground insurgencies. As with normal nations, patience is the best advice I can recommend. Hopefully the stats are mostly self explanatory, but if they are not, here are some reference articles for you.

Type of Organizations

There are three types of organizations: Paramilitary Organizations, Religious Organizations, and Charitable Organizations. Paramilitary represent the various insurgent and terrorist groups which litter the word like well-armed debris. They will be focused upon a certain goal, which all their efforts must go to achieve. If they appear to have lost their focus, a new goal may be announced, or the soldiers may begin to desert. Charitable groups are organizations which help to ease mankind’s suffering across the world. They must acquire support from various global governments and be able to play politics well enough that they garner enough aid to provide support to as many regions as possible. Religious Organizations are groups like the Catholic Church, which have a certain constituency to reflect the interests of. They also have enormous influence upon their religion, and are a considerable diplomatic force.

Organization Wealth

Organizations have no standing EP generation source of their own, and don’t even regularly use it. They can, however, accept EP donations from regular nations, which are reflected in the unlisted resources of the NGO. Remember, this is a predominantly political type of organization, rather than a spending and fighting type of nation. Paramilitary Organizations do possess some soldiers, which can be used in military activity. These are gained each turn based on your group’s popular support in your region of interest.

Hearts and Minds

All NGOs cannot survive without support from the people of their regions of interest. If the Popular Support rating falls below a certain point, the NGO will quickly lose support and influence. Ultimately this may lead to an involuntary disbanding of the organization. Paramilitary and Charitable organizations are more susceptible to Popular Support than Religious ones. For Paramilitary organizations, the higher your popular support, the more soldiers which will flood your ranks.

Projects vs. Policies

Projects are the equivalent to wonders in this NES. You may devise any sort of Great Project you please, as long as it fits with your nation and capabilities. Simply inform me of the project and your intended goals for it, and I will give you a price.

A policy would be a government law you enact that doesn’t always require spending. This can be anything from civil rights to education spending. Sometimes this will require EP, and will therefore be kept track of in stats. Policies can help in a variety of ways but are not always needed, so don’t go overboard.


As a note for the empires out there, protectorates have been removed from their previously special status with economy and so forth. The protectorate exists in name only at this point, giving no direct bonuses to either party. You can still use your businessmen to ruthlessly exploit underdeveloped countries, though, so no worries.

A Note on Nuclear Weapons

In our timeline the period after the Second World War was dominated by nuclear politics between the two remaining superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. There was no Hiroshima here, no nuclear end to the epic conflict. Due to this world’s extreme backwardness in multiple fields of technology, at this moment you could count the number of nuclear physicists in the world on a blind carpenter’s hands. While some of these individuals may be thinking of a nuclear weapon, the question remains whether or not it will actually wind up as a legitimate field of science. At this moment, as far as you know, there is no Manhattan Project equivalent underway in any country. But if there were, it would be determined in cost and availability to only the nations with the personnel and skill required to undertake a project. Also, if a country did possess nuclear weapons, unless they started nuking stuff all over, you would not know about it. All nuclear weapons will be kept secret, known only to the player and myself, including the research to acquire them. If nuclear weapons were available, they would cost 1 EP for 5 bombs and would require a craft with a payload rating of 4 or better to be used.

Orders, Tips, and Updates

If a question is asked in which the answer is clearly in the above ruleset, I will not answer it and will ignore you until you figure it out.

Orders in on time will always help you.

The Update time will always be at the top of the thread in this post. Therefore I will not ever answer the question: “when is the update?”

If anything is not clear or confusing above, please let me know and I will strive to fix it. If you have questions which are not clearly answered here, I will be more than willing to add a section on this page to prevent future confusion.

My greatest recommendation for any new NESers who join is to pay attention to the whole updates, not just your part. You never know what opportunities you may find.

Thanks to

All the players of the original A Brave New World for creating the world we have now!
Generic Unit Costs

A quick note: some types of vehicles are considered generic for the various regions. If the area usually reserved for individual nations includes your region that your nation stats are within, then you may build that vehicle. Most of the generics for each region are relatively equal to each other, though I have tried to gear the particular groupings for the greatest effectiveness within your region. As a note, yes it's a bit more expensive to build up an army now. Whine more.

Spoiler :

Army Costs

Reservists: 1 EP and 4 manpower for 4,000
Regulars: 1 EP and 2 manpower for 2,000
Elites: Can only be built if you have an Army Quality of 3 or higher. These troops are most efficient in specialized offensive attacks such as airborne and amphibious operations. 1 EP and 1 manpower for 1,000.
Special Forces: Can only be built with an Army Quality of 4 or higher. 2 EP and 1 manpower for 100.
Support Battalion: 1 EP and 1 manpower for 1 Brigade.

Navy Costs

PT Boats: 1 EP for 3 ships. Requires a crew of 10. These vessels can travel on the smallest of rivers.
Destroyer: 1 EP for 2 ships. Requires a crew of 50. These vessels can travel on larger rivers and lakes.
Light Cruiser: 1 EP for 1 ship. Requires a crew of 200. These vessels can travel on only the largest lakes, and not rivers.
Heavy Cruiser: 2 EP for 1 ship. Requires a crew of 300. These vessels can only travel upon the high seas.
Battlecruiser: 3 EP for 1 ship. Requires a crew of 500. These vessels can only travel upon the high seas.
Submarine: 1 EP for 3 ships. Requires a crew of 10. These tiny submersible vessel can travel on larger rivers and lakes.
Medium Range (MR) Submarine: 1 EP for 2 Ships. Requires a crew of 50. These vessels can travel on only the largest of lakes.
Long Range (LR) Submarine: 1 EP for 1 ship. Requires a crew of 100. These vessels can only travel upon the high seas.

Small Arms Designs

Every nation has some standardized form of small arms in use. In order to switch from one type of weapon to another there are two things you must do. First, you must obtain production or purchase permission from the developer of the weapon you want to switch to. Then, you will have to start a project to convert your military to the new standardized small arm. I will present a cost to you in the form of a project when you determine to switch to a new weapon. The larger your army is, the more expensive the upgrading project will be.
Spoiler :

Lebel Model 1896 Rifle
Developed In: 1896
Developed By: French Empire
Standard Use By: Afghanistan, Belize, Deseret, El Salvador, Iroquois, Liberia, Rashid Arabia, Tibet, Tunisia
Firepower: 1
Rate of Fire: 1
Range: 1
Reliability: 1
Technical: 1

Lebel Model 1915 Rifle
Developed In: 1915
Developed By: French Empire
Standard Use by: Baluchestan, Bohemia, Bugis Republic, Colombia, Egypt, Florida, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Iceland, Jordan, Nova Brazil, Pancasila, Paraguay, Israel, Persia, Republic of China, Republic of Kyushu, Republic of New France, Switzerland, Venezuela
Firepower: 2
Rate of Fire: 1
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 1

Tredgar Works Standard Issue Rifle 1920
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: Virginian Empire
Standard Use By: Arabistan, Iraq, Kurdistan, Ovambia, Syria
Firepower: 2
Rate of Fire: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 1
Technical: 1

PSA-30 Rifle
Developed In: 1930
Developed By: Socialist Union of South America
Standard Use By: Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Chile, Lakota Sioux, La Plata Republic, Metis Republic, Mexico, Nez Perce, Socialist Union of South America, Uruguayan Collective, Yucatan
Firepower: 2
Rate of Fire: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 1

