The Kingdoms of Imsdan: Lizard's NES


Let's talk Michelle.
Nov 23, 2008
Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Alright all, so this is my first NES, so please bare with me. This is a fantasy NES, set in a made up world and it is very earth like. The peoples and such are currently in what could be comparable to our late medieval ages.

The mod itself is fairly free form, as I want players to be able to develop nations as they see fit, and customize them however they want.

The faction's information will be set up, in this commonly used form;

The Empire of Craydon/The Lizard King
Government: Imperial Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Craydon City
Stability: 3/10
Army: 35 divisions
Navy: 10 Coastal Ships, 6 Ships of the Line
Economy: 5/2/0 + 300 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 20
Description; History: Craydon, through the early history of the known world had been the Military, Cultural and Scientific center to the known world. However, with all that power came a lot of enemies, and a lot of internal strife. The Emperors had, for awhile focused more on the glory of the Empire, then the happiness on of the people. Just over a decade ago, a war was fought, between citizens on the Eastern expanses of the Empire, and the Government positioned strongly in the west. The result? The foundation of the Belz Republic, a weaker Craydonian Empire, and few if any allies left to rely on. The last Emperor, not learning from mistakes has done little to improve the life of the lower classes, and talks of revolt aren't exactly taboo any more.

So let's disect this line by line.

The Empire of Craydonia/The Lizard King
Self explanitory. Your nations name, and who is currently playing as them.

Government: Imperial Monarchy
Again, fairly self-explanitory. You can change your government whenever you want, but a variety of different things could happen, and every government has a few effects. For example, a Confederacy will make the people incredibly happy, as their indepedance is felt, but your power is very weak. As a Imperial Monarchy however, you are absolute ruler of your state, which can, and cannot be a good thing. Changing your government without popular consent, i.e. Republic to an Absolute Monarchy usually doesn't end well.. just use your common sense.

Rulers Name:
A bit of world building here. The name can be anything from Jeff, to Flavius the 3rd. I don't care.

Capital: Craydon City
Where your government resides. If your Capital is captured or burned, expect moral problems, not to mention the fact that your government will be without a meeting place! Back up capitals are recommended.

Stability: 3/10
How stable is your country? How happy are your people? A low rating here, i.e. 3 out of 10 means a revolt, or even worse, a revolution is quite a possibility. This is sort of a warning for things such as that.

Army: 35 divisions
Fairly self-explanitory also. your normal army is composed of your most modern troops (i.e., if your in the Industrial Age, your divisions are riflemen). If needed, you can also recruit Militia, for free, but expect your stability to go down, depending on the situation. Over time, new units, within reason may be created, for money, by sending me information as to exactly what you want. I can tell you if it's doable or not.
1ASP = 5 Divisions
1ASP = Unique Unit Designs

Navy: 10 Coastal Ships, 6 Ships of the Line
With exploraration and trade being key elements of this NES, the navy is certainly an important section. First off; Coastal Ships are just that. Coastal ships, or ships not really sea worthy. While they are great at defending your coast, that's about it. Ships of the Line are the battle ships in any fleet, used for both offensive, and defensive purposes. Similar to Army designs, you can send in Naval designs if you so wish.
1ASP = 3 Coastal Ships
1ASP = 1 Ship of the Line
1ASP = Unique Unit Designs

Economy: 5/2/0 + 300 Merchant Marine
And now we get into the fun stuff. I tried to make the economy very simple, yet strategic. Let's take it one step at a time. The first 5/ you see, is your base, or the normal amount of ASP you get every turn. Craydonia's base is 5. The 2/, is how much ASP Craydonia has invested into it's economy. Investing in your economy is supposed to represent the building of ports, roads, etc.
It takes 3 ASP to raise your economy up. Craydonia has 2 out of 3 ASP invested, and as such, is one away from raising it's base to 6. The final 0 is loot/pillage bonus.

Hypothetically, if you were to raid an enemies trade lines, not only will they loose ASP, but you could gain some of it. If your armies were to sweep across farmlands, then you may gain money.

The Merchant Marine is quite the interesting idea I've had. The merchant marine represents the nations economy, through trade. Every one hundred ships can bring in 1 ASP. You can buy 50 more ships for 1ASP each. Now, hypothetically, if your nations MM was to be attacked, and you loose 75 out of your 300 ships, leaving you with 225, you only get an extra two that turn.

Age: Medieval Ages
Every age brings new tech, or at least tech capabilities, I.e Railroads, planes, etc.
The age changes with investing money to raise your Education level. Every age allows, and disallows certain things. For example, once you hit the industrial age, knights become old news, and thus obsolete. A nation in the Industrial Ages, versus one in the Medievel will certainly be a one side conflict. Entering a new age is something grandoise of course, and will definently give you a large edge over your opponents.

