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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus- Signup Thread


May 27, 2007
Introduction and Rules Shamelessly based off of the work of Frozen in Ice, sprig and many others that came before them.

Hello and welcome to MNotw VII . Please sign-up as long as you can be active enough to participate! If you are new to these types of games feel free to ask me any of the questions you might have. If you have any other questions or concerns contact me as well. Also I would recommend checking out the information thread. This game is set in the world of Fall From Heaven, specifically in Jubilee.

It started out like any other day. The fish swam gleefully through the floors and ceilings, and everyone carefully unstrapped themselves from their beds on the walls and prepared for another day in the service of Perpentach. As they went down to breakfast, no one could have predicted that this day would begin a sweeping change across the Balseraph Lands.

Rules, pretty standard, you probably don't need to read them if you've played in an Notw before.

Spoiler :
Day and Night Cycle

The game will be split between days that are 48 hours and nights that are either 24 or 48 hours, so as to keep days falling on the same days of the week. Specifically, Saturday night through Monday night will be day, Monday-Tuesday will be night, Tuesday-Thursday will be day, and Thursday-Saturday will be night. Execution and item voting will occur during the day, along with the normal public posting, where anything in character may be said. During the night, no public posting will be allowed. Private messaging can occur regardless of time of day. Some abilities can be used during day, some at night, or some both; check your character for specific details. Don't copy PMs sent by others, except to forward them to me. :DWarning, some item votes may occur solely in the first or second half of the day!

Unless otherwise noted, the current day or night will always end at 8:00 PM GMT-5. If I am unable to update at the normal time I will post so in the thread, which might cause the cycle to be extended.


Each player may place an execution vote during the day to determine who is executed at the end of that day. That vote can be freely changed as much as the player wishes until the end of the day. Alternatively, a player could cast a support vote instead of the normal execution vote. Any player can support any other player, including themselves. A support vote will reduce the execution vote total for that player.

Also, each day the players will be notified if there any items up for vote. If there are, each player may vote for each item that is up for vote. Item votes work much the same as execution votes except the person with the most votes at the end of the day receives the item. There is no equivalent to support votes for the item vote.
Please try to keep all execution votes in character.

Items may be given either publically or privately by PMing me.

What's different from usual!
There are no factions! Everyone has an objective. Some people's objectives may be the same, some may be mutually exclusive. Unless otherwise stated, survival is a part of your objective. Therefore an Opening PM will include the following.

Player: The name of the Player
Character: Your public identity
Objective: What you're trying to accomplish. Some objectives are game-ending, others are not.
Strength: Your base strength. Items and abilities may change this
Item: Any items you have.
Ability: Any abilities you have.
And some back story/explanation of objective.

I may add more to the Intro later.

Signup: 14/18
1. Diamondeye
2. Renata
4.Winston Hughes
5. sprig
6. nictel
7. civplayah
8. choxorn
9. CCRunner
11. TheWesley
13. Seon
14. Methos
In the court of the mad king,
A bard is starting to sing,
A tale of eighteen fates,
Locked inside Jubilee's gates,
Each struggling for the win,
And all they said was "In"
You need to give me one of those roles that doesn't have survival as an objective, then maybe I have a chance. :)

whaaaa, how can I say no? Put me in the 18th spot.

Hosting MK is killing me and its only the first day. (which by the way you all should be lurking in a jelous rage that you did not sign up in time :p )

I've been thinking of this, a game without factions, curious of how this will go. In.
In, cause I keep dying in every game I've signed up for recently. :p
In the court of the mad king,
A bard is starting to sing,
A tale of eighteen fates,
Locked inside Jubilee's gates,
Each struggling for the win,
And all they said was "In"

Yet all agreed on one single thing
In service to their mad old king
The one known as CCRunner
could do naught but make this game much funner.
For the innage
I art in!
Only 4 to go! I will take reserves. If I get those four, I will try to have PMs and game thread up by Saturday night, about 8 pm (GMT-5).
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