Springfield Armory Rifle 1931 Model
Developed In: 1931
Developed By: Republic of New England
Standard Use By: Free City of Chicago, Inuit Nannut, Peru, Quebec, Yemen
Firepower: 2
Rate of Fire: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2

Tredgar Works Thompson Gun 1933
Developed In: 1933
Developed By: Virginian Empire
Standard Use By: Alabama, Appalachia, Caribbean Federation, Fox Republic, Isanti Republic, Louisiana, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Sauk Kingdom, Texan Republic
Firepower: 3
Rate of Fire: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2

PPSH-38 Rifle
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: Russian Federation
Standard Use By: Alaska, Borneo, Crimea, Empire of Japan, Estonia, Finland, Galicia, Irish Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, New Holland, New Zeeland, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Swedish Empire, Turkish Republic, Ukraine
Firepower: 3
Rate of Fire: 2
Range: 3
Reliability: 3
Technical: 1

Lebel Model 1939 Submachine Gun
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: France
Standard Use By: Albania, Austria, Bavaria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Korea, Mali, Nijeria, Portugal, Prussia, Republic of Italy, Romania, Serbia, Togo
Firepower: 3
Rate of Fire: 4
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2

Tredgar Works Thompson Gun 1940
Developed In: 1940
Developed By: Virginian Empire
Standard Use By: Canada, Virginian Empire
Firepower: 3
Rate of Fire: 4
Range: 2
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2

Springfield Armory Gun 1945 Model
Developed In: 1945
Developed By: Republic of New England
Standard Use By: Republic of New England, Republic of South Africa
Firepower: 3
Rate of Fire: 3
Range: 2
Reliability: 4
Technical: 2

Lebel Model 1948 Submachine Gun
Developed In: 1948
Developed By: France
Standard Use By: France
Firepower: 4
Rate of Fire: 4
Range: 3
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2

Armored Designs

Armored Designs rely on a number of different factors which exemplify their use and exactly what they’d be best for. I will provide two examples: the generic Armored Car and Tank Brigades so that you have some idea of which stats are which. When designing your own, you can emphasize one of this stats over the others, but I will determine the end results. The lower the number in stats, the worse the quality of that stat.
Spoiler :

Faustin Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 30
Developed In: 1931
Developed By: Haiti
Nations Approved For Production: Generic Level 1 for North America
Weapon: 2
Armor: 2
Speed: 3
Reliability: 1
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

A-35 Tank
Cost:1 EP for 30
Developed in: 1935
Developed By: France
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 1 for Europe and Africa/Middle East
Weapon: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 3
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

Panzer III
Cost: 1 EP for 30
Developed In: 1936
Developed By: German Republic
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 1 for Asia/Pacific
Weapon: 3
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 1
Technical: 2
Crew: 3

Murphy Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1937
Developed By: Virginian Empire
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 2 for North America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 2
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 3

A-39 Medium Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: France
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 2 for Europe and Africa/Middle East
Weapon: 4
Armor: 4
Speed: 4
Reliability: 2
Technical: 3
Crew: 3

AVB-02 Medium Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: Argentine Collectives Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 1 for Central/South America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 2
Speed: 3
Reliability: 1
Technical: 2
Crew: 3

Panzer IV Medium Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1940
Developed By: German Republic
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 2 for Asia/Pacific
Weapon: 3
Armor: 4
Speed: 3
Reliability: 3
Technical: 3
Crew: 3

AVB-03 "Torbellino" Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1941
Developed By: Argentine Collectives Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Level 2 for Central/South America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 2
Speed: 4
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 3

A-42 Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1942
Developed By: France
Nations Approved for Production: France, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Prussia, Portugal, Ovambia
Weapon: 6
Armor: 5
Speed: 3
Reliability: 1
Technical: 3
Crew: 3

D-Zero Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed in: 1942
Developed By: Russian Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Russian Federation
Weapon: 4
Armor: 5
Speed: 4
Reliability: 4
Technical: 4
Crew: 4

AVB-04 Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1944
Developed By: Argentine Collectives Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Argentina, Socialist Union of South America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 4
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

Patton Medium Tank
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1944
Developed By: Virginian Empire
Nations Approved for Production: Virginia
Weapon: 4
Armor: 4
Speed: 4
Reliability: 3
Technical: 3
Crew: 4

Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1952
Developed By: France
Nations Approved for Production: France
Weapon: 6
Armor: 5
Speed: 3
Reliability: 3
Technical: 4
Crew: 3

Attack Ship Designs
Spoiler :

Imperial-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Battleship for North America
Weapons: 3
Defenses: 3
Speed: 4
Range: 6
Technical: 4
Crew: 2,000

Constantine-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1929
Developed By: Russian Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Battleship for Asia/Pacific
Main Fuel: Oil
Weapons: 3
Defenses: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 6
Technical: 5
Crew: 2,000

Eclipse-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP 1 Ship
Developed In: 1932
Deveoped By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England
Weapons: 5
Defenses: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 7
Technical: 4
Crew: 2,500

Titan-class Battleship
Cost: 5 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1934
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England
Weapons: 7
Defenses: 5
Speed: 3
Range: 8
Technical: 5
Crew: 3,000

Equality-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1935
Developed By: United Collectives of North America
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Battleship for Central/South America
Weapons: 3
Defenses: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 5
Technical: 2
Crew: 2,000

Caesar-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1935
Developed By: Republic of Italy
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Battleship for Europe and Africa/Middle East
Weapons: 3
Defenses: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 6
Technical: 1
Crew: 2,000

Aquarius-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1936
Developed By: Russian Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Russia
Weapons: 4
Defenses: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 6
Technical: 4
Crew: 2,500

Haj Undervandsbåd (Shark Submarine)
Cost: 2 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1937
Developed By: Danish Empire
Nations Approved for Production: England, Swedish Empire, Russian Federation
Weapons: 2
Defenses: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 5
Technical: 2
Crew: 500

Angel-class Battleship
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1944
Developed By: Cuba
Nations Approved for Production: Caribbean Federation
Weapons: 5
Defenses: 5
Speed: 3
Range: 6
Technical: 4
Crew: 2,500

Aircraft Carrier Designs

Remembrance-class Carrier
Cost: 3 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England
Defenses: 1
Speed: 2
Range: 4
Capacity: 40 planes
Technical: 1
Crew: 500

Faust-class Carrier
Cost: 3 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1940
Developed by: Russian Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Russian Federation
Defenses: 0
Speed: 2
Range: 3
Capacity: 40 planes
Technical: 1
Crew: 500

Castro-class Carrier
Cost: 3 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1942
Developed By: Cuba
Nations Approved for Production: Caribbean Federation
Defenses: 1
Speed: 2
Range: 4
Capacity: 40 planes
Technical: 2
Crew: 500

Wayambeh-class Carrier
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1943
Developed By: Republic of the Netherlands
Defenses: 0
Speed: 3
Range: 4
Capacity: 90 Planes
Technical: 2
Crew: 2,000

Nemesis-class Carrier
Cost: 4 EP for 1 Ship
Developed in: 1947
Developed By: Republic of New England
Defenses: 2
Speed: 4
Range: 6
Capacity: 90 Planes
Technical: 4
Crew: 2,000

Fighter Designs

AS-124 Interceptor
Cost: 1 EP for 30 Planes
Developed In: 1934
Developed By: Russian Federation
Nations approved for Production: Generic Fighter for Europe, Asia/Pacific, and North America
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

PPDA-38 Fighter
Cost: 1 EP for 30 Planes
Developed in: 1938
Developed By: Portugal
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Fighter for Europe, Africa/Middle East, and Asia/Pacific
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Reliability: 3
Technical: 3
Crew: 1