Eduacation: 20
The level of education your country has determines many things, among them your technology, and your current age. You can invest money into your Education, and you may see levels rise. For every level that rises, military or technological advances can be seen. For example, say at level 24, your soldiers can use muskets. At 25, they can then use rifled muskets, and thus have an advangtage, based off of your Education level.
When you send in orders, to research, if you include specifics, I may take that into account. I.e.

I would like to put 3 ASP towards Education, namely gunpowder
I would take that into account during battles or what have you. New advances, from flight to stream power comes at various intervals, and if you research specifics, they may come a bit early. It's ultimately up to you however.

One of the over riding themes of this NES is exploraration. Many areas of the map are blacked out, or cut off, and have many unclaimed territory, or even native factions. By exploring, your nation can learn more about the world, contact other 'unknown' factions, set up colonies, and of course, make money. In order to explore, a nation must spend ASP, and designate where they specifically wish to go. For example, a non-valid explore order would be

I would like to explore the West.

Compared to

I would like to spend 2 ASP to explore the unclaimed territories to my west. I'd rather my expedition stick to the coast, but head as far inland as money will allow. The goal is to find a good area to set up a colony. If a reasonable area is found, I'd like to build up thel and for 1ASP.

The more ASP you spend, the more fruitful your results will be. The more descriptive you are, chances are, the more likely you are to achieve your goal.

When native factions are 'found' they will become playable.

Civil Wars

If a nations people are unhappy enough, as in real life, a rebellion will occur. Of course, until they are recognized as a formal nation, it will stay, just that. A rebellion. If, however, the rebellion grows in size, or achives mass military victories, another nation may be interested in recognizing it's independance.
An example of this would be the French involvement in the American Revolution. Until Saratgoa, when the colonists could prove that victory in the war wasn't impossible, the French would not acknowledge their soveriegnty.
In this game, when a rebellion is recognized by one or two nations, it then become a playable nation, albeit at war. However, other nations may want to be a bit wary about doing this.. obviously, diplomatic relations could plummet, and even war could be declared.
THE FACTIONS (expect this list to grow)
The Empire of Craydon
Government: Imperial Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Craydon City
Stability: 2/10
Army: 55 divisions
Navy: 10 Coastal Ships, 8 Ships of the Line
Economy: 5/2/0 + 383 Merchant Marine
Age: Age of Exploration
Eduacation: 22
Description; History: Craydon, through the early history of the known world had been the Military, Cultural and Scientific center to the known world. However, with all that power came a lot of enemies, and a lot of internal strife. The Emperors had, for awhile focused more on the glory of the Empire, then the happiness on of the people. Just over a decade ago, a war was fought, between citizens on the Eastern expanses of the Empire, and the Government positioned strongly in the west. The result? The foundation of the Belz Republic, a weaker Craydonian Empire, and few if any allies left to rely on. The last Emperor, not learning from mistakes has done little to improve the life of the lower classes, and talks of revolt aren't exactly taboo any more.

The Republic of Belz
Government: Federal Republic
Rulers Name:
Capital: Zarupy
Stability: 4/10
Army: 20 Divisions
Navy: 8 Coastal Ships, 2 Ships of the Line
Economy: 3/0/0 +169 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 18
Description; History: Deep inside the seemingly endless Belz forests, lies the results of a revolution won. The Belz Republic, a new nation lies to the far East of the once great Craydonian Empire, their old rulers. The nation itself is considered by many to be temporary, before the true military might of Craydonia is brought down upon it. It's location makes it fairly secluded, and such, many leaders have been looking to secure alliances with other powers, such as the Onsam Kingdom. While talks are on going.. the young republic faces an uncertain future.

The Onsam Kingdom
Government: Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Nalsay
Stability 7/10
Army: 30 Divisions
Navy: 11 Coastal Ships, 6 Ships of the Line
Economy: 4/2/0 + 176 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 19
Description; History: The Onsam Kingdom, is viewed as many to be the true world power. While it is indeed weaker and poorer then their neighbors in Craydonia, the gap is closing fast. Many think the it is the Onsam Kingdom that will put the final nail in Craydonia's coffin. As such, tensions between the two countries are high. While Onsam's interests are apparently elsewhere, namely in colonizing the seemingly barren Steppe to it's West, many think it should take advantage of Craydonia's decadent position while it still can.