PA-3 Fighter
Cost: 1 EP for 30 Planes
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: United Collectives of North America
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Fighter for Central/South America
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Reliability: 1
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

Thunderbird Fighter
Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed In: 1940
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England, South Africa
Weapons: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 3
Crew: 1

PPDA-41 Fighter
Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed in: 1941
Developed By: Portugal
Nations Approved for Production: Portugal, France, Italy, Prussia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bavaria, Austria, Hungary, Nova Brazil
Weapons: 4
Speed: 4
Range: 4
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

AS-86 Fighter
Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed In: 1949
Developed By: Russian Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Russia, Virginia, Canada
Weapons: 3
Speed: 4
Range: 4
Reliability: 3
Technical: 4
Crew: 1

Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed In: 1952
Developed By: Caribbean Federation
Nations Approved for Production: Caribbean Federation
Weapons: 4
Speed: 4
Range: 4
Reliability: 4
Technical: 4
Crew: 1

Close Air Support Designs

Osprey Dive Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1934
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: Generic CAS for North America
Air to Air: 2
Air to Ground: 2
Speed: 1
Range: 1
Reliability: 1
Technical: 2
Crew: 2

SUDB-01 “Wasp” Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1937
Developed By: Socialist Union of South America
Nations Approved for Production: Generic CAS for Central/South America
Air to Air: 2
Air to Ground: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 1
Reliability: 1
Technical: 1
Crew: 1

Dassault BP38 Dive Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: France
Nations Approved for Production: Generic CAS for Europe, Africa/Middle East, and Asia/Pacific
Air to Air: 1
Air to Ground: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

Falcon Fighter-Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1940
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England, South Africa, Peru
Air to Air: 4
Air to Ground: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 1
Technical: 3
Crew: 1

SUDB-02 “Leafcutter” Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15
Developed In: 1943
Developed By: Socialist Union of South America
Nations Approved for Production: SUSA, Mexico, Chile, Argentine Collectives, Metis
Air to Air: 3
Air to Ground: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

Bomber Designs

Tyr-1 Light Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 20 Planes
Developed In: 1934
Developed By: Swedish Empire
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Bomber for Europe, North America, Africa/Middle East, and Asia/Pacific
Defenses: 1
Payload: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 3
Technical: 1
Crew: 4

AFB-01 “Devastator” Heavy Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 20 Planes
Developed In: 1934
Developed By: Socialist Union of South America
Nations Approved for Production: Generic Bomber for Central/South America
Defenses: 2
Payload: 3
Speed: 1
Range: 3
Reliability: 1
Technical: 1
Crew: 6

PBHA-40 Heavy bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 20 Planes
Developed In: 1940
Developed By: Portugal
Nations Approved for Production: Portugal, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Prussia, Albania
Defenses: 2
Payload: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 3
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

Kingfisher Naval Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 20 Planes
Developed in: 1941
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England, South Africa, Peru
Defenses: 1
Payload: 1
Speed: 4
Range: 4
Reliability: 2
Technical: 3
Crew: 3

Hawk Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 20 Planes
Developed In: 1941
Developed By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England, South Africa, Peru
Defenses: 3
Payload: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 3
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

Puma IV Heavy Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed In: 1944
Developed By: Virginian Empire
Nations Approved for Production: Virginia, Canada
Defenses: 2
Payload: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 4
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

AFB-02 Heavy Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed in: 1948
Developed By: Socialist Union of South America
Nations Approved for Production: Socialist Union of South America
Defenses: 3
Payload: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 3
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 4

Legionary Heavy Bomber
Cost: 1 EP for 15 Planes
Developed in: 1952
Developed By: Republic of Italy
Nations Approved for Production: Republic of Italy
Defenses: 1
Payload: 5
Speed: 2
Range: 4
Reliability: 3
Technical: 3

Other Designs

Albatross Patrol Plane
Cost: 1 EP for 10 Planes
Developed In: 1942
Devloped By: Republic of New England
Nations Approved for Production: New England
Defenses: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 6
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 3
North American Nations
Spoiler :

Republic: Radical Liberal Party (Liberal)
Capitol: Birmington
Stability: 12
Standard of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 2
Research: Army (8)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 8 (300,000)
Army: 49,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Alaska: Commando_34
Absolute Monarchy: King Oscar II
Capital: Juneau
Stability: 6
Standard of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (69), Scientific (19)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 1 (50,000)
Army: 39,000 Regulars, 4 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 6 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Whig Party (Conservative)
Capitol: Atlanta
Stability: 9
Standard of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 4
Research: Industrial (22)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 8 (325,000)
Army: 78,000 Regulars, 2 Support Brigades, 30 Murphys
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Canada: Matt0088
Lisist Dictatorship: Harvey Dent
Capital: Toronto
Stability: 10
Standard of Living: 5
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 14
Research: Army (11), Aeronautics (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 7 (275,000)
Army: 208,000 Regulars, 40 Support Brigades, 24 Faustins, 76 Murphys
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 200 Sailors, 2 MR Submarines, 2 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 260 Pilots, 162 AS-124s, 48 AS-Zeros, 24 Jaguars, 24 Puma IVs
Air Force Quality: 3

Mormon Theocracy: Jonathan Salt
Capital: Bringhamton
Stability: 9
Standard of Living: 2
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 8
Research: Industrial (98)
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 2 (350,000)
Army: 70,250 Regulars, 6,000 Elites, 19 Support Brigades
Reservists: 204,750
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 40 Pilots, 36 Oliver Mk1s
Air Force Quality: 1
Deseret Road Modernization Program: 5/30

Florida: chemhater
Military Dictatorship: Armando Graham
Capital: St. Augustine
Stability: 9
Standard of Living: 5
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 6
Economic Power: 20
Research: Army (35), Aeronautics (22), Industrial (22), Rocketry (30), Scientific (21)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 12 (450,000)
Army: 105,000 Regulars, 10 Support Brigades
Reservists: 12,000
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 3,400 Sailors, 21 Destroyers, 4 Light Cruisers, 8 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 60 Pilots, 6 Oliver Mk1s, 48 Oliver Mk 2s
Air Force Quality: 2

Fox Republic
Republic: Traditionalist Party (Conservative)
Capital: Fox Falls
Stability: 9
Standard of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 3
Research: Scientific (57)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 2 (200,000)
Army: 62,000 Regulars, 5 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1,030 Sailors, 3 PT Boats, 4 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Free City of Chicago
Republic: Popular Front (Liberal)
Capital: Chicago
Stability: 8
Standard of Living: 7
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (53)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 1 (75,000)
Army: 31,000 Infantry Brigades, 10 Support Brigades
Reservists: 62,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 3 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 50 Pilots, 48 Oliver Mk2s
Air Force Quality: 1

Inuit Nannut
Republic: Quajimajatuqangit Party (Conservative)
Capital: Igloolik
Stability: 10
Standard of Living: 1
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 1
Research: Industrial (3)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 1 (5,000)
Army: 500 Regulars
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Syndicalist Party (Socialist)
Capital: Mohawk
Stability: 10
Standard of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 8
Research: Aeronautics (14)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 3 (200,000) Reservists CAPPED
Army: 71,500 Regulars, 30,000 Elites, 16 Support Brigades
Reservists: 200,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 100 Pilots, 90 AS-124s
Air Force Quality: 1

Isanti Republic
Republic: Traditionalist Party (Conservative)
Capitol: Isanti
Stability: 10
Standard of Living: 2
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 2
Research: Army (12)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 2 (150,000)
Army: 16,750 Regulars, 1 Support Brigade, 20 AVB-03s
Reservists: 38,250
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Lakota Sioux: Oberschutze
Republic: Democratic Labor (Liberal)
Capitol: Geronimo
Stability: 10
Standard of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 8
Research: Industrial (30)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 6 (225,000)
Army: 90,000 Regulars, 6 Support Brigades, 15 Murphys
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Louisiana: Omega124
Military Dictatorship: Jacques Allad
Capitol: Saint Louis
Stability: 8
Standard of Living: 2
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 6
Research: Army (7)
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 2 (625,000)
Army: 24,000 Regulars, 11 Support Brigades, 32 Murphys
Reservists: 24,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 10 Sailors, 1 PT Boat
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 60 Pilots, 24 AS-124s, 24 AS-Zeros, 12 Jaguars
Air Force Quality: 1
United Pipeline (Louisiana): 0/5

Mexico: Justo
Republic: Unity Party (Conservative)
Capital: Mexico City
Stability: 7
Standard of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 27
Research: Industrial (60)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 40 (2,750,000)
Army: 240,000 Regulars, 21,000 Elites, 3,000 Special Forces, 19 Support Brigades, 90 AVB-03s
Reservists: 72,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 9,700 Sailors, 12 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Equality-class Battleship
Navy Quality: 6
Air Force: 100 Pilots, 18 PA-1s, 54 PA-3s
Air Force Quality: 3

Republic: Whig Party (Conservative)
Capitol: Oglethorpe
Stability: 6
Standard of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 5
Research: Industrial (20)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 10 (375,000)
Army: 88,000 Regulars, 7 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

National Union of the Metis: Lord Iggy
Republic: National Militias (Lisist)
Capital: Winnipeg
Stability: 6
Standard of Living: 2
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 1 (100,000)
Army: 1,000 Regulars, 1 Support Brigade, 15 Murphys
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0
Metis Reclamation Project: 2/20

New Jersey
Lisist Dictatorship: Jacques de Aubrac
Capital: Trenton
Stability: 8
Standard of Living: 4
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 2
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 2 (100,000)
Army: 4,000 Regulars, 15 Murphys
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 6
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Nez Perce
Presidential Dictatorship: Fernando Guzman
Capitol: Avig
Stability: 3
Standard of Living: 2
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 3
Research: Army (18)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 5 (175,000)
Army: 100,500 Regulars, 11 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 25 Pilots, 24 PA-3s
Air Force Quality: 1

Pennsylvania: Agent 89
Military Dictatorship: Arthur Parks
Capitol: Pittsburgh
Stability: 5
Standard of Living: 5
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 7
Research: Industrial (5)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 15 (625,000)
Army: 126,000 Regulars, 13 Support Brigades, 16 Taylors, 24 Faustins, 16 AVB-02s
Reservists: 12,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 920 Sailors, 2 PT Boats, 3 Destroyers, 6 MR Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 90 Pilots, 12 Oliver Mk2s, 24 PA-3s, 18 SUDB-01s, 30 Tyr-1s
Air Force Quality: 1
Transportation Project: 24/30

Quebec: Slim Shady
Presidential Dictatorship: Louis de Villepin
Capital: Quebec City
Stability: 8
Standard of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 11
Research: Industrial (68)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 11 (350,000)
Army: 300,000 Regulars, 47 Support Brigades, 36 Faustins
Reservists: 210,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 25,000 Sailors, 23 Destroyers, 9 Light Cruisers, 10 Heavy Cruisers, 3 Battlecruisers, 4 Dreadnoughts, 1 Victory-class Battleship, 19 MR Submarines, 21 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 25 Pilots, 24 Oliver Mk2s
Air Force Quality: 2
Quebecois Restructuring Program: 5/50

Republic of New England: TheLastJacobite
Republic: Commonwealth Party (Liberal)
Capital: Boston
Stability: 6
Standard of Living: 8
Education: 8
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 47
Research: Aeronautics (13)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 44 (1,250,000)
Army: 679,000 Regulars, 107,000 Elites, 3,000 Special Forces, 61 Support Brigades, 54 Faustins, 72 Murphys
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 5
Navy: 70 Destroyers, 36 Light Cruisers, 19 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battlecruiser, 14 Victory-class Battleships, 8 Imperial-class Battleships, 7 Eclipse-class Battleships, 7 Titan-class Battleships, 10 Remembrance-class Carriers, 7 Nemesis-class Carriers, 33 MR Submarines, 16 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 10
Air Force: 18 Zeppelin Bombers, 24 Oliver Mk1s, 120 Oliver Mk 2s, 180 Thunderbirds, 111 Ospreys, 315 Falcons, 125 Kingfishers, 48 Hawks, 15 Albatrosses
Air Force Quality: 3
Colonies: +38 EP
Spoiler :

-Abyssinia: +2 EP
Stability: 6
-Arnoldka: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Bangladesh: +4 EP
Stability: 8
-Burma: +3 EP
Stability: 7
Stability: 10
-Chinese Ports: +4 EP
Stability: 11
-Congo: +2 EP
Stability: 11
-Greater Oman: +3 EP
Stability: 8
-Indochina: +5 EP
Stability: 9
-Madagascar: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Panama: +5 EP
Stability: 10
-Pacific Islands: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Philippines: +3 EP
Stability: 8
-Port Adams
Stability: 11
-Zanzibar: +1 EP
Stability: 10

Panama Upgrade Program: 10/30

Republic of New France:
Lisist Dictatorship: Luc Deville
Capital: New Caen
Stability: 10
Standard of Living: 3
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 6
Research: Scientific (80)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 12 (450,000)
Army: 180,000 Regulars, 5 Support Brigades, 12 Taylors, 90 Murphys
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0
Reconstruction: 12/50

Sauk Republic
Republic: Democratic Republic Party (Liberal)
Capitol: Sauk
Stability: 7
Standard of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 5
Research: Army (10)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 7 (175,000)
Army: 27,000 Regulars, 1 Support Brigade
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 200 Sailors, 2 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Texan Republic: human-slaughter
Military Dictatorship: Harry Blaine
Capital: Dallas
Stability: 7
Standard of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 8
Research: Industrial (45)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 15 (550,000)
Army: 61,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades, 12 AVB-03s, 57 Murphys
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 4,900 Sailors, 1 Destroyer, 1 Light Cruiser, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Battlecruiser, 2 Atlantic-class Battleships
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 70 Pilots, 36 AS-124s, 24 PA-3s, 6 AFB-01s
Air Force Quality: 1
Texas Reservoir Project: 12/20
United Pipeline (Texas): 0/15

Virginian Empire: Jason the King
Constitutional Monarchy: King Henry III/Federalist Party (Moderate)
Capital: Richmond
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 8
Economic Power: 27
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Research: Army (50)
Manpower: 40 (1,500,000)
Army: 1,047,000 Regulars, 6,000 Special Forces, 43 Support Brigades, 12 Faustins, 340 Murphys, 48 Pattons
Reservists: 40,000
Army Quality: 8
Navy: 12,600 Sailors, 13 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruiser, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 3 Battlecruisers, 2 Victory-class Battleships, 1 Imperial-class Battleship, 4 Submarines, 6 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 800 Pilots, 36 AS-124s, 24 PPDA-38s, 174 AS-Zeroes, 150 AS-86s, 72 Jaguars, 108 Falcons, 36 Puma IVs
Air Force Quality: 3
Colonies: +4 EP
Spoiler :