The Kingdom of Asham
Government: Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Fort Stalwarks
Stability: 7/10
Army: 25 Divisions
Navy: 16 Coastal Ships, 3 Ships of the Line
Economy: 4/2/0 + 200 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 18

Description; History: Truly an odd state, to say the least. It was founded a mere 100 or so years ago, by refugees and displaced peoples from the Esaya civil war, it's culture is an odd mix of Western Barbarian, and Eastern Civilizied. This of course, leaves them as a hardy people to say the least. The Ashami want very little to do with the East; and why should they, when they have a mass amount of un-explored territory and untold riches to their West. Of course, this seemingly blatant shun has not left Asham in the best terms with many of its neighbors. At the same time, many seem to be content with the 'sleeping giant' looking West-ward.

Government: Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Titon
Stability 5/10
Army: 24 Divisions
Navy: No coast.
Economy: 3/0/0
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 18

Description; History: A powerful state, land-locked in the center of the continent. While powerful, a bulk of it's forces must be commited to maintaining a steady, yet tense peace with their neighbors. The Great Esaya civil war tore the nation apart just 100 years ago. The king had been assasinated, and two sons came forward to claim the crown. What ended up happening is a clear split between citizens of the country, and, as of now both sides still claim to be the rightful heir to the throne. A new age is dawning however, and wether or not Esaya wishes to attempt to end the cold war through bloodshed, diplomacy, or if they even want to end it at all will soon become apparent.

East Esaya/bestrfcplayer
Government: Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: New Titon
Stability 6/10
Army: 35 Divisions
Navy: No coast.
Economy: 3/0/1
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 19

Description; History: A powerful state, land-locked in the center of the continent. While powerful, a bulk of it's forces must be commited to maintaining a steady, yet tense peace with their neighbors. The Great Esaya civil war tore the nation apart just a 100 years ago. The king had been assinated, an two sons came forward to claim the crown. What ended up happening is a clear split between citizens of the country, and, as of now both sides still claim to be the rightful heir to the throne. A new age is dawning however, and wether or not East Esaya wishes to attempt to end the cold war through bloodshed, diplomacy, or if they even want to end it at all will soon become apparent.

Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Rulers Name: Asonald Regur
Capital: Wydrew
Stability: 9/10
Army: 25 Divisions
Navy: 15 Coastal Ships; 11 Ships of the Line
Economy: 6/1/0 +667 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 17

Description; History: Ketmir and their neighbors Banfray have a love hate relationship that goes back centuries. It seems nowadays, however, that their relationship has taken a turn for the better. Ketmir itself is a moderately powerful kingdom situated on the Rocky, Mountanious Highlands of the Ketmir Peninsula, that was named after the Kingdom. The people are currently looking at a new and charismatic king, to lead them on a new and surely glorious journey, however, everyone seems to be at a relative loss as to where the nation is actually going. It has the capability of becoming a power, but, perhaps isolationism is its true calling.

Government: Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Tasore
Stability: 9/10
Army: 10 Divisions
Navy: 13 Coastal Ships; 7 Ships of the Line
Economy: 3/2/0 + 400 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 19

Description; History: Banfray is an old kingdom to say the least, predating Craydonia by at least a few hundred years. While they have had a rich history, a wave of relative boredom has swept over the countryside, while a generation of new Banfrey look towards a prestigous future. However, the current King has been serving for a good 50 some years, and things seem to be stuck in a rut. But, again, if thrust onto the world stage, wether through colonization or war, The people of the aging kingdom are ready.

Government: Monarchy
Rulers Name:
Capital: Port Anris
Stability: 8/10
Economy: 1/0/0 +50 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduactaion: 18
Description; History: Anris's history, while long, has been fairly uneventful. Save for the occasion skirmish on it's borders with the Yaseum Confederacy, and a few pirate raids, Anris's military remains untested. It's economy is primarily trade based, and as such, the people have done their best to upkeep a modern, strong naval influence in the world.

The Yaseum Federation/Charles Li
Government: Federation
Ruler Name:
Capital: Port Yaseum
Stability 10/10
Army: 23 Divisions, 3 Marine Divisions
Navy: 16 Coastal Sips; 9 Ships of the Line
Economy: 5/0/1 + 700 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Education: 20
Description; History: Originally a region made up of various waring sea faring states, more or less the ocean going equivelant to the situation in Abdol, the nations, for fear of foriegn invasion during the Esaya civil war, but aside their differences, and it has stuck, ever since. When they work as one, the true power of the Yaseum confederacy can be felt. But more often than not, this is not the case, as while a weak central government may make the people happy, it makes nations looking for a weak opponent even better. And, it seems as long as the government they have is in place, this will be the case.

Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name:
Capital: Tasck
Stability: 7/10
Army: 17 Divisions
Navy: 9 Coastal Ships; 6 Ships of the Line
Economy: 3/0/1 + 300 Merchant Marine
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 20
Description; History: Situated on the cold waters of the Bay of Randpol, no one is sure as to what to really make out of the wannabe Sea-Farer nation. While they have repulsed invasions from Craydonia on more than one occasion, their involvement in foreign affairs stops just at that. While they are viewed by many as the vanguard of the South Sea from pirates, it is a job they take lighly, often prefering to just pay the pirates off, instead of actually dealing with them.

Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Ruler Name: King Tlouiel II
Capital: Unya
Stability: 7/10
Army: 22 Divisions, 9 Militia
Navy: 1 Coastal Ship
Economy: 4/1/1 +57 Merchant Marines
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 16
Description; History: Creul would like to consider itself a minor empire, albeit, it's proximity to the once grand Craydonian Empire disallows that. It is, however, the true ruler, or rather, opressor to the various Abdol states. While of Abdol heritage itself, they people view the other Abdols as lesser people, and their treatment towards them reflects as such. The king of the Monarchy has been eyeing up the smaller states for some time, and now seems to be in enough of a powerful position to act on it.

The Kingdom of Pereb
Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name:
Capital: Pereb
Stability: 8/10
Army: 2 Divisions
Navy: No Coast.
Economy: 0/0/0
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation 15

Description; History: The smallest, and thus poorest of the Abdol states. Bordered to the North, by Craydonia, and to the South, Creul, its situation may seem hopeless to the on looker, but several political power moves has allowed the small state to pit the two giants against each other. The greatest hope of survival, it seems however, would be the recreation of the historic state of Abdol, something that has been proposed to its southern neighbors on more than one occasin.

The Kingdom of Elham
Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name
Capital: Pereb
Stability: 9/10
Army: 9 Divisions
Navy: No Coast
Economy: 1/0/0
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation 15
Description; History: One of the many states in the Abdol region, this Kingdom can claim to be one of the two stronger of the states, and thus a force to be reckoned with, if conflict comes to the region. While it too seems interested in recreating the once glorious nation, it's tensions with southern neighbor, The Kingdom of Soage, seem to be one of many road blocks, stalling it's creation.

The Kingdom of Soage
Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name
Capital: Soage
Stability: 9/10
Army: 2 Divisions
Navy: No Coast
Economy: 0/0/0
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 15
Description: Perhaps the second power of the Abdol states, after it's chief regional rival, Elham. While small, it has done its best to keep a modern army, and it's effect is showing. It has thus prevented a major conflict from stirring the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Yulida/commander gorma
Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name:
Capital: Yulida
Stability 8/10
Army: 18 Divisions
Navy: 1 Coastal Ships
Economy 3/0/1
Age: Medieval Ages
Eduacation: 16

Description; History: The State of Yulinda was founded by a old general in the Abdolian military. After the disolution of the state, he and the remnants of his army seized territory, and made a state. What resulted was generations of hardy warrior men. While their military isn't the strongest, the capabilities it has are un-told.

The Kingdom of Rakil
Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name:
Capital: Rakil
Stability: 8/10
Army: 13 Divisions
Navy: 2 Coastal Ships
Economy: 2/0/0
Age: Medieval Ages
Education: 16

Description; History: Many regard this small state as the true successor of the once great Abdol state, considering that the capital was at Rakil, and many people here don't consider the state dead, more over missing members. In fact, a majority of the Royal Court, is of direct lineage to the old state, and any hope in truly reviving it, can't happen without Rakillian support.

The Kingdom of Adsul
Government: Monarchy
Ruler Name:
Capital: Adsul
Stability: 5/10
Army: 16 Divisions
Navy: 1 Coastal Ship
Economy: 2/0/0
Education: 16

Description; History: The true successor of Abdol is debated however, namely by the Adsulers. While the kingdom, and political remnants lay in Rakil, the spirit, and 'citizens' remained in Adsul. With the influx of Creulians into the old Abdol territory, many of the xenophobic Adsullians refuse to even acknowledge it's common heritage with its neighbor states. This has driven some people over the edge however, resulting in a civil war, splitting the already small state into two even smaller nations.