-Atlantic Ocean Islands: +1 EP
Stability: 12
-Mooreland: +1 EP
Stability: 8
-Nicaragua: +5 EP
Stability: 10

Waterfield Plan: 90/100
United Pipeline (Virginia): 0/10

Central/South American Nations
Spoiler :

Argentine Republic
Republic: Situación Existente (Conservative)
Capitol: Viedma
Stability: 11
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 8
Research: Industrial (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 15 (425,000)
Army: 135,000 Regulars, 15 Support Brigades
Reservists: 28,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 500 Sailors, 6 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 50 Pilots, 48 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Progressive Party (Liberal)
Capital: Belize City
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (70)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 3 (100,000)
Army: 96,000 Regulars, 9 Support Brigades
Reservists: 18,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 3,300 Sailors, 9 Destroyers, 4 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 4 Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Syndicalist Party (Socialist)
Capitol: Sucre
Stability: 11
Standards of Living: 2
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 5
Research: Army (10)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 15 (550,000)
Army: 100,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades
Reservists: 12,000
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Caribbean Federation
Republic: Populist Party (Liberal)
Capitol: Havana
Stability: 12
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 26
Research: Army (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 25 (800,000)
Army: 432,000 Regulars, 63,000 Elites, 35 Support Brigades
Reservists: 24,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 46,350 Sailors, 36 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 9 Heavy Cruisers, 3 Battlecruisers, 7 Atlantic-class Battleships, 3 Imperial-class Battleships, 2 Equality-class Battleships, 3 Castro-class Carriers, 1 Submarine, 13 MR Submarines, 9 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 6
Air Force: 430 Pilots, 12 Oliver Mk1s, 228 Oliver Mk2s, 60 CSF-502s, 72 Ospreys
Air Force Quality: 4

Military Dictatorship: Jose Emanez
Capital: Santiago
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 10
Research: Industrial (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 12 (475,000)
Army: 198,000 Regulars, 39,000 Elites, 24 Support Brigades
Reservists: 12,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 4,250 Sailors, 12 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Battlecruiser, 7 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 130 Pilots, 24 PA-1s, 42 PA-3s, 30 SUDB-01s, 24 AFB-01s
Air Force Quality: 1

Military Dictatorship: Carlos Solano
Capital: Bogotá
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 9
Research: Industrial (75)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 12 (500,000)
Army: 201,000 Regulars, 114,000 Elites, 69 Support Brigades
Reservists: 12,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 1,710 Sailors, 1 PT Boat, 8 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 150 Pilots, 144 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 1

El Salvador:
Republic: Partido Nacional Liberal (Liberal)
Capital: San Salvador
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 2
Research: Industrial (22)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 4 (150,000)
Army: 117,000 Regulars, 7 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 140 Pilots, 36 PPDA-38s, 20 AFB-01s
Air Force Quality: 1

Presidential Dictatorship: Carlos Hernandez
Capital: Guatemala City
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 5
Research: Army (90)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 6 (200,000)
Army: 105,000 Regulars, 8 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 300 Sailors, 3 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 40 Pilots, 36 Oliver Mk2s
Air Force Quality: 1

Provisional Government
Capitol: Georgetown
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 2
Research: Navy (8)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 2 (200,000)
Army: 60,000 Regulars, 10 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 300 Sailors, 6 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Military Dictatorship: Arthur Banks
Capital: Tegucigalpa
Stability: 6
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 5
Research: Army (90)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 6 (225,000)
Army: 150,000 Regulars, 9 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 1
Navy:600 Sailors, 6 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

La Plata Republic
Lisist Dictatorship: Augustus Peron
Capital: Urquizaville
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 15
Research: Army (50)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 42 (625,000)
Army: 132,000 Regulars, 16 Support Brigades, 12 AVB-02s, 102 AVB-03s
Reservists: 20,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 1,000 Sailors, 2 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruiser, 10 Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 140 Pilots, 72 PA-3s, 24 SUDB-01s, 24 AFB-01s
Air Force Quality: 2

Republic: Asociacion Nacional Republicana (Conservative)
Capital: Asuncion
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 9
Research: Army (29)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 15 (500,000)
Army: 196,000 Regulars, 7 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 100 Sailors, 1 Destroyer
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Military Dictatorship: Vicente Guerra
Capital: Lima
Stability: 3
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 12 (550,000)
Army: 66,000 Regulars, 8,500 Elites, 17 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 4 PT Boats, 6 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 200 Oliver Mk2s
Air Force Quality: 2

Uprising: Socialist Republic of Peru
Socialist Dictatorship: Luis Francisco
Capital: Lima
Recruitment Policy: Wartime Conscription
Army: 86,000 Regulars, 7 Support Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 2

Socialist Union of South America: Circuit
Socialist Dictatorship: Luis Carlos Prestes
Capital: Cidade do Povo
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 9
Economic Power: 54
Research: Naval (80), Aeronautics (60)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 80 (2,750,000)
Army: 1,716,000 Regulars, 129,000 Elites, 74 Support Brigades, 168 Tomahawks, 104 AVB-02s
Reservists: 84,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 3,150 Sailors, 12 Destroyers, 19 Submarines, 20 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 150 Pilots, 10 PA-1 Squadrons, 38 PA-3 Squadrons, 10 AFB-01 Squadrons, 30 SUDB-01 Squadrons, 6 SUDB-02 Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 2

Uruguayan Collective
Socialist Dictatorship: Venancio Perez
Capitol: Montevideo
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 4
Research: Industrial (56)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 2 (125,000)
Army: 100,000 Regulars, 15,000 Elites, 12 Support Brigades, 24 Tormentas, 32 Tomahawks
Reservists: 20,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 400 Sailors, 8 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 25 Pilots, 24 PA-1s
Air Force Quality: 1

Venezuela: Milarqui
Republic: Partido Martinista (Conservative)
Capital: Caracas
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 11
Research: Army (50)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 30 (1,000,000)
Army: 600,000 Regulars, 15,000 Elites, 63 Support Brigades
Reservists: 145,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 930 Sailors, 3 PT Boats, 3 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 40 Pilots, 36 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 1
Reconstruction and Development Project: 19/50 EP

Military Dictatorship: Luis Martinez
Capitol: Merida
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (18)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 10 (375,000)
Army: 199,000 Regulars, 16 Support Brigades, 24 Faustins
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 75 Pilots, 36 Oliver Mk2s, 36 Ospreys
Air Force Quality: 1
European Nations
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: King Mikhail
Capitol: Tirana
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 2
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 1 (75,000)
Army: 19,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0
Harbor Development Program: 1/5

Lisist Dictatorship: Franko Stein
Capital: Vienna
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 6 (500,000)
Army: 24,000 Regulars, 2 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 7
Navy: landlocked
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Lisist Dictatorship: Oscar Schultze
Capital: Munich
Stability: 11
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 4 (400,000)
Army: 20,000 Regulars, 2 Support Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Navy: Landlocked
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 30 PPDA-41s
Air Force Quality: 0

Constitutional Monarchy: Francis/Federative Party (Moderate)
Capital: Prague
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 6
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 8
Research: Industrial (44)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 2 (75,000) CAPPED
Army: 75,000 Regulars, 6 Support Brigades
Reservists: 75,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Tsar Ferdinand IV
Capital: Sofia
Stability: 6
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 10
Research: Army (70)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 24 (750,000)
Army: 330,000 Regulars, 46 Support Brigades, 48 A-39s, 72 A-42s
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2,400 Sailors, 7 Destroyers, 4 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 440 Pilots, 96 PPDA-38s, 150 PPDA-41s
Air Force Quality: 2

Republic: Labor in Democracy Movement (Conservative)
Capital: Sevastopol
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 9
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 8
Economic Power: 7
Research: Industrial (15)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 6 (350,000)
Army: 83,000 Regulars, 2 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 4
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 2

Republic: Unity Movement (Moderate)
Capital: Tallinn
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 5 (300,000)
Army: 94,000 Regulars, 7 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Constitutional Monarchy: King Jukka/Monarchist Movement (Reactionary)
Capital: Helsinki
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 3
Research: Navy (3)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 15 (625,000)
Army: 120,000 Regulars, 3,000 Elites, 10 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 250 Pilots, 180 AS-124s, 24 Jaguars
Air Force Quality: 2

France: crezth
Lisist Dictatorship: Edwin Baodouin
Capital: Paris
Stability: 12
Standards of Living: 8
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 8
Economic Power: 89
Research: Army (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 132 (4,000,000)
Army: 799,000 Regulars, 150,000 Elites, 14,500 Special Forces, 96 Support Brigades, 432 A-39s, 630 A-42s, 90 A-52s
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 9
Navy: 13,570 Sailors, 2 PT Boats, 21 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 4 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Constantine-class Battleship, 1 Caesar-class Battleship, 1 Submarine, 4 MR Submarines
Navy Quality: 6
Air Force: 1,200 Pilots, 72 PPDA-38s, 391 PPDA-41s, 1 Zeppelin Dreadnought, 72 G-35s, 108 BP38s, 132 PBHA-40s
Air Force Quality: 4
Colonies: +28 EP
Spoiler :

-Algeria: +3 EP
Stability: 8
-Central Africa: +3 EP
Stability: 9
-Cyprus: +1 EP
Stability: 6
-Guinea: +1 EP
Stability: 7
-India: +5 EP
Stability: 7
-Indian Ocean Islands
Stability: 12
-Morocco: +2 EP
Stability: 6
-New Guinea: +2 EP
Stability: 6
-Nijeria: +1 EP
Stability: 6
-Pacific Ocean Islands: +2 EP
Stability: 12
-Sahara: +1 EP
Stability: 12
-Somalia: +1 EP
Stability: 9
-Southern Africa: +2 EP
Stability: 12
-Sudan: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Zambi: +2 EP
Stability: 8
-Zululand: +2 EP
Stability: 7

Economic Reorganization Affair: 100/200

Absolute Monarchy: King Francis III
Capital: Lesko
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 3
Research: Army (60)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 3 (100,000)
Army: 78,000 Regulars, 3,000 Elites, 5 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Lisist Dictatorship: Gyula Jozef
Capital: Budapest
Stability: 6
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 5
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 45 (1,500,000)
Army: 39,000 Regulars, 5 Support Brigades
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 6
Navy: landlocked
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Workers' Party (Socialist)
Capitol: Rekjavik
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 8
Education: 8
Infrastructure: 8
Economic Power: 3
Research: Naval (31)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 1 (75,000)
Army: 30,000 Regulars, 8 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 500 Sailors, 3 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 100 Pilots, 60 AS-124s
Air Force Quality: 1

Irish Republic
Republic: Democratic Catholic Party (Conservative)
Capitol: Dublin
Stability: 11
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 7
Research: Scientific (65)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 6 (200,000); Standing Forces CAPPED
Army: 200,000 Regulars, 12 Support Brigades
Reservists: 10,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Lisist Dictatorship: Janis Daugmanis
Capital: Riga
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 3
Research: Industrial (8)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 6 (225,000)
Army: 80,000 Regulars, 16 Support Brigades, 48 Panzer IVs, 56 D-Zeroes
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 400 Sailors, 1 Destroyer, 1 Light Cruiser
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 120 Pilots, 120 AS-86s
Air Force Quality: 2

Lisist Dictatorship: Paulius Kalnietis
Capital: Vilnius
Stability: 12
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 3
Research: Industrial (10)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 4 (150,000)
Army: 100,000 Regulars, 14 Support Brigades, 40 Panzer IVs, 40 D-Zeroes
Reservists: 19,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 500 Sailors, 2 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruiser
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 60 Pilots, 60 AS-86s
Air Force Quality: 2

Norway: civver 764
Republic: United Workers Movement (Socialist)
Capital: Oslo
Stability: 12
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 6
Infrastructure: 6
Economic Power: 6
Research: Industrial (24)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 4 (275,000)
Army: 75,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 90 Pilots, 54 AS-124s, 30 Jaguars
Air Force Quality: 2

Poland: spryllino
Constitutional Monarchy: King Augustus IV/United Front (Moderate)
Capital: Warsaw
Stability: 9
Standard of Living: 7
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 7
Research: Aeronautics (65)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 36 (1,025,000)
Army: 190,000 Regulars, 9,000 Elites, 19 Support Brigades, 64 Panzer IVs, 143 D-Zeroes
Reservists: 20,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 130 Pilots, 96 AS-86s, 12 Busters
Air Force Quality: 2

Absolute Monarchy: King Miguel III
Capital: Lisbon
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 17
Research: Army (10)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 8 (300,000)
Army: 245,000 Regulars, 33,000 Elites, 33 Support Brigades, 64 A-42s
Reservists: 112,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 100 Sailors, 3 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 660 Pilots, 102 PPDA-38s, 192 PPDA-41s, 48 PPHA-40s, 6 Zeppelin Bombers, 3 Zeppelin Dreadnoughts
Air Force Quality: 3
Colonies: +3 EP
Spoiler :

-Angola: +1 EP
Stability: 10
-Ivory Coast: +1 EP
Stability: 12
-Mozambique: +1 EP
Stability: 10
Stability: 12

Absolute Monarchy: King Wilhelm IV
Capitol: Berlin
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 14
Research: Army (20), Aeronautics (10), Industrial (70)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 60 (2,000,000)
Army: 219,000 Regulars, 42,000 Elites, 3,000 Special Forces, 18 Support Brigades
Reservists: 72,000
Army Quality: 6
Navy: 9,400 Sailors, 6 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 3 Battlecruisers, 2 Constantine-class Battleships, 4 Submarines
Navy Quality: 4
Air Force: 300 Pilots, 36 Hlin-1s, 66 PPDA-41s, 24 Tyr-1s, 36 PPHA-40s
Air Force Quality: 2

Republic of Italy: Adrognans
Republic: Repubblicani Leali (Conservative)**
Capital: Rome
Stability: 11
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 9
Infrastructure: 8
Economic Power: 42
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 129 (3,750,000)
Army: 940,000 Regulars, 393,000 Elites, 26 Support Brigades, 16 A-39s, 66 A-42s
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 27,700 Sailors, 37 Destroyers, 22 Light Cruisers, 12 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battlecruisers, 2 Dreadnoughts, 2 Atlantic-class Battleships, 1 Caesar-class Battleship, 18 MR Submarines
Navy Quality: 4
Air Force: 440 Pilots, 60 PPDA-38s, 300 PPDA-41s, 24 BP38s, 10 Zeppelin Bombers
Air Force Quality: 2