The Irryn Republic/Omega124
Government: Republic
Ruler Name:
Capital: Irryn
Stability: 9/10
Army: 8 Divisions, The 3rd Cavalry
Navy: No coast.
Economy: 1/1/0
Education: 16

Description; History: The result of Adsul's over the edge nationalism. The people had fought a short and relatively bloodless war for the freedom, and won quite handidly. Why? Adsul's refusal to have such heretics in there land. And so, the Irryn Republic was born. The people are happy yes, but it's future is uncertain. With the rising tensions with Creul to the East, the concept of reuniting the old states to reform a new nation has spread throughout the lands, and the people are starting to see the possibilities of such an alliance. Until then, however, the young Republic must focus its attention on it's neighbors. Independance is something you must fight for, as it is.

The Oligarchy of the Northern Sea/Menanish
Government: Oligarchy
Ruler(s) Name(s):
Capital: Barbarossa
Stability: 6/10
Army: 4 Divisions
Navy: 20 Coastal Ships, 15 Ships of the Line
Economy: 2/0/0 +100 Merchant Marine
Education: 19

Description; History: Truly the oddballs of the known world. The Oligarchy is more or less a pirate state turned nation. What made this unholy union was a world wide effort to destory piracy. The various fleets met north, and decided their best route for survival was to become united. That was 200 years ago. Nowadays, it's a nation, struggling to escape its roots. Relations with neighbors are fairly sour, and why not? Most of the worlds remaining pirates seek refuge here when the going gets tough, and the Northern Sea authorities don't exactly refuse them. They do come from the same stock after all. What is left is a nation, unsure as to what to do. A new group of leaders has been elected, to represent the major families, and as to wether or not they wish to revert to their past, or attempt to become a 'respectable' nation.
Unit designs

Marines; used by, The Yaseum Confederacy
Mainly light swordsmen and crossbowmen, they fight better at the sea against their generic enemies than on land. But they can still use their superior knowlege of tactics on land as well. Good for assaults as they have less generic types. Also can capture ships.

Sea Spirites; used by, The Northern Sea Oligarchy
Imsdan's version of our real life modern junks. Fast moving, trade ships, but mostly used for exploration. Can take a beating, but should not be relied on in a battle.

The 3rd Cavalry; used by, The Irryn Republic
The heros of the Irryn Republic's military. Battle after battle, the 3rd Cavalry always stands strong and ready to fight. Its presence on the battlefield not only helps with morale, but they are some of the best warriors the young republic manages to field.

610-620 P.R.
-Abdol States invaded
-Anris becomes Ketmir's protectorate
-North Sea trading gets assualted by pirates

620-630 P.R.
-The Abdolian-Creulian War continues
-The North Sea Rebels fight Craydonia
Political Map of Imsdan(First turn)
Spoiler :

Geographic Map of Imsdan
Spoiler :

Light Brown- Slightly under the sea levels.
Green- Normal, hills, plains, etc.
Yellow- Mountainous/Higher Hills
Red- High Mountains
Brown- Peaks

Climate Map of Imsdan
Spoiler :

Light Green- Colder
Grey/Purple- Tundra
Yellow- Mediterranean
Reddish Brown- Highland Climate
You may now post! I'll be happy to answer any questions..

Orders in; This Saturday, and every Saturday after that.

I would appreciate more experienced players taking over factions such as Craydonia, or The Omsan Kingdom, please.

And a big thanks should go out to Imago, who really helped me through the creation process. Without him.. this probably wouldn't of been created.
oooo, nice. Banfray please!

the history of asham seems a bit off.
Ah, first player! Great. Banfray it is.

And, what do you mean?
Description; History: Truly an odd state, to say the least. It was founded a mere 100 or so years ago, by refugees and displaced peoples from the Esaya civil war, it's culture is an odd mix of Western Barbarian, and Western Civilizied. This of course, leaves them as a hardy people to say the least. The Ashami want very little to do with the West; and why should they, when they have a mass amount of un-explored territory and untold riches to their West. Of course, this seemingly blatant shun has not left Asham in the best terms with many of its neighbors. At the same time, many seem to be content with the 'sleeping giant' looking West-ward.

do i have other cities that i can set as a back-up capitol? (even if it costs money to do so)
Ah, thank you for catching that..

And yes. You have tons of cities, as for their names, and locations, thats your choice, unless you'd rather have me pick one for you.
I shall be interested in taking the Osnam Kingdom.
Thanks guys. Do you want me to reserve it for you, Germanicus? I'd love to have you aboard.
Go ahead and reserve it... I think it would be interesting to play.
Alright. When do you think you'll be able to take it over?
Any time... when INES II stops I will have plenty of time. :p
Alright.. well, the game has started haha. So make it soon, the more players the better.
Please make the title banner smaller!

Also, typos! they must begone!

I will definitly play :)
Ketmir plz.
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