Lisist Dictatorship: Anton Kentharscu
Capital: Bucharest
Stability: 11
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 7
Research: Industrial (70)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 20 (750,000)
Army: 252,000 Regulars, 6,000 Elites, 25 Support Brigades
Reservists: 16,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 400 Sailors, 4 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 380 Pilots, 60 PPDA-38s, 120 PPDA-41s, 48 PPHA-40s
Air Force Quality: 1

Russian Federation: warman17
Constitutional Monarchy: Tsar Alexander IV/ National Party (Conservative)
Capital: St. Petersburg
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 8
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 51
Research: Scientific (70), Naval (60), Army (55)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 84 (4,500,000)
Army: 1,626,000 Regulars, 51,000 Elites, 9,000 Special Forces, 47 Support Brigades, 224 Panzer IVs, 592 D-Zeroes
Reservists: 84,000
Army Quality: 5
Navy: 28,900 Sailors, 21 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 6 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battlecruiser, 2 Dreadnoughts, 1 Constantine-class Battleship, 4 Aquarius-class Battleships, 2 Faust-class Carriers, 3 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: 450 Pilots, 96 AS-Zeroes, 228 AS-86s, 24 S-20s, 36 Busters
Air Force Quality: 2
Highway Project: 140/300

Lisist Dictatorship: Jacob Scott
Capital: Edinburgh
Stability: 5
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 20 (800,000)
Army: 12,000 Regulars
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 5
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Constitutional Monarchy: King Peter III/Traditionalist Party (Conservative)
Capital: Belgrade
Stability: 12
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 11
Research: Naval (60)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 21 (1,000,000)
Army: 177,000 Regulars, 23 Support Brigades, 64 A-39s
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 1,300 Sailors, 7 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruiser
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Swedish Empire: bestshot9
Constitutional Monarchy: King Gustav VI/Unity Party (Conservative)
Capital: Stockholm
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 8
Education: 6
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 20
Research: Army (70), Navy (70), Aeronautics (20)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 24 (1,000,000)
Army: 474,000 Regulars, 3,000 Elites, 20 Support Brigades, 32 Panzer IIs, 64 Panzer IIIs, 32 D-4100s
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 5,900 Sailors, 13 Destroyers, 9 Light Cruisers, 8 Submarines, 15 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 570 Pilots, 36 Hlin-1s, 306 AS-124s, 72 Tyr-1s, 78 Jaguars
Air Force Quality: 2
Colonies: +10 EP
Spoiler :

-Bahamas: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Gustava: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Hawaii: +2 EP
Stability: 9
-Karlso/Formosa: +2 EP
Stability: 9
-Pacific Islands: +2 EP
Stability: 11
-Swedish Congo: +1 EP
Stability: 11
-Swedish Somalia: +1 EP
Stability: 11

Republic: Christian Democratic People's Party (Conservative)
Capital: Geneva
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 8
Education: 7
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 10
Research: Scientific (70)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 2 (75,000) CAPPED
Army: 45,000 Regulars, 30,000 Elites, 16 Support Brigades
Reservists: 75,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Ukraine: D'Artagnan59
Republic: Liberty Party (Liberal)
Capital: Kiev
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 10
Research: Army (10)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 60 (2,250,000)
Army: 501,000 Regulars, 9,000 Elites, 29 Support Brigades, 80 Panzer IVs, 192 D-Zeroes
Reservists: 36,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 140 Pilots, 108 AS-86s, 24 Busters
Air Force Quality: 2

African/Middle Eastern Nations
Spoiler :

Arabistan: tuxedohamm
Military Dictatorship: Payam Kiyanfar
Capital: Ahvaz
Stability: 9
Standard of Living: 5
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 6
Research: Aeronautics (70), Industrial (10)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 7 (300,000)
Army: 186,000 Regulars, 25 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 12 Destroyers, 3 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 180 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 1

Egypt: Nestea Oreo
Military Dictatorship: Military Triumvate
Capital: Cairo
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 13
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 5 (1,250,000)
Army: 239,000 Regulars, 15,000 Elites, 44 Support Brigades, 105 A-39s, 16 Pharaohs
Reservists: 478,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 12 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 384 AS-124s, 90 PPDA-38s, 60 BP38s
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Provisional Government
Capital: Basra
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 8
Research: Industrial (95)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 9 (375,000)
Army: 77,000 Regulars, 11 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Presidential Dictatorship: Moshe Shamir
Capital: Jerusalem
Stability: 5
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 6
Research: Scientific (80)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 4 (175,000)
Army: 61,000 Regulars, 6 Support Brigades, 30 A-39s
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 60 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Islamic Democratic Party (Conservative)
Capital: Amman
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (80)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 3 (100,000)
Army: 72,000 Regulars, 5 Support Brigades, 15 A-39s
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Patriotic Union Party (Conservative)
Capital: Mosul
Stability: 6
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (50), Industrial (25)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 6 (200,000)
Army: 149,000 Regulars, 12 Support Brigades, 60 A-39s
Reservists: 45,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 10 Oliver Mk1s, 5 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Party of Democratic Change (Liberal)
Capital: Forsythville
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 5
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 2 (100,000)
Army: 95,000 Regulars, 14 Support Brigades
Reservists: 10,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 3,690 Sailors, 9 PT Boats, 18 Destroyers, 6 Light Cruisers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0
Educational Development Program: 16/24

Republic: Party for Democracy (Liberal)
Capitol: Timbuktu
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 2
Research: Army (2)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 4 (250,000)
Army: 32,000 Regulars, 5 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Nijeria: Ryaz
Lisist Dictatorship: Henrick Olesen
Capital: Christiansburg
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 3
Research: Army (2)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 9 (350,000)
Army: 20,000 Regulars, 1 Support Brigade
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Nova Brazil
Absolute Monarchy: Pedro IV
Capital: Porto Pedro
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (64)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 3 (100,000)
Army: 72,000 Regulars, 12,000 Elites, 9 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 3 Destroyers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 60 PPDA-41s
Air Force Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: King Henry II
Capital: Leesburg
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 6
Research: Army (75)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 4 (200,000)
Army: 197,000 Regulars, 15 Support Brigades
Reservists: 18,000
Army Quality: 5
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 54 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 1

Persia: Arian
Republic: Moderate Democrats (Moderate)
Capital: Tehran
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 5
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 6
Economic Power: 13
Research: Naval (40)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 15 (625,000)
Army: 209,000 Regulars, 45 Support Brigades
Reservists: 12,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 1,200 Sailors, 8 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 80 Pilots, 72 PPDA-41s
Air Force Quality: 1

Rashid Arabia: conehead234
Absolute Monarchy: King Rashid IV
Capital: Riyadh
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 11
Research: Industrial (80)
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 2 (300,000)
Army: 148,000 Regulars, 12,000 Elites, 27 Support Brigades, 72 RADF-01s
Reservists: 139,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0
Oil Exploitation Program: 8/50

Republic of South Africa
Republic: Democratic Alliance (Moderate)
Capitol: Capton
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 6
Infrastructure: 4
Economic Power: 4
Research: Naval (12)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 5 (350,000)
Army: 94,000 Regulars, 9,000 Elites, 7 Support Brigades
Reservists: 4,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 300 Sailors, 3 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: 150 Pilots, 66 Thunderbirds
Air Force Quality: 2

Republic: Muslim Brotherhood (Reactionary)
Capital: Damascus
Stability: 5
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 4
Research: Industrial (60)
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 1 (225,000)
Army: 36,000 Regulars, 2 Support Brigades, 16 Taylors
Reservists: 36,000
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 6 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 60 PPDA-38s
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Patriotic Pan-African Convergence (Moderate)
Capitol: Lome
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 2
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 2
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 3 (250,000)
Army: 15,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Conservative Coalition
Capital: Tunis
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 7
Education: 6
Infrastructure: 5
Economic Power: 8
Research: Scientific (20)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 4 (300,000)
Army: 150,000 Regulars, 2 Support Brigades
Reservists: 8,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 12,460 Sailors, 6 PT Boats, 11 Destroyers, 11 Light Cruisers, 3 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battlecruisers, 3 Dreadnoughts
Navy Quality: 4
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Turkish Republic: Anonymoose
Republic: Worker's Party (Socialist)
Capital: Ankara
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 11
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 20 (575,000)
Army: 280,000 Regulars, 3,000 Special Forces, 36 Support Brigades, 20 D-4100s
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 5
Navy: 5 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 8 Submarines
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 250 AS-124s, 120 Busters, 30 S-20s, 4 Zeppelin Bombers
Air Force Quality: 1
People's Rebirth Campaign: 19/50

Republic: Socialist Party
Capital: Sana’a
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 3
Research: Industrial (56)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 6 (300,000)
Army: 36,000 Regulars, 5 Support Battalions
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Asian/Pacific Nations
Spoiler :

Presidential Dictatorship: Fahran Siddiqui
Capital: Kabul
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 2
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 7
Research: Army (95)
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 5 (575,000)
Army: 145,000 Regulars, 9 Support Brigades
Reservists: 54,000
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic: Nationalist Party (Conservative)
Capital: Zahedan
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 6
Research: Army (95)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 9 (350,000)
Army: 120,000 Regulars, 15 Support Brigades
Reservists: 16,000
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 6 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0

Presidential Dictatorship: Ai Xi Su
Capitol: Kuching
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 2
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 8 (625,000)
Army: 40,000 Regulars, 5 Support Brigades, 31 Panzer IVs
Reservists: 39,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 30 Pilots, 24 AS-124s
Air Force Quality: 1

Bugis Republic
Republic: Republican Coalition (Conservative)
Capitol: Makassar
Stability: 12
Standards of Living: 2
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 9 (525,000)
Army: 72,000 Regulars, 6 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0
Grand Westernization Movement: 6/20

Empire of Japan: Nuclear Kid
Constitutional Monarchy: Danjuro Tsucgimoto/Traditionalist Samurai Front (Reactionary)
Capitol: Tokyo
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 6
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Neo-Feudal
Manpower: 5 (1,050,000)
Army: 154,000 Regulars, 10 Support Brigades
Reservists: 83,000
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0
Shipping Development Program: 28/40

Korea: luckymoose
Constitutional Monarchy: Yi Jin/Grand National Party (Moderate)
Capital: Seoul
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 6
Education: 6
Infrastructure: 7
Economic Power: 13
Research: Industrial (50)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 15 (2,000,000)
Army: 300,000 Regulars, 32 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 4
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 1

New Holland: SoldierChild
Republic: Socialist Party
Capital: Sydney
Stability: 8
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 8
Research: Scientific (85)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 36 (1,050,000)
Army: 90,000 Regulars, 72,000 Elites, 8 Support Brigades, 48 Panzer IIIs, 32 Panzer IVs
Reservists: 8,000
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 21,200 Sailors, 40 Destroyers, 12 Light Cruisers, 4 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battlecruiser, 2 Atlantic-class Battleship, 1 Constantine-class Battleship, 2 Wayambeh-class Carriers, 8 Submarines, 15 MR Submarines, 7 LR Submarines
Navy Quality: 6
Air Force: 310 Pilots, 144 AS-124s, 72 AS-Zeroes, 48 Tyr-1s, 42 Busters
Air Force Quality: 2
Mining Initiative: 15/20

New Zeeland: The Supervisor
Presidential Dictatorship: Diedrick Metternich
Capitol: Nassau
Stability: 6
Standards of Living: 4
Education: 5
Infrastructure: 2
Economic Power: 6
Research: Industrial (15)
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 8 (350,000)
Army: 26,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades, 6 Panzer IVs
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2,600 Sailors, 9 Destroyers, 4 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: 210 Pilots, 60 AS-124s, 48 Tyr-1s
Air Force Quality: 1

Islamic Theocracy: Agus Hartono
Capitol: Medan
Stability: 7
Standards of Living: 2
Education: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 3
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 45 (1,625,000)
Army: 192,000 Regulars, 8 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 1
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: none
Air Force Quality: 0

Republic of China: bombshoo
Republic: Traditionalist Party (Conservative)
Capital: Lanzhou
Stability: 9
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 48
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 222 (20,000,000)
Army: 1,052,000 Regulars, 81,000 Elites, 62 Support Brigades, 32 Highlanders, 256 A-35s, 96 A-39s, 48 D-Zeroes, 15 Panzer IVs
Reservists: none
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 6 PT Boats
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 360 Pilots, 72 G-35s, 108 PPDA-38s, 72 AS-Zeroes, 66 BP38s, 4 Zeppelin Bombers
Air Force Quality: 2
Reconstruction Project: 275/750

Republic of Kyushu
Republic: Socialist Party
Capitol: Kagoshima
Stability: 10
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Economic Power: 2
Research: none
Recruitment Policy: Peacetime Conscription
Manpower: 8 (250,000)
Army: 129,000 Regulars, 3 Support Brigades, 50 A-39s
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 160 Sailors, 6 PT Boats, 2 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: 80 Pilots, 42 PPDA-41s, 30 BP38s
Air Force Quality: 1
Internal Development Program: 4/10

Buddhist Theocracy
Capital: Lhasa
Stability: 6
Standards of Living: 3
Education: 4
Infrastructure: 1
Economic Power: 6
Research: Army (6)
Recruitment Policy: Volunteer
Manpower: 2 (100,000)
Army: 100,000 Regulars, 8 Support Brigades
Reservists: None
Army Quality: 2
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: None
Air Force Quality: 0
Non-Government Organizations

Remember, Non-Government activities predominantly take place upon the thread itself. That is the reason for the scarcity of actual stats. Unlike regular nations, you usually will not be sending spending orders, but rather far more ambiguous ones, if any at all. In the case of a religious organization, you have hefty political sway, but make sure to keep your popular support high (On scale of 1-10) if you want people to actually listen to you. While military organizations do have a military, they do not produce their own soldiers, but gain them over time. To regular nations, just browsing, keep in mind that while the Pope doesn't have a standing army, NGOs can be just as deadly as a conventional threat.

Spoiler :

Catholic Church
Base of Operations: Rome, Republic of Italy
Type: Religious Organization
Popular Support: 8
Goal: To provide spiritual and political guidance to the Catholic Christians of the world, as well as to bring enlightenment to the heathens.

Greek Liberation Front
Base of Operations: Athens, Republic of Italy
Type: Paramilitary Organization
Popular Support: 9
Strength: 10,000 Irregulars
Goal: To oust the Co-Axial Pact of Nations from their occupation in Greece.

New York Yankees
Base of Operations: New York City, Republic of New England
Type: Paramilitary Organization
Popular Support: 7
Strength: 2,000 Irregulars
Goal: To oust the Republic of New England from their illegal control of New York.

Red Cross: Haseri
Base of Operations: Stockholm, Swedish Empire
Type: Charitable Organization
Popular Support: 10
Economic Funds Provided: 0
Goal: To ease mankind's suffering across the world.
This post will be used in the event that more space is later needed for the front page.
The Republic of New England is here! Natives beware!
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